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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. I have no dog in this argument but a company that has to have software to cover both selling and buying plus collections and payouts, along with complaints and returns is NOT going to have the wide variety of search engine options that a company that specializes in searches. It’s like you having literature for sale on cars but having someone upset because you can’t give them information on say art work. Tell people how to find your product in your advertising. I could never understand why some publishers didn’t tell the advertisers they forgot their address or phone number or email address or website info. Instead the advertiser would not place another ad because he got no response. The pub edit checks every ad that comes in but they still didn’t tell the advertiser. Then they were upset they lost the advertiser. You know eBay is messed up so tell your buyers how to find your product easier than just going to the eBay site. Again no dog in the fight just putting my 2 cents in that may not be worth a cent. dave s
  2. If you have a site to sell your product on or advertise you sell on eBay tell your perspective buyers to use google search to find your product easier. Companies like google need to have good search engines. Companies like eBay should have them but it’s economically prohibitive as they must also have other software concerns. Just an old computer guy saying the same thing I told customers for 40 years. I specialize in circulation processing your a magazine and can’t spend the dollars I do for a circulation program you need layout and writers and ad sales etc. dave s
  3. No armrest but be ready for a bit of a shock when you see the price if your car is a daily driver like my 38. Without the headliner ( mine is good) I was quoted over 7 grand for the seats and door panels. This was from a shop that I would consider a normal shop not a show quality shop. in fairness it’s been a long time since I’ve had any need for show quality or even driver quality work. But I don’t think half the value of my car should be in an average new interior dave s
  4. That’s great for Phil, I’m sure you are right about his better half coming around. Mine of 52 years does the same thing and I just go out to the garage until she calms down. A new old car should make her very happy.
  5. A Studebaker has a lot of room, good support and parts availability. Great engine that was easy to rebuild and a good easy ride. Mine is a 38 State Commander 6 cyl. The President models are 8 cyl. dave s
  6. Did Phil (with the hands …..) ever get the Studebaker pickup you both were looking at? Just wondering. dave s
  7. Steve or ????, I was just looking at the map that downloaded with my form for the show. Code ‘AA’ says AACA Headquarters Tent. The map says ‘Saturday’ Only. Shouldn’t it say Friday Only. Not trying to be picky but just trying to keep confusion down for first time people like me. Who knows maybe some potential members would show up Saturday. It may be just because it’s the often used map for Hershey swap meet but we are all trained to look at the details. dave s
  8. Matt, I will assume you do not qualify on any of your criteria mentioned above: you do not consider yourself rich. you are not stupid. and you’ve never lived in a small hick town. What else can you do in a small hick town when you are stupid have money and live where you are limited in what you can do. Simple, drive everyone else nuts with your stupid ideas! dave s ps- I lived in Lincoln NE when it had 2 movie theaters and one was closed. I’m not rich, No comment on the third criteria
  9. Well I just finished printing the forms and writing the check for the show on Friday. Now I better start cleaning it up and getting the road dirt off it. Not having it judged but want it looking decent. Looking forward to my first Hershey! But not my first Hershey candy bar. It will be about a 650 mile trip each way. Should be fun. dave s ps - do I need to register for handicap parking for going to the flea market on Wednesday or Thursday?
