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The Old Guy

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Everything posted by The Old Guy

  1. Mark I have 17 grand kids and 6 great grand kids, and this only has seating for 6. I just think that these wagons are one of the best travelling cars ever built. I have a 95 and a 96 also ,but they both have over 200K and this one is a REALLY NICE ride.
  2. John according to the Flint phone book, the address is :755 South Saginaw street
  3. I have run into this before, and usually it is the filter in the tank that is the culprit.
  4. Pete hit it on the nose. It is pre ignition. I did the same thing to a 455 by running too much timing and running down the drag strip.
  5. Someone ran the engine hard with too much distributor advance, and pre-ignition did that. It could also be they ran it with low octane fuel or a combination of both.
  6. I was told by an upholstery shop that Lestoil full strength was the thing they used.
  7. I will check with Roberta, and the party might just end up at my house. I have more room to park, and a pool table upstairs.
  8. The 53 throught 56 had the same bell housing. From 57 to 66 they were larger
  9. My 37 likes 80+ ,but it has a 2.56 rear axle, and a 455 V8
  10. Norb What did you think of the "Invicta " concept car that was in front of the club house??
  11. Radio Shack had 6 -12 volt inverters years ago and I have one in my 40 It runs an AM-FM unit with a tape deck in the glove box. I left everything else alone , and have driven the car 107,000 miles over 36 years and it still works GREAT!!
  12. I have had my 40 Convertible and my 69 Sport Wagon accepted .I was not planning on going on the tour to Frankenmuth anyway as I live close enough to go there quite regularly.
  13. Dave I drove the 40 from 1972 to 1976 with the original engine. Then I ran across a new ,on the palette, 263. It was too much to resist,and knowing the car was going to have the wheels run off, I installed it with a Ch**y truck clutch and a taller gear to make it more user friendly. We just got back from the BDE in Wisconsin, and the odometer just turned 107,000 miles that it has run for us. I have run with bias tires fir all these miles, but coming home from the upper pennisula in a 40 MPH cross wind and driving rain has made me think that the next set will be radials.
  14. Duane I installed a 263 in my 1940 and there was no problem with the bell housing match.
  15. The cover was a small sheet metal piece with 2 ears that locked it in the hole
  16. Derek Actually when I was born, General Motors was still a Private (possibly a PFC) and I am 75 so Suzanne may have a new patient.
  17. Aaron The show day is saturday
  18. I have been to all the national meets since 1971, and as they get bigger, I see many changes. I have watched the emergence of the "muscle cars" from being ridiculed to a place of prominence, and being an old "hot rodder' have seen the "modified division" go from total derision to front row seating. There is a faction in the organization that hates anything that is not factory original, ( which is why I put dual exhaust on my 40 )and there are very short sighted members that can't see the hand writing on the wall! Our membership is getting older, and instead of turning up your nose at something that you don't particularly care for, check the workmanship and talk to the owner. I joined the BCA in 1969 because my sons wanted to take my 29 F**d roadster pickup to school and it was powered by a 427 Ch**vy. I bought a 32 90 series Buick because it was the only thing around big enough to haul the family ( Ihave 6 kids) Through the years I have seen many changes, but the BCA members have always remained the same. Some are very outgoing ,and some are border line recluses. You get out of the organization wehat you put in!! The BCA board does a GREAT job , and in this litigation happy society, works hard for this group. The Reatta group has made great strides in gaining recognition , and on our BDE tours are showing up more and more. We kid the Reatta owners unmercifully, and they retort by saying " I got 30+ MPG coming to this meet, what did that "sled of yours get?" Most of the Reatta owners are in the younger group (when I was born , the Dead sea wasn't even sick) and I think that once we have them as members , you will find that they are looking at the other Buicks, and will some day acquire an older one. Many of the forum members have stepped up and written words of encouragement, and I hope you listen to what they said. The BCA has the greatest people in the world, and I have noticed through the tears that they cover a complete spectrum of occupations. It doesn't matter whether you are The CEO of a big company, or the janitor, you have an all abiding love for your Buick ,and that is the common denominator that binds us together. Hang in there
  19. Bill That is why I put in the overdive in the 69. I averaged 20+MPG from Flint to Seattle. I set the cruise at 80 turned on the AC ,and let it run.
  20. Welcome to "hot Rodding" ! Nail heads are the coolest engine to put in a rod. I couldn't find a good one and had to install a 455 Buick in my 37 coupe.
  21. My every day vehicle is a 96 Roadmaster wagon and it pulls 17-18 MPG in town and 23 on the road.
  22. I installed overdrive trannies in my 72 GS and 69 Sport Wagon ,and get 17 and 20 MPG respectively on the road.
  23. It looks GREAT ! I'm glad you have it doming together. It would be nice to see it in Flint this summer
  24. I had a flat head powered Roadster just like the primered one thats starts the show back in 1959
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