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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. You guys are really great, once again I am printing off all of the info that you all have supplied and taking it to my tranny guy. Lets see what he comes up. I will keep everybody posted as to what I find out. I also have found some interesting reading on the web at Bowtie overdrives/TV made EZ the article addreses Throttle Valve Cable system 101. It is more that I understand but a good tranny guy will surely understand it. Any way thanks so much I appreciate everybodies effort to help me solve my problems Chuck Kerls
  2. Jayson its the same ol thing. I had it rebuilt and it seemed to be working fine, I put on a couple of hundred miles and now it is shifting ok from 1st to 2nd then each shift after that is a studder shift. The down shift is lousy and it is in lock up and out of lock up and acts like a miss in the motor. I tuned the motor to see if that would make a difference and it did not. I am convinced that it is in the Throttle Valve somewhere. If this keeps up I will try to find a new tranny and see if that makes a difference but I am tired of throwing money at it and getting nowhere. The car only has less than 60000 miles and is in good shape except the trany. I just cant trust it to put it on the road. So ??????? I know we have talked about this before, so I keep trying in hopes the problem can be resolved. Thanks Chuck
  3. Jayson I thought that I had my issues solved, but no still some issues. I am to the point of selling the car, It just consumes my time. I thought it was going to be ok but I had the car up in Ames and it just is not correct. Oh well I will keep trying
  4. Booreatta


    Who knows the model of the transmission that GM put in the 84 Riviera. I have had mine rebuilt and I still have a few issues. I want to trouble shoot it myself but I need to know what the model number is. Thanks
  5. email Jim he checks his mail several times a day even when he is on the road. His email is jfinn@cpinternet.com or you can reach Ed by email at Reattaclub@aol.com Sounds like a fun time Chuck
  6. Has anyone ever checked their insurance coverage to see if it covers flood. I didnt see anything in my Grundy policy and I am going to contact them to see if we actually have coverage. It could happen again and I would like to know Every should check with their company. Any body know Chuck
  7. Has any one looked at their insurance policy to see if they have coverage for flood. I looked at my policy from Grundy and It does not say anything about flood. I dont know if I am covered in a flood event at a meet. I will check further tomarrow but there may be some issues. Has anyone checked this out? I would think it could happen again...Wow Chuck
  8. Rick did you have an flooding in Jewell? have not heard but I hope not Chuck
  9. Lets hope that the restoration goes quickly. it is a great little town. I guess the list of safety equipment for a national should include life jackets in addition to a fire extinguisher. Chuck
  10. This is terrible, what a mess and with school starting in a week or so. It looks like we had the show at the right time. Now is the time to change the the safety check items to include fire ext, and life jackets. Look for it on your next judging form Lets hope Ames recovers quickly, it is a super nice town Chuck
  11. Can you advise is this sign still for sale? Thanks CHuck Kerls
  12. I agree Friday is the way to go. Leaves more time for other things that are planned in the area. Get the judging out of the way, and I am sure that the folks do the number crunching will have more time and will be more relaxing for them. Less stress
  13. Booreatta

    Crack Attack

    I had this happen on my coupe many years ago and was told by the guy that did my headliner that it is from the cowl shake even on the coupe. I had it repaired and you could not tell it from new. The guy that did it said it was real brilttle and he had to be very carefull. Talk to one of the parts guys in newsletter as I think there are some hidden screws at the vents that are hard to get to. Some body chime in her who has done the work. Good luck
  14. I couldnt agree more. Barney has always been there for the Reatta Division and is held in high esteem. Nancy on the other hand is really the one that keeps him in line. She continues to have a big job and is a super nice person. I know they will stay very active in the future. Thanks Barney and Nancy Chuck and Kathy Kerls
  15. Thanks Barney I work hard to be a trouble maker, It is for entertainment value only.
  16. The trip to Jewell will be hard to beat in the future. I heard lots of people still talking about it on Sunday morning when we left for home. If you could not attend you really missed a good one. All I can say is Thanks Rick and Bill for a job well done. The open car show was a great idea also and needs to be continued. The people of Jewell are a class bunch and everybody felt at home. Ricks wife Janet did a great job keeping Rick on task, she might have had the hardest job of all. By the way did anybody see a Reatta in Jewell? There were 39 of them. The Reatta Division says thanks for all you did for our Division Chuck Kerls
  17. And what a party it was. I think the unoffical count at Jewell was 39 Reattas in every color. The line of cars was about 4 miles long by our best est. All of the Reatta club had a good time. The rendezvous got to Jewell from Ames and we had front and center parking. One comment was made to me that it looked like Jewell was the Reatta used car center of the country. We had lots of new members and were presented a plaque from Rick Young and the BCA for winning the membership contest. Rick and Bill did an outstanding job at this years national and if you did not attend you missed a good one. Save your money and make a plan to attend the 2011 national in Mass next year. The Reattas need to make a good showing in Boston over the 4 th of July. Boston has one of the best celebrations in the country. I hope everybody made it home safely. Boy is it hot in Wichita, Kansas.......Now I need to take a nam Chuck
  18. Photo shop can work wonders......lol
  19. We made Ames in the middle of the afternoon and a very pleasant day. The Best Western motel is very nice and a lot of Reatta people are already here. Will check in at Registration in the morning. I would caution anyone going to stay at Best Western don't put 2500 University in your GPS unless you have up dated it recently as that address in not. The CORRECT ADDRESS IN 2500 Elwood. Your GPS will take you to the wrong place. You can watch the signs placed by the BCA and they are also correct. The BCA has done a great job at marking the directions. Tomorrow we will cruise to Jewell to get the route down for the Rendezvous on Friday, It looks like it will be a lot of fun Thats all for tonite. Drive carefully and we will see ya in Ames Chuck
  20. I agree it does sound like a failing accumulator, however take the brake test located at Reatta.net. It is easy to do and will give you a wealth of information. Do it before you drive much more as it is a possible safety issue
  21. And to think that the power of advertising that a VW bug will float. I have the answer to that question as I tried it with my girlfriends new 63 bug. The outcome was not pretty. She was no longer my girlfriend either. Oh such is life, and that was a good VW too
  22. Any reports on the roads from Wichita on North. Best route as I see it is North to Topeka to KC then North on 35 to Ames. anybody have a better route? Wont be leaving Wichita till 8am Tuesday Morning. Chuck
  23. Oh Sure get me in the ol hot water tank......Oh well I have been there before
  24. Oh Stan I was told by Jim Finn that my car would have a REATTA hood ornament on the front and nobody would even notice......And we all know that Jim Finn is always right. Too darn bad you cant make it this year you will miss a good one Chuck
  25. Just Wait till Friday evening July30, In Ames Iowa. You will see about 36 Reattas heading for Jewell from Ames, Iowa about 5:00. Probably some of every color I hope. Heading to the dinner and dance as part of the BCA National meet. Should be a good looking site to watch
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