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Jeff Perkins / Mn

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Everything posted by Jeff Perkins / Mn

  1. Great choice on the wheel/tire combination Keith! Doesn’t hurt to keep the Windsor loosened up while the Plymouth awaits parts. BTW, there is a ‘53 Windsor coupe for sale near me, it has a 3 spd. manual trans.......never seen one before....rare bird! I may look at it later this week.
  2. Ya know, without good health we have nothing. “Fires” always seem to pop up in our lives, just have to take care them and move on. Cheer up friend, when you look at the garden see the flowers instead of the weeds!
  3. I do NOT use my phone# or email address on Craigslist, and on one particular car website (not this one) I do code my cell phone # as 30DodgePanel explains above.
  4. In 23 years of advertising, buying and selling on various antique auto websites I have always listed either my phone # or email address. Yes, I used to get some “interesting “ emails (from Nigeria...wow!) and they are easy to see through. Never had a problem. The delete button is my friend. I have never had a problem due to publishing my phone #, although I usually only do that when I advertise a car for sale.
  5. No testing of any sort in Minnesota.......ended years ago. Several vacant emissions stations around the area have been successfully repurposed.
  6. Hello Harm, what did Tim M. have to offer for an opinion?
  7. I have a friend with the identical car only his is a President Coupe....same colors in and out. I sent pics to him and he wondered what the “Bearcat” script was about on the valve covers. Anyone know?
  8. It is amazing to see and read about the “Herculean” efforts put forth by our Aussie and Kiwi friends in the restoration of derelict cars. It has to be sooo much more difficult to locate parts. I applaud you all!
  9. It would be interesting to know who manufactured the body......interesting find!
  10. BJM, I believe total series 160 production was 2580, I found no breakout for any particular body style.
  11. This is very simply put......Thank You 1935Packard. Hershey and all other events will be back and I believe much better. These delays certainly won’t affect my perspective of the hobby and how I participate. I will be there, I bet it won’t change many others either.
  12. Hello Harm, I have a very good friend in Norwalk Ohio USA who is very knowledgeable about early carburetors and carbs in general. His name is Tim Morsher and his email address Is TMorsher@icloud.com. He would welcome an inquiry about your carburetor. Please mention that I passed along his contact. Best of Luck, Jeff P. ps. Asparagus is plentiful this year, have picked several pounds wild. However, the morel mushrooms are rare this spring......
  13. Here is my take on 4 door cars.....if I like a car, be it 2 or 4 dr, HT or Sedan, Convert, whatever, the cars look the SAME to me from behind the steering wheel! That is what I love....driving my cars!
  14. This car is identical to one owned by my next door neighbor back in he early 60’s. When his son inherited the car in 1970 we used to hop in and drive 90 miles to their family farms to help out at harvest time. 90 mile trip.....always tried to do it in well under an hour! Wow, what a wonderful road car!!
  15. What a lovely understated car.......if I drove that one I bet I would never drive my Model A Ford again..........
  16. Lots of horror stories about buying a car sight unseen. I have done it three times, 1 was OK, 1 clunker, and one was exactly as described. Never again. I finally realized there are “many fish in the ocean“ and the last three cars I have purchased have all been within 15 miles of my home. If you need someone to look at a car for you, find someone knowledgeable and independent in the area and pay them well for an inspection. You can ask on this board. Since I am going to an auction preview in my area 5/31 I offered to inspect for someone and will do that.
  17. An illustrated road report would fit nicely in this posting......good luck!
  18. In the Model A segment of the hobby there have been a myriad of suggestions and uses. I used mineral oil in my Houdaille shocks. In my current Model A I have installed tube shocks.
  19. Most of the good stuff from the Virgil Marple collection was sold off in the last year or two. 25 or so years ago I sold four Studebakers to Virgil, one convert and three parts cars. The convert is long gone but the three parts cars are in the auction.
  20. The last time I mounted clincher tires was last summer.....an 82 F. sunny day which really softened up the tires. I could almost mount them with my hands and knees! I did use very hard plastic tire spoons (for bicycles) and did not scratch the rims but did leave some marks. We have not seen family/friends for two months also.....things are still going backwards here so no end in sight yet. Fortunately we have cyber connections and a never ending list of things to do around home. Looking forward to better times and to see what the new normal is. Take care and be safe!
  21. Bullrun....send me a PM with particulars about Ken Siefert’s auction. I plan on checking it out on May 31. I will not bid on anything (full garage!) but I know Ken’s son Greg and will meet him there for a tour. If anyone else has SERIOUS interest in a particular car I can give you a report also. Send a PM. Jeff P.
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