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Jeff Perkins / Mn

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Everything posted by Jeff Perkins / Mn

  1. The most accessorized (or “excessorized”) Model T I have ever see was one I unearthed in 2015 after an almost 50 year slumber. If I recall there were over 20 accessories. First picture is after I cleaned it up, second picture is Louis Secon, builder of the car. This b/w picture was taken at a car show celebrating 25 years of the AACA!
  2. Yes, I have the same disease as you........this from last Saturday, 15 deg. F. and I could not be happier. First drive since total front suspension and rear differential rebuild. I could not have been happier. I also started and drove my Model A that same day. Nothing like bringing them back to life to keep us motivated! Thanks again for posting your videos, excellent!!
  3. I don’t believe there were much in the way of options available on the Model T in those years. Closed cars came “fully equipped” and open cars were either equipped with starters, generators or were left basic, as meaning without these accoutrements. Any options were dealer installed, such as a spare tire and/or a speedometer. There were a plethora of aftermarket items available. Ford was very streamlined in production methods thus keeping costs down
  4. I have posted this on various Ford forums in the past, I am posting this here in the event someone out there would have one of these cars in their possession. I hope to find one of these cars for the fun of it. I have a friend who has approximately 20 invoices of T's sold through Auto Service Company of Copas, MN. He allowed me to make copies. Hopefully someone will have one of these cars. Most all list the name of the original purchaser of the cars. Some invoices have two or three cars listed on them. Below is a picture of one of the invoices. Here are the serial numbers of the invoices I have: 4042906 Touring 4021430 Touring 4044107 Roadster 4061694 Coupelet (starter and clincher rims!) 4088349 Coupe 4149749 Coupelet 4136099 Touring 4167055 Runabout 3956061 Runabout 3956071 Touring 3731131 Sedan 3759731 Roadster 3761011 Touring 3755286 Touring 3385132 Touring 3434507 Runabout 3416583 Touring 3361714 Touring 3314863 Runabout 3244780 Touring 3231066 Touring 3376398 Touring 3534732 Coupelet 3832855 Touring 3806237 Touring 3833021 Coupelet I guess I have 26 all together. All open cars were listed as being equipped with starters. Some state demountable rims. If anyone out there can match one of these numbers with their car I will gladly send a copy of the invoice to you.
  5. Excellent video! I am really enjoying this thread. Thanks for taking the time to post!
  6. Having sold nine brass Fords and seven Model A’s (all within 7-10 days of listing) in the last 35 years the biggest thing is KNOW YOUR MARKET. There have been ups and down aplenty. I ask a fair price and do not negotiate much. When I buy, I explain the market to the seller, make my offer and leave my card after inspection. I stick to my offer and 90% of the time I get the car. Sometimes it takes 6 months. I realize this niche is and does not apply to everyone or other cars. This is what works for me.
  7. Yes, we are a society obsessed with protecting ourselves from ourselves..... https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2020/01/28/op-ed-yes-gov-cuomo-car-helmets-could-save-lives/
  8. Thank You for the education Matt. My ‘69 had the Cleveland, likely NOM. Back in the early 70’s we did not care about originality, just wanted to go fast. Since my car was 4 years old when I got it and had been through the drag racing wars who knows what it had for guts from the factory. Your car with the Marti Report has its provenance. Again, Thank You!
  9. WOW! Having owned one of these years ago I can state they are a great car. Wish I was 20 again! BTW, mine had the 351 Cleveland, I do not remember if the Mach 1 came with the Windsor, the Cleveland was the hot motor. Please correct me if I am wrong. Best of luck with this sale....it should go FAST!
  10. Jim, Thanks for bringing this topic to this forum. I have been following on the MTFCA website. Perhaps you could post some links to the videos for the people who frequent this forum. I am sure they would enjoy. Regards, Jeff Perkins / Lakeland MN.
  11. I have a friend with a 1905 Stearns. I emailed him for some pictures but he has not responded yet. I think you guys nailed it though, great job! Bob, I think you hit the final Spike!
  12. 95 Cardinal.....I think we’re close......only difference is cowl area, Desert Rat does not have a w/s so that may account for the difference. Here is a picture of an outstanding ‘08 Packard that was F/S on the HCCA site a while ago.
  13. Looking at Queen autos more closely I think John is right....it ain’t no queen. As Nickelroadster points out it is a BIG car!
  14. I’m guessing pre 1909.......possibly a Queen? What do ya’ll think??
  15. Rosco ....his best guard dog imitation.......at least he doesn’t bite but nobody better touch my clock steering wheel!!
  16. My son giving his son the first Model T driving lesson. Rosco is paying rapt attention.
  17. I was a 35 year rural mail carrier, I never used a RHD vehicle. I found them to be too cumbersome in trying to do my work. A coworker used a RHD Subaru and preferred that as he was a very short person. As I stated earlier in this thread I would like to find an RHD Model A Phaeton.
  18. I have noticed some very crude restorations on RHD cars that came from South America. I have always wanted to own a right hand drive Model A Phaeton.
  19. About 15 years ago the car was sunk down to the side exhaust in the mud. Then it was jacked up and put on more blocks. I would hate to see what that frame and suspension look like!
  20. .......why someone would park their 1968 Corvette outside along a shed and leave it there for 42 YEARS! Oh, yes, he told me he was going to restore it. I can remember when he drove it and when it spent its first winter outside.....I was his postman. 1978. I walked by the other day and there it was. Oh, well, what can one say? Has anyone else noticed an interesting vehicle left outside to the elements?
  21. A car nut since birth! My dad was a car salesman in the 50's, he brought home a different car every day. I would sit in the window and watch for him to see what he drove home. When I was 10 or so a man across the alley from my grandparents had a Model T and a Model A in his yard. He let me play in them and I was hooked! Picture below taken today in my shop shows I am still hooked!!
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