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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Leigh, the Standard Catalog of American Cars may be a great reference, however, I must echo Steve's post that the AACA Library & Research Center is the best resource for "actual research". Click on the "AACA Library" on the main page. The club retains thousands of original manuals and literature to provide indepth facts. This being the AACA Forum, it should be forefront in refering anyone to the vast resources available. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  2. I'll be there, Dawn...looks like a great venue. Peter J. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  3. I can attest from first hand experience. Years ago going to Winchester Nationals, I covered the car with a blanket. What I got was very fine hairline scratches from the fibres moving around. They could be rubbed out, but... Same with an enclosed trailer, you will get vibration that could cause the car cover to move around. Regards, Peter J.
  4. I agree with Terry's suggestion to contact the Library & Research Center first. They could possibly provide a lot more research material coming from our huge collection of original material. As this is the AACA web site, my opinion is we should promote the AACA's services first. Pint4...At the AACA Library, you can actually speak with people if necessitated. We retain a full-time staff of highly qualified personnel. Just my opinion. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  5. Hello, Wardy... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Thought you would enventually chime in here. Hope all is well. Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  6. Hi, Steve...received it in Reading, PA today. "Getting better with every issue...thanks". Peter... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  7. Dusty Dawg...Welcome to the AACA Forum. As you become accustom to this site, you will notice the AACA Library icon on the main page. The Library retains a highly respected collection of original material for vehicle research. "You will more than likely receive responses to try many web sites other than the AACA Library & Research Center. Even AACA members could possibly post non-AACA sites. The big difference is the Library will actually research for "factual data", of which, copies of the original material will be sent to you." Of note, we retain a staff that researches for you. Click on the "Library" and there is a self explanatory Research Form. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  8. Vern...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Please take some time to navigate the AACA web site. Of note, on the Home Page, you will see the AACA Library. Within it is a self explanatory "Request Form". The Library retains a highly respected wealth of old vehicle "research" material. Select what you want researched and copies can be sent. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  9. Randy, it is working fine. Please let us know what is causing a problem on your end and we'll help you out. Regards, Peter J.
  10. RocketDude... Please venture into the "Search" icon within the header...It is one of many services this Web Site offers. Therein, you will find a wealth of knowledge on many subjects that had been posted by people over the years, and, remain at your service. Go to Search... Key in a "search word", such as, "Parts Cleaning". Under time frame: --Older than 3 weeks, newer than, say, 6 years. --Key in: Submit. Play with the "Search" function. If serious about "factual automotive research", go to the AACA Library on the home page. The L&RC will avoid conjecture and generate historical "facts". Mind boggling what this club retains. Give it a try... Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  11. That's the spirit! Molding parts is a lot of fun. (Not urethane related, however...) Years ago, we heard wind of the lost foam process of molding cast iron parts. One day, I took an empty styrofoam coffee cup to a very experienced manual molder. During his lunch break, he packed sand around and in the cup, cut a sprue, used wire to add vents. (I told him to add quite a few vents to allow the more-than-usual gasses to vent.) Well, we poured the mold. Looked like a broken gas main when it vented. We wound up with a perfect cast iron coffee cup. (As the iron flowed, it melted the syrofoam, naturally, and wella. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  12. Andrea...Welcome to the AACA Forum. On the home page, you will see "Library". Click on it and there is a "request form" with instructions. The AACA Library retains a wealth of antique vehicle literature. We cannot provide a "value" of your Dodge, however, will research our archives for historical information. I highly recommend that you join the AACA. Please note on the top of the home page: "Become a Member". Our highly acclaimed "Antique Automobile Magazine" alone is well worth the nominal membership fee. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  13. John...your photos are "attached" at the top and look good. In the future, so they download quickly, re-size them to the lowest resolution. Regards, Peter J.
