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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. looks great and reminds me to ask you a question, do all of your gauges have a silver nickel outer rim? all of mine do except one which is gold rimmed which makes me think it doesn't belong to the car (or the car was made on a Friday...)
  2. Don't you have to be super careful with acetone/atf mix around paintwork?
  3. you would have thought the timber wood have shrunk over the years that would have made it easier to remove - that whole piece seems pretty fragile so I'd be reluctant to use any sort of force on it and the correct round ones very very rarely seem to come up for sale
  4. probably the other way to find out if you're car has it's original parts is to try and find the original registration - I know here they recording chassis number and engines on that
  5. is that for a 26 master? with the 26 standard you just unbolt the top of it, slide it back and remove the bakerlight plug and it lifts out after a bit of manoeuvring
  6. that's disappointing to read, I was looking at getting the kit as mine drips fairly badly and the impeller has seen better days
  7. no concerns of anyone suing from falling down to the subway back in those days!
  8. It's hard enough on the RHD cars to remove the carby, hate to think how difficult it is for you guys with LHD cars!
  9. there seems to be some very average marvels that show up on Ebay that have been sand blasted within an inch of their life, and if you read the comments on the supplier they are generally bound up tight
  10. steering wheel is even on the correct ​side
  11. Holden don't even seem to acknowledge anything pre 48, so I'm not sure how much help they would be but it might be worth a shot
  12. there's very little out there online that I've found for the Holden bodied cars (which most Buicks in Aus are) even our owners manuals are hard to find.
  13. The ad does say it's nickel plated, maybe its just been polished too much
  14. 1926, central light thick original glass for brakes - does not appear to have been originally coloured (mine has a piece of plastic to cover it red for compliance covering it)
  15. the back carpet appears to be original (especially on the back of the drivers seat) but it's possible that it's a Holden thing
  16. My car doesn't have anything on the floor currently (just straight wood), what should a 26 actually have in the front? my rear has carpet in a nice fantale orange
  17. what was the issue with your fan that you needed to do this? just leaking oil?
  18. marvel carbs drain gas when they're stopped, starting and running...
  19. 1936 Century 66C X Convertible Coupe
  20. any fuel you put in it these days is going to be a hell of a lot better than the crap they had back when the car was new
  21. Update, specialist has taken a look at it - basically the commuter is heavily worn with the brushes are making very poor contact and essentially skipping over the surface. New brushes on the way from the states which should be here in a couple of days with any luck so they can commence rebuilding it On a side note, I believe it has the original or at least very old brushes in it as well - they've actually got Delco stamped on the brush itself
  22. On the 26, the generator doesn't appear to have any model numbers on it (even on the original band) only a serial number. Leif may have the part numbers in his part book
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