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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. In Kansas the vehicle must be at least 35 years old
  2. Lisa who knows why these items continue to grow in value but they do I don't think the order that I listed them in has anything to do with the rarity of the item. The portfolio is still fairly common but getting a complete one is getting harder. The Red plasitc Reatta model is still very common and it pops up from time to time on ebay. The Reatta Dealer sign seems to show up every year or so and I think that it will continue to inflate although I think that $1300.00 may be at the top of its value but who knows if someone wants one bad enough and have the money then it can only go higher. The Pewter model has continued to increase in value, no body has been able to find out much about it but I have not seen one for sale for the last couple of years, but keep watching one will show up one of these days and it will sell for big bucks. The s60 hood emblem is also very rare and I have only seen 3 for sale in the last 6 or 7 years. The last one came up just this past week and it was damaged, the sunburst appeared to be broken on the bottom half so it would be hard to say what it was worth. Nothing to me. As with anything else some one out there has one of more of these items and will sell them from time to time, so stay tuned Chuck Kerls
  3. Booreatta

    TOTO Indiana

    Just follow the yellow brick road.........sorry had to do it
  4. It looks like that the most sought after items that everyone is looking for is the same year after year. 1. The big Reatta sign 2. The pewter Reatta on a base 3. The complete portfolio with all of the stuff 4. Select 60 hood emblem from 1988 5. Plastic Red Reatta model (pretty common at the present time)get one while you can There are a few other items from time to time surface,but if you don't have these items, good luck most are hard to find
  5. Well this is the last day of the contest for Nationals and if you were going to join the BCA and the Reatta Division when you got around to it, we you have to use your Round TUIT by midnight tonight Regards Chuck Kerls
  6. Booreatta


