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Brooklyn Beer

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Everything posted by Brooklyn Beer

  1. I tried to inquire but everytome I tried to load an account to send an inquiry the webpage kept crashing
  2. So in everyones opinion with this having the wrong interior, what would the hit on price be and I am assuming this is an interior about impossible to find ?
  3. what is the dislike over the interior? I know squat about airflows. Is it just the body style and body placement that makes an airflow special or is there more with suspension, etc..
  4. "You need more ass wipe, this won't cover what I just did on the kitchen floor"
  5. Over in Korea in 1990 We had 2 guys come down with Hemmorhagic Fever courtesy of the rat crap and piss. Stuff is no joke. You literally bleed from everywhere. Traced it back an abandoned hooch they shacked up in during maneuvers. I think they had an outbreak of a few folks some years back in one of the tribal reservations in AZ some years back
  6. I honestly can say I have never took notice to this carb before. Who supplied them ?
  7. GREAT. now I need to know the hole sizes and the placement on the tube as well. If I can indeed drill mine out to proper size. What did you drill out the well jet too?
  8. Until I read in the listing it had a V8 I was confused about the picture of the engine bay, having never seen an Oakland engine before. Very interesting design. How was it balanced?
  9. Thank you! I contacted them to get registered. Just skimming through the threads I can see these guys live and breath flat 4's.
  10. holy crap. Tom is going to weigh in I bet as he has the factory part numbers from the service paperwork. James mentions that in his carb he found a 112S and a 118S I do not have anything on mine
  11. The lower tube looks like what i have. Now to hunt for the correct one. Thank you very much for this picture. It really will help in the search. You can measure the holes if you have a numbered drill rod drill bet index set like this. There is a larger set too. The original lower idle tube hole should be close to a #63 as comparison to the size of these bits
  12. OK, even if this is the wrong idle tube I got her running with some help of a little starter fluid and I got her to run without any choke even though it likes full choke to start. Soldered in the screw to the idle tube and wallowed out the end a little bit and screwed it in. Put everything back together and full choke and primed the carb and cranked. Nothing. Pulled a plug and it was wet so yanked all 4 and cleaned and dried them. Gave her a little starter fluid and it fired over. Little more starter fluid and full choke and she fired back up and ran and I decreased choke while holding throttle a little high. Warmed up and decreased choke a little down until no choke. Ran around car and set idle up a little high. Warmed up to operating temp and I brought idle down and then the problems started. Won't idle unless idle is set around 850 rpm. reving the motor I am getting a pop pop out the exhaust as it comes down. Not a miss one when reving. Have advance on carb disconnected and carb set in the middle of the travel area within the advancement bracket.. Mixture screw turned out 2 turns.
  13. Looking for a source for carter updraft carb parts. Namely DRT-08 for the 31 Plymouth PA. One year only carb. Need idle tube, jets, etc... This are different from the standard RJH carbs of the same year.
  14. I wonder if anyone has a correct DRT-08 idle tube we could at least compare too that we have the right one.
  15. Smallest bit I have is a #60 and that is much to big to fit. Finding a #63 is going to be a hunt? I will solder mine up tomorrow. Looking for a new carb gasket now. grrr The chihuahua pup decided the taste of gas was the best and destroyed it. ha
  16. working through issues trying to get this DRT -08 carb sorted out and have checked float and level, jet sizes, etc. The idle tube is not soldered in the screw and need to do that. Can folks familiar with the idle tube tell me if this is correct orientation with the holes in the tube to the screw base before I solder it or do i need to flip it around? Car will not run or idle unless choke is engaged 1/2 way. This one problem I have been told that could be causing it. Carb is clean had been previously rebuilt but not correctly
  17. OK, went and dug into carb tonight and see no numbers on the idle tube. But I am going to solder it in the screw. Questions. Is this the correct orintation of the tube to the screw in regards to the little holes and the tube cut out? And does it matter with the holes where they will face when screwed into the carb itself? If so how do I get the alignment positing?
  18. I am guessing he either means fluid drive or something from a later car ? On the FB plymouth boards this would chopped and destroyed in a heartbeat. There is complete 6 motor's, trans, rears, radiators yanked from running cars like this posted weekly. Just passed on a rear and trans and motor for 400 bucks. Looks like a nice car for the price. If it isn't original paint you could break up the green with a roof contrast like Chrysler did. Too bad not closer to TX.
  19. How was the cooling situation worked out ?
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