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Everything posted by mercer09

  1. they were sold out a couple of months back. the technology for 58k is nothing short of amazing. try and buy a ferrari or porsche for that.
  2. Matt, you do realize that farmers have been subsidized for the last 100 years???????? this is nothing new. When I attended K state, 58 bushels of wheat could be pulled from an acre of land. today that number is over 200 bushels from the same acre. Farmers will always be going out of business, as long as their is Monsanto and super breeding. nothing to do with tariffs that have existed for a year. do you homework.
  3. Powermatic woodworking machinery is up significantly due to the tariff. and how many on this board must have these tools? I am fine with a router and chisels.
  4. was one on the bay..............................
  5. Drove my K car up there 7 years ago.............came out of a restaurant and some Frenchies were laughing at it. My son said- hey its paid for. then there was silence................. if you enjoy taxes, go to Canada and order a dinner. you will be surprised............. not in a good way.
  6. Randy, doubt his children perpetuated the estate very far. 15 mill is easily spent when paying taxes on all of those magnificent properties.
  7. jOHN, SURE THERE IS- IT BE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Bob, was just being rhetorical. I got it. some of us are interested though. My son had a Delorean and I find the whole story fascinating, though Im no fan of baldwin.
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