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Jeff Perkins / Mn

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Everything posted by Jeff Perkins / Mn

  1. Hey Keith, the number of cylinders you own should always exceed your age. In Minnesota this is known as your “cylinder index”. This phrase was coined by Joe Soucheray of the St. Paul Pioneer Press a number of years ago. Joe is also the “mayor” of “Garage Logic”, a mythical town he created while having a radio show. Google it for good laughs. At any rate my cylinder index is 35, pathetically low since there are six cars in our household……
  2. @m-mman Checkbooks seem to rule at all levels of our hobby. The home restorers are indeed a rare breed…..but they are still out there. That is why this is my favorite forum….many serious and skilled restorers post here. I learn much from them.
  3. Jack, You are right in my top 3 persons posting on this forum along with @edinmass and Cadillac Carl (rip). All other persons who post on this forum are in a 4th place tie.
  4. Sure looks and smells like a scam to me, surprised it didn’t say “ Bogus” on the hubcaps!
  5. I restored and drove a 1966 Porsche 912 way back in the 90’s. That car drew more universal attention than any other older vehicle I have ever owned. There must be an aura that surrounds those 356s and early 911/912s.
  6. Going through the same process with my 1913 Ford speedometer. The original chain inner cable broke. I will save the ends and adapt them to a new modern style cable. Love the process and attention to detail you attend to. I sure learn a lot from your well illustrated posts!
  7. Congratulations on your success! I went through the same process with my ‘48 NYer. I remember the euphoria like that experienced by you. As far as the quote I took from your text, I would prefer a quiet “instant transfer”🤣
  8. @wayne sheldon nailed it….best way to drive a Model T in a parade. I’ve used several different T’s, radiator and cooling systems must be in good condition.
  9. Jack, you are my old car (truck) hero! Love this blog and very interested in your progress toward getting this beast on the road. Soon will be the big reward…..
  10. Even though I have been primarily a Ford guy for 50 years I thoroughly enjoy these non-Ford builds and rebuilds. Jason’s Nash and F-250 restos were just outstanding. I am very enthused about learning Dodge Brothers cars through his descriptions and outstanding photography. Keep up the great work!!
  11. 👍👍You’ve already earned two thumbs up for starting this thread……on you way to earning many more!
  12. The wheelbase on the eights is 6” longer (121.5 vs 127.5) than the sixes, a noticeable difference in ride. That extra long hood is very heavy to lift!
  13. Wow, now THATS a truck…….would be a “monster” hit at any car show. What a toy!
  14. I’ll check tomorrow morning and let you know. I replaced my band and lining last summer but cannot find my pictures.
  15. Back in the ‘70’s one could buy visors new in the box, Fulton or NOS, for $10 each at the swap meets. I’m sure many were purchased and installed back in that era. The first day I owned my 1948 Packard (2010) I did a “visor extraction”.
  16. James Melton predates my involvement in the hobby but I did just finish reading this book: Many years ago I tried to buy this Locomobile. I offered 30K, the seller told me Jay Leno would give them 250K!! OK…I’m out. A year later they sold the car for 22K. When I asked the seller what happened to the Leno deal….I was told he never answered!
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