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Brooklyn Beer

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Everything posted by Brooklyn Beer

  1. Think I will buy a piece of 1 1/2 ID straight pipe and practice at work the next time I am brazing AC lines. Thanks for the idea. I wonder if i can make the flange from copper or a brazing bead ?
  2. For folks that just like driving an old car all the time I would get this just to drive back and forth to work. Same as the 53 four door Plymouth I bought for dirt cheap and the 63 dodge 880. Nothing special. Will never see a car show. But i get to drive an old car doing everyday things which for me is the enjoyment of owning them. I am still on the look out for a mid 50's Desoto and if it is a 4 door I can drive to work once a week it would suit me fine. I get tons of smiles and waves the entire 30 mile ride each way so people who never get to see old cars doing what they should be doing get enjoyment from them as well.
  3. Rand Broadstreet came through on the old stock carb and Bob Clark did the rebuild. Just happened to get lucky this one was available. It really is a work of art and can't wait too hear the old girl fire up and see what she will do. Comparing to the wrong carb the differences are night and day.
  4. Filter media like we use on AC systems at work is a composite material but is impregnated with some light sticky crap to catch dust. We use it to filter entire buildings so it should work in an air cleaner
  5. The old gasket was thin junk doing less of a job then more. As much as I try I can't find a short flanged adapter for this repair
  6. Here are a couple comparisons of the old incorrect carb and the new correct carb. Will be a couple more days till I get it installed as I seem to have contracted the crud. But I did get the new manifold gasket installed. This was more then shot. I trued and polished up the manifold ports as best as possible and used a skim coat of permatex ultra copper on them before mating to the gasket. Same with the gasket to block. Heard good stuff about it (700 degrees) so lets see how it works. The new gasket though was extra thick and extra crushable with equally good reviews. twice as thick as the one I took off that failed in more places then worked. The lack of any flange on the exhaust pipe though has me bummed. Guess i will just contact a muffler shop to see if they can make me a 1 1/2 inch flanged adapter piece with a swedged end to act like a coupler. Might have to do a "Rube Goldberg" repair with some muffler tape as a temporary fix just to get it running.
  7. Well the rebuilt DRT-08 showed up this evening after a total rebuild from Bob Clark to get things up to snuff. So tomorrow I am going to pull off the manifolds and change that gasket and see about getting the carb installed and the exhaust flange connection fixed.
  8. Looking for any lockheed brake fluid quart cans that have a seal-able bottle cap like this.
  9. Have word out to a couple Franklin parts people and they are looking in their stash. If nothing comes up I will try them. Thanks for the tip !
  10. So what would have made a Buick of the same age (34-38) more drive-able then a Cadillac ? The larger motor (weight) over the front end? And to really go out into left field, any answer to why Buick stuck with the straight 8 when V 12's and 16's were the rage in the upper class car market? GM corporate decision? Have heard that Cadillac was always more then a little upset how close Buick got to Cadillac in the luxury market at times
  11. Holiday week- end continues. Hard not to enjoy an even warmer 77 today. Good 20 mile drive followed by the required oil change and inspection. Outside the normal "where is that dynaflow dripping from now????" run through of tightening everything that could drip and a grease job, all looks good. Will check shock levels tomorrow.
  12. Looking for any lockheed brake fluid quart cans that have a seal-able bottle cap like this.
  13. Why would there be required any more maintenance on a V16 then a V8 or even a straight 8 ?
  14. Always wondered what the upkeep on these 16 cylinder cars run. How does it compare with a Packard?
  15. Not a weekend but a holiday so i guess it counts. Decided to stretch the legs of the 49 roadmaster with a forty eight mile, 530 am drive into work on the freeway. Light traffic. Nice new and smooth 3 lanes of cruise time followed by the "Bat S*&t crazy get out of work at 11am and that old car better move out of my way!" drive on the way home. Not as much fun nor relaxing. Accident avoidance technology at code red. But 72 degree's and the windows down during the Xmas holiday I will take
  16. Like to see more pics of the interior, top. Condition of the tires and roof. Why was it parked and not driven ? Where in LA as I am in TX and a drive over could be possible. PLEASE don't try and start it anymore without checking to see if the valves are free.
  17. It is a Franklin after all. Like to see more. Mine is semi sidelined right now with a broken number one leaf spring. Where in LA is the car as I am in TX and a drive over is possible.
  18. Just curious, but how much is a new cap and rotor for a V16 ?
  19. Can we see some more pictures of the interior, motor, etc? Tire condition, top condition. Why was it parked and not driven? Brakes?
  20. Gotcha. And we are talking bargains and the Chrysler was a bargain so issues with a bargain are good topics. A lot of folks followed this bargain and I was lucky enough to have grabbed it. So if the weather is good tomorrow I will check out what we talked about. My stupid "Holy crap that is a grenade" arthritis is acting up with the cold mist but we are working on it with a coupling heaping helpings of Irish Whiskey .
  21. If it wasn't clear across the country I would think on it as the 53 plymouth four door I saved and drive to work all the time is always getting asked if I would be willing to sell it. Know I could easily double my money. If this was within 400 miles I might have to go get it and sell the 4 door which I only gave 1700 for. If you want a dead solid dependable car for a true daily driver that is filled with old car feel, you can't beat a 50's Mopar for that and price. Parts are everywhere to boot.
  22. 1949 Dodge Coronet 2 door. This is not a bad car for the money. I bet you could do some negotiating. These 2 doors are not a common sight. Interior is nice and some work on the paint with glaze and polish make a nice driver. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1949-Dodge-Coronet/233440962145?hash=item365a2a6661%3Ag%3ASm8AAOSw8Udd~adU&LH_ItemCondition=3000|2500
  23. Have the manual yes. Curious to other folks opinions. I am thinking a ground issue as well and will start at the bulb connection to frame and see how that ground is followed by voltage at the bulb after 10 minutes of driving RPM. Dimming bulbs I have personally always found to be lack of charging in the past but with nothing show that not happening I was thinking ground. Question on the BAT to regulator ground. Would that check not show up as a drained battery and not charging on the amp gauge? I was also thinking too much resistance in a corroded wire causing more resistance as it heated up. That would show up in the bulb socket check.
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