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AC Fuhrman

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Everything posted by AC Fuhrman

  1. I think it's 30 years this year! Might switch to needlepoint or baseball cards. Thanks for keeping after me!
  2. YES - Join AACA - we have a great print magazine, shows, tours, events, Library - etc.
  3. Guys I actually woke up around 3:am and worried about this mess! (It's that important to me!) Is there still a way or plan to 'go back the old drawing board' so to speak and see if a new deal can still be worked out - putting all previous behind us? The land is still there, the want for a new Library/HQ facility is still there. We have so much to work with - great people, great Club, magazine, forum, Museum & Library that everyone involved enjoys and obviously cares deeply about! Steve and Jeff are true 'car guys' and concerned Executive Directors of their respective 'units,' we are lucky to have them both! Both boards are made up of dedicated volunteers. What can I/WE do to HELP? Here's a photo of James Melton a past AACA National President who operated his own museum. (He's been called yesterday's Jay Leno.) Let's hope he'll send us down some guidance! PS - both of his books are in OUR AACA Library - see I got all three in! It can be done.
  4. Been a little busy but just read all of this - then I passed out - now I'm back again. I knew a little bit about some of this but was hoping for the best. (Still am, hoping for the best that is.) A dear old car friend told me once the secret to a long and happy life is patience. So I am going to be patient and see what happens next. Like "AKSTRAW" above I truly love AACA and the AACA Museum and I have been a club member for a pretty long time. My experiences with both are among the best of my life. I'd be both duty-bound and happy to help with anything I can with regard to this situation. You might want to think about what YOU can do to help too!
  5. My sons and I camp in tents and ride the bus - it's not for everyone but it fits our budget nicely! Have a great time - (as if you could have any other kind!)
  6. The whole issue is 'special' as was the event! I am still so pleased I went to Allentown!
  7. Marty is always ready to go!
  8. Site watchers will soon be asking you for location and prices on this and the Republic - plus more photos etc. Good luck with your sales - neat vehicles for sure!
  9. Great photos as always - our HQ is a very special place many people have never visited - glad you shared those in particular! Taking the Buick next year! Thank you!
  10. Now I haven't done this myself but have heard of others so......you find a concrete hauler with another project in your area - I understand they sometimes have left over product in trucks that has to me emptied out anyway - so you can hire/arrange with them to bring it to your location. Now you have to coordinate times and spread it out how you want it etc, but for smaller jobs, shed pads, sidewalks, patios. I've heard it works. You might have to separate to into a couple sections, in the event of different deliveries. Ask around the worst anyone will say is NO.
  11. I know right? I've taken parts and cars & car people all over the place and others have done this for me. I can't make this particular trip but I hope someone can. What if the 'Federal Parcel' driver lost it or threw it over a fence and broke it? Getting to hard to find some of the items all of us here use, imagine explaining to the damage claim person what a Hupmobile instrument panel is or determining it's value. I'm getting 'Geezerish' but in my day we'd be quicker help each other out.
  12. Lot #115 for me please - 1931 Chevrolet coach - my Dad and my first 'old car' was a 31 Chevy - this one would be extra special being Canadian made!
  13. A few photos from a great 'Nashional' in sunny Richmond, VA, Saturday, 9/17/16 - Wyndham, VA Crossings hotel.
  14. AC Fuhrman

    Is it a Nash?

    Don't know it's make but camper is neat too!
  15. Took 'Roger the Roadmaster' to church rummage sale Saturday. (Put lots of finds in the trunk!)
  16. Great looking T! My best Hershey find will be the next one - just so pleased whenever I can get there! A bit behind on my plans for this year but do expect to spend a day at least!
  17. Just want to get there each year!
  18. So I used to set a 'budget' and plow through Hemmings or other buy/sell publications just to see what I could find in my 'price range.' I know I'm not the only person who does this right?? With all the depressing talk about our 'expensive, dying, hobby; young people can't get into etc. etc,' I took a quick shot at this again just now. Went on Hemmings.com and set my search at $3500 max and vehicles within 500 miles of my zip code and WHAM-O! Nearly 500 possibilities in just seconds! Sure some need work and there weren't any 'blue chips' but we are talking hobby cars and some of these were kinda neat. Don't be sad - you can join or continue in our awesome hobby for not as much as you might be thinking! My friendly opinion!
  19. I attend and enjoy shows large and small from cruise night to Concours. Not sure about a non-running class - my opinion but wouldn't that be a museum? 'Driven on the field....' one of the best parts of the whole thing! Steaming Stanleys, silent electrics, that Model A sound? Would miss all that I think. And I've had one old car quit on me and trailered/not trailered - guess I just like the experience.
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