  10. There are 6v wiper motors, I have one and plan on putting it in before I head north to Hershey. There are also 6v boat wipers you could mount on top of the windshield if you have room and something to anchor them too. Of course they would not be stock items. My 38 is original except for seat covers so the wipers will also be non-stock. My motor cost about $100 on eBay. I’ve tested it and it works very well, now I just have to figure out how to connect it to the wipers and mount it. Minor problems, I hope. dave s
  11. Gary, now I have to stop working in the garage because I looked at this and I’m hungry! dave s
  12. XW - most are buried with at least embalming fluid but Ed may also have at least a case of Crown Royal but I hope we have to wait a long long time to find out! dave s
  13. Rust is weight reduction for a car and duct tape is the light weight repair. dave s
  14. Steve, thank you but the beast doesn’t really deserve to be in a show of any kind. It has all original engine/trans and mechanical parts, an original radio that works, original glass except windshields (updated for safety), original paint except where I repaired the fenders after I stopped using a MB, but I did a DYI on the seats as they left more material on your backside when you sat on them than was left on the seat! My goal, as goofy as it sounded was to get real show car owners motivated to respond to your post. You all do such a good job and put in such a great amount of energy into these shows we should help in any way we can. Looking forward to coming and seeing some cars I’ve only seen pictures of. A picture may be worth a thousand words but a personal experience is priceless. Hope to meet you there and maybe talk about your time in Chicago a bit. I may have looked at a 442 in your dealership. dave s
  15. My wife liked the looks of the Vega . I’m not sure what she is looking at sometimes but she did marry me. Brand new from Cellozi Edelson (sp?) in Elmhurst Il. We lived in Wheaton about 15 miles away. It started making noises on the way home which is never good but especially in a new car. I checked the oil and it was down almost two qts. I filled it and drove it back to the dealer. Again checked the oil and again it was very low. They offered to put a new engine in it. I told them where they could put their engine. Got the keys to my trade in, cancelled the deal, pulled the plates and left. Never had a problem buying the car I thought we should have after that experience. dave s
  16. Steve, if you need a car to show what kind of a car is a “Qualifies as a non ‘show’ daily driver” class, let me know and I’ll register the 38 Studebaker State Commander today. If not I’m still going to drive it to my first Hershey experience if at all possible in hopes of seeing some great qualified cars. Hope the rest of the “Show” cars sign up soon, I don’t want to take anyones qualified space that has a car others want to see and enjoy. dave s
  17. I drive my 38 State Commander as a daily driver. I’ve had it seven years now and have put a little over seven thousand miles on it. The last three years I’ve been retired so very low mileage. I’m far from an expert mechanic but I can do most of my own repairs, tune ups and fixes. I did rebuild the engine, transmission, brakes and rewired it. I needed help when I had a distributor problem and the forum (thank you again Ed ) came to the rescue. Again when I smashed the front end I was able to do the body work, thanks to over 60 supportive members of the forum giving me advice and support. If you do this have a backup car ( my wife’s 2011 MB works well for us) for when you have problems. Then don’t be afraid to dive it and fix the problem. Some will require expert attention but most common problems can be solved by studying the problem. These cars are straight forward mechanical machines. If you take your time, document how you are taking it apart you will be able to put it back together. Don’t be afraid of asking questions. There is no such thing as a dumb question is definitely true when working on an old car. Have fun, stay on the forum and keep us updated on progress and show us what you end up buying. Pictures of problems and where you are located will only help you possibly have a new friend stop by to help you when those problems occur. dave s
  18. From the pictures Kerry posted (good job and thanks for doing it) it looked like a good successful showing. Hopefully next year will be even better. Steve, you, the staff and all the volunteers deserve a “Good job” applause. With a longer lead time maybe more members from further away can add it to their calendars, I know I’m going to try. dave s
  19. Walt, very similar to the old US Post office in Chicago. When it was built it had a section built to accommodate a highway thru it. In the late 50’s early 60’s that highway became the Eisenhower expressway to the western suburbs. dave s
  20. Are you on the Supreme Court? dave s there’s a guy on the court that says he likes beer!
  21. Anyones personal opinion of a car being “not wanted” is valid for that person as it’s his own opinion. Ed is one of the few people that is willing and knows enough about, shall we say 90% of prewar cars, to be considered an expert ( and I do not mean a has been (ex) drip under under pressure (spert))that will give you an honest opinion of a car. If he doesn’t know the car, he will tell you. I would listen to him regarding the sale or purchase of any prewar car under consideration for my garage. I know I can afford his free advice and help but doubt I could his professional rates. Some say free advice is worth what it costs, I do not think that applies in this case. As AJ said, it would be nice to own but only at a reasonable cost. Hopefully the OP will let us know where, when and for what it sells. I do like the car myself but there are many others on a list long before this model. dave s
  22. Keep the front plate in the car. If you get stopped by a cop tell him you noticed the bracket was falling apart so you saved the plate. New bracket is back ordered. Most cops are interested in the car and could care less about a missing plate. If you live near me I’ll bail you out if you get arrested! But SC doesn’t have front plates. They don’t want to waste the money! dave s
  23. OH Henry! Welcome to the best forum you can find for old cars. A big hint - we like pictures of cars. We like to know where you are located. We like to know what’s your main interest. We like to know your skill. We’re not nosy it just helps in answering questions you may come up with in the future. Did I mention we like pictures? If not we really like pictures. I’m sure you will even get more nice welcoming responses if you post some pictures. dave s ps- I think some of us like pictures because we can’t read so well. That’s just a personal experience on my part but I know everyone likes pictures for sure.
  24. Pick one and as Nike says just Do It ! Both will be used if your like most of us. I would love to have a barn again with or without concrete. Pour more if you can or put down plywood if possible. Get as much good clean working room as you can and just do it. Have fun, get it on the road asap and drive it. dave s
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