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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. Hey Hey Steve you have a cool car and it looks like you plan to enjoy it. You are right about the Buick Bugle I think that is the best club mag that I get and I get the Falcon, Mustang and the Reatta Newsletter an have taken the Riviera Mag. They are all good but the Bugle is head and shoulder above the rest. Could be that Pete Phillips has a high degree of pride in his work. Make sure you visit the Reatta bunch at the National in Ames, We are campaining to win the membership contest for the cook out Chuck Kerls
  2. Ok guys I am going to take the higher road. The BCA and the Reatta Division is about people, and has very little to do with cars. There is no reason that you need to have your car judged if you don't want to. Why does this subject keep being kicked around. I give up. If you don't want and don't like the 400 point system, show your car in the display like some members do. There is also the modified division and there are a lot of great cars shown there. We are not a bunch of guys that buy cars from the big auction houses but a bunch of guy who like 2 things.1 The Reatta is a great little car and 2 there are a bunch of great guys in the club that enjoy getting together and having a few beers and a few laughs. The fact that some people don't have the money or what ever is just a crutch and a reason to not join or criticize those of us who spend hours making a difference in our club. Regardless if you are a member or not, it doesn't give you the right to put the club down. There is nothing to prevent anybody from having a good time except yourselves. The bottom line, the Reatta club is a fun club and will continue to grow with or with out our critics. For all who want to join now is the time. For all who don't want to join there is nothing to be said or done My only reason for making my first post is to let the members know that we want and will win the contest for membership and make the BCA President cook us lunch. For the life of me I dont know how the 400 point system got involved in winning a contest. Lets all take the higher road, and respect each other. I cant say that I agree with everyone here but I do respect you. I know lots of people that spend their own time and money making life a little more enjoyable Again its about people and its only a car...... Thanks Chuck Kerls Booreatta@cox.net,
  3. Ok ladies and gentlemen the bell is ringing. The chapter or Division that signs the most new members by March 1st is the winner of the contest for the Nationals cookout. I know that a lot of people are not a member of the BCA on this forum, but the Reatta Division needs to lead the way. We have come a long way and at the last count we have 20 something new members. If you have any plans to join the BCA I would DO IT NOW. We are one of the stongest division and we need to prove it. Please sign up now and plan to attend the National in Ames, It will be a great time. Remember it is not the cars as much as it is the people in the BCA that will keep it growing. Think Spring :confused:Chuck
  4. It is with deep sorrow that the Board of Directors of the Reatta Club announce the passing of Nancy and Barney Eaton's daughter - Erin. Erin lost her battle with cancer yesterday, February 14, 2010. Please join with us and express your sympathies to Nancy and Barney during this time of their loss. Cards and letters can be sent to the Eatons Barney and Nancy Eaton 20111 Deerfield Drive Georgetown, Texas 78628
  5. It is with deep sorrow that the Board of Directors of the Reatta Club announce the passing of Nancy and Barney Eatons daughter Erin. Erin lost her battle with cancer yesterday February 14, 2010. Please join with us and express your sympathies to Nancy and Barney during this time of their loss. Cards and letters can be sent to the Eatons Barney and Nancy 20111 Deerfield Drive Georgetown, Texas 78628
  6. Anyone on the forum have a grey coupe going south on K15 Hiway just south of Wichita Kansas around 5:15 p.m, today just south of Wichtia. I was going the other so I dont have any more infomation.
  7. wow good luck with one I have not seen one for sale in several years. There was one vendor at the Seattle National that had one but it was with out a stand. That was the last place that I have seen one, maybe if he still has it and is going to the National at Ames it might be the best place to check. I think he was asking around $500.00 with out the stand. I would bet he got his asking price Good Luck they are a neat thing to have
  8. It sure looks like a select 60 but the only way to tell for sure would be the vin number. I believe all of the select 60 cars have been identified. Looks like a nice car at least up top
  9. Have not seen these also wonder where they have been hiding thanks for posting
  10. I went by the car lot this am and the car was not there, the little guy in the office said that the car was out for a day or 2 and maybe sold. I was told that I needed to check back on Saturday. That is what I will do.
  11. I will get by and look at the car tomarrow
  12. Ed I will swing by and take a look at that car. If anyone wants any info let me know. I will get by there the next couple of days
  13. two things 1 I live in Wichita and can you tell me where the car is located, I would like to take a look at it 2 Shift kit? I have been very unhappy with the shifting on my 84. I have had it worked on several time and each time it get a bit better but never good. The car shifts great, but it seems to shift to early and then falls on its face, I have to manualy down shift it. Does not make very good driving experience. I have had the cable adjusted and a spring Kit added. You guys seem to have a lot of info on this tranny, any new ideas would be appreciated. I want to drive it to Iowa but I just dont trust it yet. The car has less than 60K miles
  14. there is a new on posted on ebay number is 400098471689 it is not cheap but it might be your best bet.
  15. On July 7, 2009 the Buick Reatta Club reserved a block of 30 rooms for the Ames National at the Best Western University Park. Phone 515-296-2500 It is human nature to put off till the 11th hour and as of tonight our club owners have only booked 10 rooms leaving 20 still available. As we get closer to July these rooms will go quickly, and I would suggest that now is the time to make your arrangments. Rates run from $105.00 to $115.00 Who I planning on going, I am signed up Chuck
  16. I purchased one from a company called www.keylessride.com Works fine
  17. I finally got around to work on the bumper fillers on my 84 vert and to tell the truth I was worried about the fit and finish. The Rears were the hardest part but the front seemed to be a easy project. I used the hard plastic (fiberglas) and while there are a lot of issues with the fit, everything finally went together very well and the car looks much better. I can say that I am glad it is done and I dont want to do it again. The bumpers are heavier that I thought that they would be but its done.
  18. The club has secured some rooms at the Best Western University Park. 515-295-2500 You will need to mention the Buick Reatta Club for the rate. I dont know how many rooms are left.
  19. Yes this has been done. The car is/ was owned by David Branchfield and there is a photo of the car in the December 08 edition of the Buick Bugle on page 28 Merry Christmas
  20. Have you looked at the 88 red/tan on ebay 170418298014 looks like a good car from Tenn and has 11 people bidding the bid is $2,025. with 19 hours left. Might be a good buy if someone was looking for one
  21. Booreatta


    Dave in case you dont have a copy of the old car Price Guide here is the values that they list for a 1989 Coupe. I will assume that your car is in number 3 condition much simular to mine the value is listed at $6750.00, number 2 condition $10,500. This is what I would try to hold the insurance company to if they try to total you car. I am not a big fan of insurance companys and their methods. They need to look a replacement cost to settle with you. Hold out and you will win, they relay on the fact that you need a car, but make them rent you one till they can see things your way. Good luck Chuck
  22. Phil that is pretty cool. Ronnie needs to put this on his website for the future. I cant help but wonder where the little Reatta is today. Would be interesting to find it Chuck
  23. Great job Bob, now that you have Lynn as a good contact ask her about that Pewter Model. I would bet that she might have some information. Her memory of the name is great. Thanks Chuck Kerls Booreatta
  24. Booreatta

    Rear Window

    sent you a pm Chuck
  25. I am currently working on my 2nd 66 stang and from what I see in the photos, I would say that the car is rebuildable but plan to sink 15,000 in the process if you could do most of the work yourself. Good luck and you will have one fun car. Nothing like a Mustang to have a good time with.
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