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Everything posted by CarNucopia

  1. I wouldn't stay away because of the virus. I live far enough away that my biggest concern is the event is scaled back to the point it's not worth the trip.
  2. Maybe the upside to the new record under these conditions is it'll make so difficult to beat in the future, perhaps far less people will even try.
  3. You definitely have more lumber to deal with then me. On my property, the trees cover about 3 acres. And, the majority of trees are pines that have narrow trunks. Whoever planted them put them too close together, so they never got thick, only tall. The best part about my plan is it gave me an excuse to shop for an old tractor. 😬
  4. I’m looking for a wood chipper too. Since my use is more limited, certainly then @auburnseeker, my plan is to get one that runs off of the PTO of a tractor. The combination of tractor and new wood chipper is less then I’ve seen used chippers for. The chipper I’ll likely buy is Woodmaxx . The other thing I do is watch equipment auctions on Proxibid and other local auction houses.
  5. Are you aware of the SBA Paycheck Protection program? The basics are they loan you 250% of your monthly payroll. If you use it to pay staff and a few other acceptable expenses, they forgive it. I’ll be going that route for my business. https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/ac3081f6-14ae-4e6f-9197-172ede28badd/71AB6CB05A08E369E0D488A80B3874A5.faqs---paycheck-protection-program-faqs-for-small-businesses.pdf
  6. Depending on the price of the car, I'd consider a round-trip plane ticket to be cheap insurance. Most cars I've bought remotely have had issues I learned about when I got them. It's usually not something that would have been a deal breaker, but it taught me to see things in person whenever I can. Only once did a car surprise me to the good side.
  7. I'm glad you asked the question, as I'm dealing with the same issue. I talked to an engineer from Turtle Wax at the Chicago Auto Show and he recommended I get a paint thickness measuring device so i know how much I have to work with. He also gave me a bottle of a product he recommended. I'm waiting for it to warm up, so I haven't used it yet.
  8. Great story. What amazes me about old fire trucks is that they seem to be well maintained and cheap. Is there a vintage vehicle that has a better cost-per-pound ratio? This one is a lot newer, but that's a lot of shinny paint and chrome for $7,900 https://indianapolis.craigslist.org/cto/d/indianapolis-fire-truck-1994-pierce/7064548661.html
  9. You’ll get there Matt. I’d love to tell you getting my Buick to the condition I wanted it was trouble free. The reality is my budget for the whole project got me to the about point where the quantity of disassembled pieces was at its peak.
  10. I used Metal Rescue and was pleased with the results. It's the only one I've tried, so I can't say how it compares with other products. Here's a thread I posted on my experience.
  11. Congrats on a get space. Count me amongst the envious... I’m in the process of doing a similar project, but on a much smaller scale. Mine is a barn with a garage built off the side and a small cinder-block building. The best money I’ve spent so far is a thermostat for changing the temperature remotely. An hour before I plan to be there, I kick up the heat and arrive to a comfortable temperature. Of course you will need internet service to do this.
  12. This thread popped into my head shortly after I opened the trunk of one of my cars and saw a mouse run away. From what I've read, mice hate the smell of peppermint. That's what I'm using right now, along with a variety of traps.
  13. I have a few RHD cars and really enjoy the oddity of them. They are both Japanese Domestic Market cars (JDM) that were only available there. So, if you want one, you have to settle for RHD. They made some really interesting cars when the economic bubble there was inflating in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. Sitting on the “wrong” side is part of the fun with these things. The one on the left is a Honda Beat and the right a Nissan Figaro. I do agree with Matt that a car sold here in LHD is not something I would want as RHD (except maybe an original Mini Cooper).
  14. I saw it Saturday night. There were too many Hollywood embellishments for me to give it a thumbs up. I have an issue with any movie that is “based on a true story” in that they almost always rewrite details to make it more entertaining. I certainly see why audiences give it good reviews. But as a car/racing history buff, there were too many cringeworthy moments.
  15. I’ll guess the number of people in this thread who have purchased a new Mustang in the last ten years or will purchase one in the future is somewhere between 0 and 1.
  16. IRP is a different facility, unrelated to The Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It's owned by the NHRA. I wonder who will say "Drivers, Start Your Engines!" in the future?
  17. I bought an ATC enclosed trailer a few months ago and will be storing it outdoors in the winter wonderland of Wisconsin. Is there any advice you can give me on things I should do to better protect it from the elements? Thanks.
  18. This thread reminds me of my trips to the Indy 500. Every year, while walking to the track, we are greeted by people preaching about the coming of end of the world. As far as I can tell, the only thing that has changed in the last twenty years of their preaching is there are more people walking past them on the way to the speedway. The car hobby is fine. Well, except for people making noise complaining that it's not fine.
  19. That's me. I wish it were closer as I'm in the market for one of these. I'd also like to know what the best resource online is for vintage tractors.
  20. If you want to know what attracts young people to car events, it's 80's and 90's cars. There is an event called Radwood that just took place in Detroit which is a great illustration of what is happening at the other end of the age spectrum. The event "is a celebration of '80s and '90s automotive lifestyle" and is very well attended. Sharing a show field at an AACA event with cars from this era is a great way to interact with younger enthusiasts.
  21. I don't recall seeing those, but I'll need to take a closer look. Thanks.
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