    I saw that item on ebay and it looked like the damage was severe. I would be curious to see if he sold it or trashed it. I don't know if it could have been repaired or not. Those s60 for 88 are rare and it was the first one I have seen for sale in the last few years. I would like to have one but not damaged, to me that one was worthless.
  7. Back in the 1970s there was an airhorn that had disks to change out to change tunes. The were 6 plastic horns with a compressor. I am mostly looking for some disks. If anyone out there have any information please let me know. Thanks Chuck Kerls
  8. I am looking for the disks that were used for an air horn. Jubil-aire made the horn and there were disks that went in the compressor and change the tunes being played. These horns were common in the 70s. Any body have any suggestions Thanks
  9. Go back up top to the black header and click on user cp. You can change your signature there under edit Good Luck
  10. Bob I turned down a grand last summer, should have taken it I guess with the state of our economy. Have not seen one for sale in a long time. I guess everybody wants to hang on to them Chuck
  11. Rick, Steve is 100% correct the sunroof does limit headroom some what but there should be plenty of cars for you sit in at Ames, our guys dont mind, Reattas are made for sittin
  12. Roy good to hear from you are you going to Ames? should be a good time. How far is Ames from where you live in Ill. Chuck
  13. when I was your age a long time ago I used to find girlfriends that had new cars and they had money so I could afford to date them. You could learn a lot from your elders. Just kidding
  14. Heck no Rick everybody need to know where to park Friday Night GOT FOOD Chuck Kerls Booreatta@cox.net
  15. Ronnie no body wants you to leave, I will invite you to join the club also, your knowledge about the car and the computer make you a value added source for those members who do not have a computer and do not reap the benefits of the forum. While we are all able to air our issues those folks who don't have the means are left without. It would be a good addition to our newsletter quarterly. Barney and Don always do a Tech article and we can always use some more insight. I am not trying to recruit just would welcome you if you chose to join for the good of the little car we all fight over Thanks Chuck Kerls booreatta@cox.net
  16. Steve I can see that Jim beat me to the punch but welcome to the club. When I joined the club I also wanted to make a difference and I don't know that I have made a difference but I have made a bunch of new friends and a few enemies. The continued growth of the club is one of my missions in life and I appreciate everybody on this forum. I just wish everybody could come to Ames and have dinner with us. Its a small thing but a very fun thing to do. I guess that we wont know till the April Bugle to see if we won or not but we have fought the good fight
  17. The smart car is cute looking but between 2 trucks is not the place to be
  18. The cost of joining the Reatta Division of the BCA is $10.00 but you must be a member of the BCA in order to join the Reatta Division and the cost of the BCA membership is $50.00 per year. The advantages are many and I would be happy to discuss them with you if you want to give me a call at 316-655-1099. or send me your phone number and I can call you. The Buick Club of America and the Reatta Division has a National meet scheduled for the end of July in Ames Iowa and it will be a good time. Thanks for asking Chuck Kerls
  19. Ronnie you simply crack me up, I am surprised at your behaviour. I have respect for you for your technical knowledge and your computer skills, but your interpersonal skill need work. I am not mad, never was, I just want the club to be the best we can make it. You don't have to join, but you don't have to trash us either. I told you I would take the high road and I will not make any negative comments in spite of your badgering. You can only lose your credibility I wont say anything bad about you or anyone else on this forum, but let me be clear. No body has ever been paid for anything and never will be. My offer to Steve was to invite him to the club based on his statement that if he were included he would join, I wanted to see if he would join, he declined and that's fine. Never was Club money offered, it was my personal money and I don't find it any of your business how I elect to spend my money. My goal has been and always will be to further the interest of the Reatta Division and if you don't want to participate that fine lots of folks out there do. And if we win the contest great, it only means our members care and have pride in our club. I am sorry you have to turn a simple contest into something that seems sinister but that's life Wishing you a good night Chuck Kerls
  20. Jim Ed has complied a list of new members who were not part of the BCA and are new members with Reattas. These names are being checked to make sure that they are simply not renewing BCA memberships and that they are really new. If we have any new BCA members here that own a Reatta or just want to join the Reatta Club and don't have a Reatta you are welcome. You don't have to own a Reatta to be a member of the Reatta Club. On your application to the BCA please note that you are being sponsored by the Reatta Division and we will get credit. We only have 9 days left so lets get it done Thanks really looking forward to Iowa, its great country, clean fresh air and no traffic or gridlock. By the way if anyone belongs to a local car-club make sure that they know there is an open car show on Saturday the 31st. See ya in Ames Chuck Kerls
  21. Thanks for the invite, I will pass that along to the Marauders club. Some of them may make the trip. It is about 430 miles from here in Wichita but you never know. They are a wild bunch and I am not sure Iowa could handle many of them. I can only imagine all that wild carrying on in the corn field. You should see what they do in wheat fields. Any way we are going to continue to push for the win.....The contest ends March 1st and that is only 9 days away and we still have work to do See ya in Ames Chuck
  22. Lets refocus this thread, I has been lively. Once again I will state that NOW is the time for all Reatta Owners to join the club, and the BCA. Set aside all of the benefits of belonging and all of the critics, the goal of this thread was and is to WIN THE CONTEST AND GET FOOD. Come on its not that hard. We all eat and we all want to win, lets put the high horses away and get on with winning. I stand 100% behind the BCA, the Reatta Division and all of its members, but now its not about cars, its about food and winning, any arguments now? As of now is appears that we have 27 new members and we are in the process of verifying that number. I want to appreciate everybody who participates in this forum. How does the saying go GOT FOOD OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT Chuck And Bill I have a Mustang. The Ford guys don't want it in BFE,,,,way too much rust, In Kansas we call it patina.
  23. wws944 I sent you a PM. Welcome to the Reatta Club.
  24. Steve I respect your comments but I take issue with some of them. First let me address Why Ames Iowa? They submitted a bid to the BCA board and were accepted for this years national. The Reatta club has nothing to do with that. You can do the same thing in your state if you want to submit a bid for a national then I am sure that some one could say Why California? AND THE BEAT GOES ON. Your comment that you wont join an organization where the "so called officals exploit their position in the club and forum for personal gain.....Where does this come from. As the director of the Reatta Division which is an elected position is open every year for re-election and is again open this year, can I put your name in as a candidate? I will gladly step aside. I have never advertised product or parts for sale on a daily basis for profit or anything else. I have from time to time sold something that I have had and no longer have a need for, but as you said and I quote" ANY BODY LOOKING FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CAR OR PARTS, FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME. RUST FREE CARS HERE." I personally think that this is a good service but you are exploiting the forum for personal gain daily You made a comment that Mike has said that the club is not growing, that simply is not the case. The Reatta division is the fastest growing division in the BCA and I guess the numbers will have to stand on their own. The comment about the Polo Green convertible is this. I think it is only a car, if the person driving it is a nice person then it wont matter if it is green or not. I take exception to your comment about closed minded people have created an atmosphere of exclusion. I am retired and on a fixed income but I would like to include you in our club. I am personally inviting you and your family to join the BCA and the Reatta Division and I will write a check to Ed Farnell who is the Treasurer of the Reatta club for your first year membereship, which is $60.00 and we will meet in Ames Iowa. I am not going to make any more comments about this subject, and I hope that you underestand I have no personal agenda and I hope you live up to your word and join. The ball in in your court. I can be reached by email or phone at 316-655-1099 Chuck Kerls Reatta Division Director By the way I have done business with Mike and will continue to do so when I need something.
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