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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. They had an interesting history that's worth reading up on, made bodies for most price points
  2. The Cadillacs have these as well, mine seems to function ok but didn’t 100% trust it so put an inline fuse in as well
  3. And then you have even more variation when you get to Australian English
  4. Most likely was shipped as a kit from the US to be assembled and bodied locally
  5. Aren’t trucking split rims a different style of lock rings?
  6. But it’s summer 😂 Hopefully taking it out for a few drives before it’s too hot and unpleasant
  7. What’s actually wrong with carb? It’s a pretty simple design and the parts are available
  8. We still have mask mandates in a few places and it’s almost impossible to hear anything when people have the music going as well
  9. If it’s anything like our domestics from the 80’s a butter knife could probably start it
  10. 1921 won’t have been factory balanced, Cadillac introduced it with the v63 in 1923. At best it would be that the pistons were approximately the same weight Personally if it was me I would match the weight of the originals
  11. I have a parcel sitting in Chicago since sep 3.... Claim auspost won’t accept it and won’t RTS. Auspost say they are accepting but usps won’t update their advice
  12. The other interesting thing when looking at historical pricing is how things have changed relatively In 1922 a Cadillac was nearly ten times the price of a model T which obviously has changed a fair bit
  13. I don’t think you can just put seatbelts in a car around here, would need a compliance certificate for vehicle modification so he won’t be able to ride in the car for quite a while I was thinking when he is old enough I might pickup a small stationary engine to work with him on
  14. I use a norco 6v, routinely on sale on amazon and has quick disconnect clips if you’re using it in a tendering scenario Have a couple, amazon replaced one that went bad
  15. https://www.colletizer.com/store/p72/Universal_Joint_Flex_Disc_and_New_Washers_L373T.html#/ No affiliation, actually found it searching here
  16. Some great suggestions, definitely will look into some more mechanically inclined toys - he’s a got a few odds and ends like a little john deer push toy that he loves Lots of fun stuff to look forward to! Hershey is probably a little difficult for now, but who knows 🙂
  17. What do people recommend to get young kids interested in the hobby? My son’s recently turned one and I’m starting to think about what I can do to encourage him early to be interested We’ve taken him to a few different museums already and working demonstrations - being so young mostly the movement of things interests him the most but gotta start somewhere :-) What sorts of things did you guys do or recommend? ‘ (I thought I’d make a slightly more positive thread than what happens to your stuff when you cark it)
  18. If anyone anyone wants to dispose of their steam car or early electric car to me 😂
  19. From the photos I’ve seen of the Victoria it looks like it’s in the same position as the 5 passenger coupe so could just be the drawing
  20. Walt has defined the subtle proportional nuances between seemingly identical body styles that were possible with composite construction. I don’t think the drawings are that accurate because it shows the steering wheel being offset as well
  21. As far as I'm aware, no 5 passenger coupes were actually fitted with that seating arrangement and they actually just had the same front seat arrangement as the Victoria. The body style is cut into the wood of the body so I know mine is a five passenger coupe rather than a Victoria The drivers seat is unusually uncomfortable in that it makes you sit pretty much bolt upright
  22. Worth mentioning that if the person in Australia was in any reasonably built up area the highest speed they'd likely be doing is 50mph (speeding in most states is rigourosly enforced) and if in there in the open country then there wouldn't be much pressure to go that fast (our major highways outside of capital cities are nothing like interstates)
  23. which pieces? have you got a photo of yours?
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