  14. Hi, Chris...hope all is well. Very interesting questions. Why not tap the resources of our AACA Library & Research Center? For a nominal fee to cover "actual research" and avoid a lot of conjecture, the AACA Library is your best bet. We retain a full time staff ready to "research" such inquiries from the archives, of which, are the finest collection within the hobby. On the Home Page, click on Library for self explanatory directions to submit a Request. Or,... kmiller@aacalibrary.org... Or, 717-534-2082 Guaranteed, should our Library & Research Center retain the info you request, copies of any photos & literature are available for your project. Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  15. Hello, Mark...Welcome to the AACA Forum. I moved your post to the AACA Buy/Sell Forum. Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  16. You are quite welcome, Rogers. If you would like a membership form I could send it with me as a sponsor. Regards, Peter.
  17. Hello, Rogers...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Beautiful Lanchester! The AACA retains an great wealth of information within our AACA Library & Research Center. It is actual research performed by a full-time staff. I highly suggest it. Copies of any Lanchester information available can be made and sent to you. On the Main Page, scroll down to "Library". Within is a request form and it is self explanatory. Or, you could inquire to our Librarian, Kim Miller at kmiller@aacalibrary.org Or,... AACA Library & Research Center 717-534-2082 Do you belong to the AACA? Annual dues are only $30 and the bi-monthly magazine "Antique Automobile" alone is well worth the reasonable cost. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  18. Hello, Don... Why not try our AACA Library & Research Center? You possibly could obtain a photo, "plus" additional information in the specifications area. The Library & Research Center retains a full-time staff awaiting your inquiry. Click on "Library" on the home page. You will find an Inquiry form, or,... Our Librarian, Kim Miller at: kmiller@aacalibrary.org, or,... 717-534-2082 Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  19. Excellent response... Much appreciated. Speaking from the sand-cast foundry business, we found "urethane" coreboxes & pattern impressions to be the "cure-all" for cost effective tooling over the past 18-20 years. Urethane remains the best for short run, cost effective casting quantities, however, pattern shelf-life "dimensionally" is an average of 10-12 years. We have now shifted to the "only cure-all": CNC, tool steel, machined patterns for the same reasons you mentioned...urethanes/plastics shrink and crack over time. We still pour urethane tooling, however, only for limited life and use. Though urethane tooling is stored in dry, dimly lit rooms, it still shrinks, becomes brittle, and, cracks with no UV interference. We are very careful pulling out an aged pattern that may cause a dimensionally unstable casting. Thanks, again, bkazmer for great input. Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  20. Nice, Peter... I have fond memories of a forerunner 240-Z. An old friend, Max Knepper, a neighbor, bought a new 240-Z around 1973-ish. Max owned a restaurant and the car was a toy to him. The day he brought it home, I was a 27 year old drooling young'n. Max threw the keys to me and said to check it out. I was in 7th heaven. Drove it for about 2 hours showing off to friends. Max was not the least bit upset that I had a great time with it. Always recall the quick response and handling. Have fun with it... Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  21. Hi, Diz... Don't forget the 2-door 1956 Pontiac Safari wagon. My father owned one. Dad will be 90 years old in December and to this day touts the '56 as his all time favorite car. Regards, Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  22. I agree to a point, however... We are on the AACA Forum, of which, is funded by AACA Members. I feel strongly that the AACA Library & Research Center should be the first point of contact for detailed research. The AACA has a full-time staff awaiting historical and "factual" inquiries. The AACA Library's holdings of research material is unsurpassed within our hobby. That is a known. Peter J. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  23. Bob...Welcome to the AACA Forum. If you are in need of technical specifications and historical research from original material, contact the AACA Library & Research Center. (You can click on "Library" on the Home Page, or, kmiller@aacalibrary.org., or, 717-534-2082.) Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  24. JMA..."Welcome to the AACA Forum". "Das Awkscht Fescht" (a.k.a. Macungie) will be held as follows: Friday, August 4th: Street Rods, Street Machines, Custom/Modified Race Cars. Also, Cars-Trucks-Sports Cars 1895-1986. Saturday, August 5th: No Street Rods-Street Machines-Custom/Modifieds No car newer than 1981 Sunday, August 6th: No Street Rods-Street Machines-Custom/Modifieds For Individual Car Shows put on by no less than 32 car clubs registered. Hope this helps, Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
  25. Roy, thank you very much for the photo and web site history of the '55. Really enjoyed it, Peter J. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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