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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. KM...Welcome to the AACA Forum! Holland, Michigan sponsored by the VMCCA. September 19-24, 2010. (The AACA alternates sponsorship & partners with them) Veteran Motor Car Club of America Check out our AACA Homepage. Click on "Calendar" within the header bar and scroll around for various meets and tours. Regards, Peter.
  2. Bob, always appreciated the artistic work from the old brochures versus today's computer generated graphics. Thanks again for posting this site, Peter
  3. Hi, Bob. Hope all is well. Agree with Paul, a nice site. Another location for "many more" sales lit and service manuals is your own AACA Library & Research Center. I can attest there is a "huge" amount of similar sales brochures available. Best, Peter J.
  4. Folks, I have been saying it for years that here is so much more to this great AACA Forum. Do yourself a favor and click on "Library" on the Home Page. Then click on "Podcast". You will enjoy. Chris Ritter, Head Librarian and Adriana Bruno, Marketing Communications Manager posted the most recent Podcast that could peak your interest. It is excellent! After listening please scroll around all of "your" AACA Library & Research Center services available. Regards, Peter J.
  5. Well said old car fan! Regards, Peter J.
  6. pipeweld...Welcome to the AACA Forum. It would be worth your while to contact our AACA Library & Research Center. Click on "Library" on the home page then Research Request...or check the On Line Catalog...or contact: AACA Library & Research Center Mr. Chris Ritter, Head Librarian 717-534-2082 critter@aacalibrary.org "Your" L&RC retains thousands of original sales, tech manuals, and, books on too many vehicles to list here. Take a few moments and scroll through the Library site plus all the services on this forum that the AACA has to offer. Regards, Peter J.
  7. old car fan, Sent you a PM explaining why your post was deleted. Regards, Peter J.
  8. Bob, My stand is to each his own. Cannot dictate to anyone what to do with their personal property. Must agree with Joe on this one. Did you consider posting your issues on a Street Rod forum (gazzillion of them) to obtain their input. Would be interesting to say the least. Regards, Peter J.
  9. billybird...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Now that you have the General Forum experience do youself a favor and navigate the many subjects on this AACA web site. On the home page click on all the services our club offers (Library, Museum, Junior Members, and so on.) There is a huge amount of club services and topics. Regards, Peter J.
  10. Dick, Nice experience and thank you for sharing with us. It could have been past National President Doug Drake that arranged it. Not sure if was him but Doug has been running the Youth Seminars for years with great success I might add. Regards, Peter J.
  11. Moved thread to the Technical Question forum. The Forum Questions is for navigational queries only. Peter J.
  12. Agree with you 100%, greenie. The Hershey Region people are up at 4:00 a.m. and work all day, every day of the meet not to mention thousands of hours all year planning the next meet. The least that can be done for them is volunteer parking for convenience and ease in providing a wonderful meet. I think it to be comical every year. Usually about 6-8 weeks prior to Hershey the same old posts by the same people start the back-and-forth about weather, minor problems the previous year, complain about judging, complain about high prices that are not totally under the vendor's control, etc., then, the same people show up every year. Weather is not predictable but this scenario is guaranteed... Regards, Peter J.
  13. Ted. Wish you would have come simply for the comradity and "same interest" in old vehicles. There were 2 years when I left my entry home and drove a daily driver to Hershey and other venues solely to see old & new friends. I assure you there is much more to this shared hobby than a few rain drops on a vehicle. Trying to cheer you up a bit based upon a few years of your negative posts about almost any subject on the Forum. Lighten up a bit a think "Fun". Regards, Peter.
  14. Bob, I agree with Jeff and Ron that you would not get dinged and from what I just read in Piggott's book he confirms our contention that: Quote..."Finishes available for wire wheels were lacquer paint (aluminum or silver) or chrome (bright or dull), although the parts catalogue indicates that silver lacquer were deleted for the TR5/250". He also mentions that the 48 spoke was inadequate for the car's weight and one should use them for show purposes or very light driving. Bottom line...go for it and do not worry about it. Have fun with the AACA. P.S...Pat, Jeff, Ron "see you guys this week for the annual ritual we call Hershey." Best, Peter J.
