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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. John, if a thread is so specific it only applies to one make of car does it really apply to the general forum? If it was in the Chevy section wouldn’t it generate more responses if those interested in Chevy’s knew post were in there and they checked it every day like some of us do for the general section. I do that for the Studebaker section. If it’s specific to Studebaker it’s actually faster to check for these post and therefore I have more time to respond in the goofy ways I do. The moderators have it tough enough trying to keep all of us from politics and other topics that get us into arguments and derogatory comments. Maybe it’s time to make life a little easier on them. Surly it’s not to difficult to press a few extra computer keys for the great information and fun we receive from this forum. Just my 2 goofy cents opinion. dave s
  2. Beautiful car! Not sure about those two blocking the rest of it. dave s
  3. Good looking car! Congratulations, have fun riding in it as I’m sure your better half is going to claim driving privileges. She will look very nice driving it. dave s
  4. Sure, lunch at Mickey D’s counts. dave s
  5. In defense of the moderators (thank you for doing a thankless job) I had a discussion get moved to another make specific site. I believe it was a couple hundred responses into the discussion. The thread received zero response in the new site. After two days I sent a PM to the moderator, explained the thread was about my car but was also would apply to any make and was generating interest and help for others attempting to do the same type project I was doing. It didn’t matter what make it was. The thread got moved back to the general thread and was active for a few hundred more responses that were of a general interest. If this happens to you ask the moderator why in a PM they are just trying to keep the forums active. dave s edit PS - I don’t disagree on not understanding why they get moved. I do now go to the make of my car thread to check for possible intresting threads but miss out on ones that may apply in other make specific.
  6. The ‘big’ boss is directing the workers on the details they missed. I’m sure he did this instruction phase of his absolute attention to the smallest detail of perfection in a kindly manor, as he is not only a gentleman but a very knowledgeable one regarding these details. dave s ps - Ed, keep the $100 but give me a ride in your Great White!
  7. My grandfather purchased a new 49 Plymouth in Chicago for his annual trip to upper Michigan. He decided to take a ride to Copper Harbor at the tip of the U.P. unfortunately he hit a rather large black bear running across the road. The bear rolled across the hood smashed the windshield got off the roof and ran away. Gramps didn’t try to help the bear but was happy he ran away. The car was totaled. dave s
  8. Welcome and stick around no matter what. Most discussion’s can relate to trucks just on a smaller scale. My 49 F3 is below. dave s
  9. Moved many cows, a few turtles and even pushed a deer off the road using my right front fender of our suburban hauling two horses. The deer really took off then, but left just a little fur stuck between the fender and the headlight. I bet he looks both ways before crossing the four lane again. dave s
  10. Renewal efforts cost approximately the amount to produce, mail and process, If you throw in the cost of mailing the issues most pubs are happy to break even. The purpose is to keep the sub base above the guarantee number they have on a rate card for advertising. Pubs will allow outside agencies to offer you a renewal or new offer at a low price they pay part to the pub and the difference to the agency. Again this type offer is to maintain the sub base. The taxes get paid either by the sub, the agency or the pub. It’s an incidental cost of doing business. If they can get the sub to pay it’s more to cover cost for the pub or the agency. Hemmings is bleeding subs and car listings. They don’t want to have to reduce ad revenue because they have fallen below the guarantee. Go for the best possible rate you can get as that way you won’t feel as bad when they close a mag an give you a magazine for the remainder of your term you have no interest in. dave s
  11. I had a friend that wanted to get his Ford painted but didn’t want to spend the $$. He went to Earl Schieb (sp) $49.99 back in the early 70’s. He didn’t read the contract closely as it said they were not responsible for any masking except windows and tires. The car came back a god awful yellow except the windows and tires. The bumpers, hubcaps, grill and lights were all yellow. Pays to read the contract. dave s
  12. Could be they were told it is the car from American Graffiti and no one else knows the true story so they believe they have the inside track to make a mint by washing and waxing it then selling it at auction. They got so excited they missed the fact it doesn’t have an engine or trans and is the wrong color. dave s
