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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. Most interesting stuff around us growing up was HSV clubsports and things like FPV utes with the odd Monaro thrown in. Last 10 years the types of cars around here has changed very significantly - a lot more euro’s, M cars, AMG, RS are very common around here. Italian exotics you see every couple of days as well. Mustangs were popular when they were reintroduced but demand has dropped off. Not much American around these days with the exception of Tesla’s
  2. There is a couple of us around that age but we are certainly the minority What sort of vintage cars are you into?
  3. The GM parts books from the 20’s certainly identify RHD parts Most people with RHD cars would be well aware of those issues
  4. I'd probably suggest jacking the rear wheels and then working either backwards from the gearbox or forwards from each wheel and verifying the function of each components (axle, diff, prop shaft, u joints) . I'd liken your problem to having a hole in a pipe, everything beyond that break isn't going to do much
  5. Surprising, I thought car places had done reasonably well out of the covid restrictions (outside of sourcing parts) as lots of people were at home restoring stuff
  6. Not sure but I doubt it given the rapid pace of development, would be quite outclassed by then One thing that does make it hard 100 years later to understand their decisions is what the data and product roadmap was telling them at the time.
  7. I wonder if some of it was based on power output, if they already had the Cadillac motor producing more power they probably didn’t need the Chevrolet and Oldsmobile motors. Though given how independent the manufacturers were I don’t know how thought went into handing over designs when they were rationalised
  8. I was doing a bit of reading on it, and I was surprised that the power was quite low compared to the Cadillac V8 - wonder what the main difference was to make up such a power difference. It's more in line with some of the 6's of the period
  9. It's happening here as well, our labour shortages seem to be mostly caused by the fact we can't import cheap labour wholesale from the 3rd world. Employment has technically gone up because a lot of the shonky off the book jobs aren't being taken by locals who expect certain pay and rights
  10. We've had that in place for a couple of years to Australia, it's the dumbest inefficient tax. It used to be a $1000 threshold because that's what was the break even point for collection, until we had the owner of a electronics chain lobby the government that it should apply to everything so he could flog $40 phone charger cables
  11. I looked it up but you can get 53 gallon drums (200l) of kero for about US$370 delivered (including $90 of tax). No added sulphur or dye. Works out to about a 30% premium over petrol so what I’m saying is it makes sense for a steam car to be donated to me, you know because the fuel is easily available 😜
  12. I was going to say a bigger bank balance than me! Would love to get a steam car some day, I’m sure the wife can be convinced of a father/son project 😛
  13. Have you got the shop manual? Take photos of everything you do That motor looks like someone has dome stuff at some point not that long ago, do you know what was done?
  14. The other thing to check (and I don't know how if/how it would affect the cooling system) is that there is a procedure to fill the cooling system that involves rotating a knob on each of the water pumps to fill and then back when it's filled. I've never had the pumps off to know what it actually does but it's worth checking
  15. Mine's all good, I got it hot tanked after I removed the bulk of it - but it's more that I"m suggesting it would be less susceptible than other designs (e.g our 26 buick has less places for the big chunks to settle before it blocks things)
  16. I'm not sure how much of it would get pumped back through the engine versus settling in the water passages in the block (which are massive)
  17. 100% no way is the text is real - perspective and shadows are all wrong for starters
  18. Which the cadillac does have on its water outlet pipes coming out of the block
  19. It's a v63 motor that is suitable from 1923-1925. This one seems like it's about in the middle of the production run but I would have to check my notes
  20. It should be able to cope just fine with that When I cleaned out the blocks, there was over 2lbs of mud and crud in them - There are inspection covers on the sides that you can open up to have a look to see if anyone has cleaned it before as well
  21. What was the ambient temp when you had the overheating problems? My car has had the rad redone (but not the pumps) and it won’t even get to normal operating temps in a 15 mile drive under 60f - will sit idling on a hot day and not get hot might be worth doing some diagnosing on the various systems
  22. Glad to hear that you’ve tracked it down, sucks having to deal with that mess
  23. The uboat in Chicago is worth going to and shows how nuts the tight crew space was, even though they were the enemy it would have been a terrible way to go
  24. Is there a reddit group for Vegas that’s worth posting in? People seem to be able to track down a lot of things and your brothers car isn’t exactly common
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