  15. Hi, Bob...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Just came home from a Hershey Library Meeting and literature auction set up. Getting a bit late however tomorrow evening will go to my car storage garage and look up tech details for you. Have an excellent original equipment book by Bill Piggott who was a tech specialists for Triumph. Will get back tomorrow evening. In the meantime if you want to check another good source google the VTR (Vintage Triumph Registry). Regards, Peter.
  16. David...Made a note to get the AACA Membership Application stack to you. Thank you very much for doing this and will look forward to meeting you. Regards, Peter J.
  17. There you go, David!! Great!! I'll get you a stack of AACA Membership Forms as a prerequisite for visitors stopping by to see your "Genuine Hershey Mud". Peter.
  18. Hershey Mud...Let's think about that from a marketing strategy. I do miss it in a way from a nostalgic view. Aisles were soft (spongy) on the feet. A lot of laughs as you trudged by various people and chatted. Now, Mr. Terry Bond some years ago posted on our Forum about "Hershey Mud in a Bottle". There has to be a buck in this for the AACA if we really think about it. How about a pit full of mud?? We could charge for boot rental, charge for the nostalgic customer to walk through the mud pit, then, charge to hose the mud off at the end. If it pans out we could build a pit for cars to drive through for the die-hards. (Snow making equipment, spray guns for rain, and, heat lamps for blazing sun are possiblities, too.) Peter J...
  19. Diz... On Rt. 322 (the main drag in front of the Lodge) go right. Follow Rt. 322 and you will see signs for Hershey Park Drive. Continue for about 2 miles maximum and there will be signs directing you to take a Right where Rt. 39 intersects (on the east side of the Giant Center). Now, as I am typing to a guy that interprets "drag" as "Floor It" and get there on either 4 wheels, or, side ways, or, on the roof to slide across the finish line...not in this case, Diz. Accelerate out of the Hershey Lodge nicely, take a leisurely cruise to the Giant Center, obey the speed signs, and, have a great time.) I'll see your there as usual. Peter J.
  20. Folks, I "re-titled" this thread as the referenced Insurance Vendor in the original thread title and negative comments in some posts directed at them will not and cannot be tolerated due to possible legal actions. Thank you in advance for understanding. Peter J.
  21. Marty. One thing for certain both of our methods work. Some cheaper/some salty however same results. I would rather use one of them versus toting a heavy high-rise jack. As for safety well teaching people common sense with any of our suggestions could be a futile effort and not part of this subject. Regards, Peter.
  22. Marty...Good idea. On the other hand, I beveled a 12" piece of 4x4. Serves the purpose of tire changing/greasing bearings and is a lot cheaper than $40. Also use as a tire chock when static. We cannot reach everyone on this good topic so if one finds themselves in a flat tire situation along a highway look for a rock that would support the "good" tire temporarily. Best, Peter J.
  23. That's great, Diz...looking forward to seeing the '37. Will be nice to see you driving in during the early morning entrance parade instead of standing there as a spectator in recent years. To the uninformed, Diz is a "real" gear head. Quite an interesting guy. Look him up at Hershey. Peter.
  24. Hello, Al. Very nice photos of the ornament. May be a shot in the dark however I will enlist (tap the mind) of Chris Ritter, AACA Library & Research Center head librarian to see if we retain any hood ornament literature. I will bring your thread to his attention and see what research data may/may not be available. Regards, Peter. Peter J. Heizmann VP-AACA Library & Research Center
  25. dawatins...Welcome to the Antique Automobile Club of America's forum. For starters our mission is to preserve/restore vehicles to how they left the factory. Would be to your benefit to make a post within the Plymouth Forum. (On the Discussion Forum's page scroll down a bit and you will see it.) Read the rules and scroll around our home page. The AACA has a lot to offer in preserving old vehicles. Again, as they left the factory. Moved your post to the Plymouth Forum. This one is for site navigation questions. Regards, Peter J.
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