  13. It’s just extra weight to balance the car better. Trash it like Matt said and trash the black square box that two cables hook too. Connect the cables together by dumping these two items you will save over 100 lbs giving you better gas mileage and just as good balance. dave s
  14. Craig, most states will allow that on some types of purchases. I bought a car when I lived in KY, when I moved to SC they wanted to charge me sales tax on the same car. I showed I had already paid the tax and they credited it but still charged me a large transfer fee for an out of state car this was on top all the license fees and transfer tittle fees. Do you buy gas in WA? Do you get an exemption for that type purchase? Do you claim the purchase for your major item on your state tax filing, it may be against the law not to do it punishable by a fine or even jail. I don’t know all the states laws, I was giving you information from my 45+ years of working in the subscriptions end of magazine publishing. These tax laws may have changed as we middle and lower end of the pay scale seem to pay more and more taxes with every tax break that gets passed. dave s
  15. If you live in one state and buy something in another state you pay taxes in the state you purchase the product in no matter where it is made. You do that for gas when you travel why not for a paper or food or a magazine? The store is selling the product and is paying the supplier a wholesale price for that product. Magazine subscriptions were usually done thru the mails and therefore bypassed the middleman. Some states started charging the magazine taxes if they had an office in the state and therefore were registered in that state and subject to taxes. Some states have taken it further due to the loss of sales taxes caused by the rise of internet sales from out of state. Most of these states have passed new laws to be able to charge these sales taxes. Many pubs fought these taxes and won the suits by arguing the free press argument and other laws allowed under laws and double taxation rules. In this current state of being taxed in every way a governmental agency can tax us I’m sure some states will continue to apply taxes any way they can and then spend more tax dollars fighting anyone that challenges their doing so. dave s
  16. Some states have been doing this IF a magazine has an office in the state. Any type office, sales for ads, editorial or research are just a few examples. Most of the pubs just consider it part of the cost of doing business. Hemmings is hurting so maybe they just don’t want to eat that cost. It may also be because they are a sales agent in a loose sense with their main book. dave s
  17. My 38 Studebaker was in a barn for 42 years, a very good dry barn. At first sight we thought it was going to need a repaint but after washing it we decided to buff it out. It worked well enough to save the paint$$. I rebuilt the engine, trans, brakes, electrical and front suspension. The seats were shot so I bought a $25 sewing machine some material off eBay and did them myself. The sewing machine broke so I haven’t done the door panels yet. I don’t work on sewing machines so I trashed it. The shop wanted seven grand for the interior, about half what I have in the total car. I also damaged the front end in a wreck and thanks to help from this forum I fixed it myself. It will always be a driver not a show car but it runs very well looks ok and best of all is a blast to drive. It is going to be driven from southern SC to Hershey to be in its first and most likely only show. I will try to do a thread on the trip. dave s
  18. I like the fact the side mount does not stick out higher than the hood too. dave s
  19. Did you have the engine in backwards or upside down😳🙃
  20. I bet Phil’s smile is as big if not bigger than his hands! Enjoy the car for a long time, you deserve it working with that character you have to put up with. dave s
  21. I hope you all have a fun successful week. If allowed post some pics of the cars you are bringing, that way even if we can’t go (like me) we get to see the winners! dave s
  22. Good for Phil and his better half. Hope you both spend some time getting it running soon. Got to be fun seeing someone happy with their first old car. dave s
  23. Ed, I’m surprised you don’t show any fuel injection units on the shelf! dave s
  24. Looks good, have fun and please keep us updated on your progress. dave s
  25. I agree with you about eBay but they are like IBM in the old days - itty bitty monster didn’t believe the PC would ever be bigger than they were and they lost their stranglehold on the computer industry. eBay is the monster now and they will not spend the money until a competitor threatens them. Companies like Amazon are doing that in the retail market and I would guess someday in the specialty market like your product. That’s because they see the possibility of making more money. dave s
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