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Everything posted by mercer09

  1. we can all wait Bob- your point?
  2. valid questions................... I find CL to be lots of scams, but I do advertise on there anyway. sometimes you get lucky. good point on ebay. they tell you you can relist for free with a deadbeat buyer, but then they double charge you. they are bastards..............but- every time I list a few cars, I do tend to sell one or two. they are far from fault and how they handle their site, but the exposure is superior to the other sites. I just sold a model a chassis and parts on ebay. the buyer saw it on cl, but decided to bid on ebay at the last minute. I dont know why, but thats how it went down. He came and paid me a few days later. so a combination of listings made that sale. I have also listed here and find it useless and Ford Barn and HAMB. In the end, I think the multiply exposure doesnt hurt and expectations should be low, so then there are no disappointments. ebays costs are high, but I only list cars. Long done with selling parts where they nickel and dime you to death.
  3. I hope in the long run, this was a good move. only time will tell.
  4. thought it was a good movie. saw it last Tuesday with my son. to most on here, think they would enjoy it. as to my wife, think she might find it boring. Its a car guys movie. Damon did a good job of Shelby and yes, Ken Miles was the star of the show. to the average movie goer- the movie is alright. not an academy award winner- but fun just the same! also mentioning there is a movie now out on Delorean and the gov cornering him. might want to take a look into that as well- looks like it has a decent rating.
  5. many sporty cars had them late 20s early thirties. Kissel Marmon etc. also pop with hotrod crowd.
  6. Ill take all you can get. Glad that Ed has such a scrap pile. when can I visit Ed? value in that condition is 3k. unrestored they go for 1500-1800.
  7. Staver, is that car not up in NY? remembering seeing it at KP car show.............
  8. I am with Mercer 09. I guess we will have to fight for it unless there are two available. I know someone local who has many- if only our check books were large enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Report post Posted 13 hours ago I'm a person of simple tastes. Give me a 1931 Model A 2 Door Phaeton and I would die with a grin on my face! 1 Steve_Mack_CT reacted to this nice running one on ebay last month- didnt sell and you can have it for 17k, which is an absolute steal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was considering it and just let it go. down in FL pm for contact if interested.
  10. yeah volumes................. most of us are broke...............................................lol!
  11. THOUGH NOT WHAT YOU ASKED FOR- YOUR FRIEND WOULD BE MILES AND MILES AHEAD WITH THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. John, how would one ever compare the beautiful car youve shown to what I presented? dont see a pric on your car, but fully doubt its 19k or best..............
  13. I do. Looking at 350. rdz69@aol.com
  14. One could say it's no different than us old car guys congregating, except usually the cars are all different and we a converging to appreciate the difference in them as well as learn about the differences and not compare how all of them are the exactly the same except color. I hear musk is starting something called "cars and coffee" for tesla owners.................................
  15. I was illustrating how people spending a 'couple times over average' new car price seemingly still 'need' to charge for free. think its more of a "hey look at me"
  16. HAD INSPECTOR COME HERE FOR 39 FORD PANEL- HE KNEW NOTHING. HE WAS ASKING ME FOR INFO, BECAUSE OF HIS LACK OF INFO. IN THE END, WAS ONLY A PLOY BY THE BUYER TO GET IT FOR LESS. TOLD BUYER HE WASTED HIS MONEY. YES, SMOKE WAS COMING FROM THE PHONE LINE............ same happens in house inspections- people pay 350 and expect to save 40k on the purchase price. ask for a 100 photos if not flying in.
  17. Yeah they could skip the US and go to Mexico, but from what I have heard lately, the water is the least of your concerns down there. I went last Feb- was OK, but wont be going back. hit six banks and only one would accept the American dollar. as I was standing in line, asked for exchange rate........... teller gave it to me and then dropped it slightly. I said, hurry up and cash my money before it goes to zero! Mexican fella next to me laughed his arse off! theyre general attitude was pissed....... nobody likes freebies taken away! Let's support America and stop with all of the foreign handouts.
  18. nice car. nice price. where are you located?
  19. The more money a business owner spends on a vehicle, the more they can deduct. deductions are vastly over rated. Ild rather keep the cash in my pocket. Uncle Sam changes the programs yearly besides..........................
  20. My 31 Pierce has seat covers over an alright interior. The exterior was painted a gaudy bright blue in the 70s and looks like a circus, but the whole drive train was thoroughly gone through and rebuilt, so I think I made a score. Maybe one day I will repaint it, but I doubt it. I enjoy it for what it is....... and the price was right- to me.
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