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24T42 is Sick


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I thought some of you on the DF that know my wife Judy Edwards better known as ?24T42? would want to know that she is very sick right now. After we got back from Philly she came down with bronchitis, which turned, into pneumonia. She was placed in the hospital Saturday and was doing better yesterday, but today things have gown down hill. Being diabetic has not helped, because the medicine they are giving here has run her blood sugar through the roof and they are having trouble getting it down. She has also had trouble breathing today, so they put her in ICU this afternoon to see if they can get things under control.

I will keep you posted on how she is doing, if any of you would like.

Barker Edwards

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Di and I both hope that Judy recovers quickly and fully.

We noticed during the Annual Meeting that she looked very tired but thought it was just from trying to keep up with a hectic schedule (i.e. seminar, youth web site table, etc.). But we never heard any complaints from her and she kept to her committments. Please keep us posted on her progress.

We will keep her in our prayers.

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)


I got the word from Cheryl Skeen this morning in an e-mail. Rest assured we will pray for her speedy recovery.

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Get well wishes soon from all of Tidewater Region AACA! For those of you unable to attend the Publications Seminar in Philly, Judy did a fantastic job and readily disclosed all of those wonderful sources for neat clip art she uses. Barker, best thing you can do is make sure the laptop computer is charged up and be ready to bring it to her in the hospital as soon as you can-get her back on the ebay post card auctions as soon as possible-it'll be great therapy!


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"24T42" wanted me to say thanks for all the kind words, thoughts and prayers that have been sent her way. I printed this thread out and took in to the hospital so she could read them, and it put a big smile on her face. She is still in ICU and will probably be there for a few more days, before being moved to a regular room. They have gotten her blood sugar under control, and the doctor said today that there has been some improvement in her lungs. He said that there is more air moving through them, but the bronchitis has not started to brake up yet. This is giving her some trouble breathing, but when I left her tonight she was breathing a little easer. She still has a way to go, but she told me last night she could see a light at the end of the tunnel. She also told me to tell everyone that she is looking forward to getting back on the DF. I think she is going into computer withdraw.

I would also like to thank everyone for their kind words, thoughts and prayers, and I will keep you up dated on how she is doing,

Barker Edwards

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Update on ?24T42?. They moved her out of ICU this afternoon and up to a regular room. They also had her up walking some today to try to start building her strength back up. She is still very weak and it does not take much to exhaust her, but she is doing better. The doctor has given no indication how much longer she will be in the hospital, but she is ready to come home. She has enjoyed reading all the cards and notes that have been sent to her. Thanks!

All for now, hopefully she will be back on the DF soon.

Barker Edwards

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Barker, glad to hear Judy is better.

I don't think I've seen you since y'all used to come up to Roxboro Plant switchyard though I know Tim sees you at Denton about every year. Ran into Joe Ledford at Raleigh swap meet this afternoon. I hope I'll be able to retire from CP&L/Progress Energy/whatever it is now and enjoy life a little in a few years.

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Ok guys-clear a spot- Barker is warming up the Dell for her right now!


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I was finally released from the hospital yesterday after 10 days - 7 of which were in ICU. Yuck! It will be awhile before everything will be back to normal but I am on the road to recovery.

I want to thank everyone for all the notes, cards, and prayers that I received daily. Barker came every day with a handful and each one was better medicine than the medicine itself. It is at times like this that one can truly count their blessings.

Thanks again!

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Guest BruceW

Yippeee..... all of the DFer's prayers were answered!

Its great to see you back home Judy!

You had us in a scare for a while lady!

Now... just take the time needed,. no matter how boring.. and no matter how much stuff piles up... to get 100% well.

Take care and hope you recover quickly.

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Boy some people will do anything for attention! Sorry, Judy, I just couldn't resist. All kidding aside, we are so glad you are home, which will speed your recovery, especially with Barker's great care. Looking forward to seeing you down the road.

Janet <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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There's no place like home, Judy. Back in the early 80's I spent 31 straight days in the hospital recovering from a virus. Even though the food was tolerable and they had color TV in every room, I couldn't wait for the day I could go home to my own bed.

Of course, now that you're home, I suppose a sympathy card is in order -- for poor Barker! smirk.gif

Jan K.

Wis Region

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Went to the doctor yesterday and got a good report. The lungs are finally clear. smile.gif I can breathe again!

I am still taking steroids which are still playing havoc with my blood sugar levels. My first morning home, Barker almost had to call the rescue squad because my levels had dropped so low I was drifting in and out. He knew what to do so we made it through that crisis also. They have cut back on the medications and things are slowly returning to normal. smile.gif

Once again - thanks for all the prayers. I do have one favor to ask though. Can you guys and gals type a little slower until I have time to catch up on the posts? smirk.gifsmirk.gif You type slower and I 'll read faster. tongue.gif

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Well, it's about time, Judy. We got tons of work for you to do. Did you hear that another organization wants you to put on a seminar. I told them you wouldn't mind at all. Oh, I'll be out of town for a couple of weeks, so you won't be able to catch up with me, thankfully. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

I--t y p e d--a s--s l o w--a s--I--c o u l d! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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After getting the preliminary hospital bills, I no longer do FREE seminars. blush.gif Besides - I am not sure that you got all of the one in Philly. I think one time when I coughed the slides and I got out of sync. Oh, well - have to save something for next time.

And yes - I got a letter from National thanking me for participating and asking me if I would do it again. I have not mailed the form back - smirk.gif yet!

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Judy, It's good to see your sense of humor has returned. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> And the letter of thanks from National was well deserved. You got lots of time before next year's seminar. I'll even help Barker keep track of your slides if need be. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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It's good to see you on the forum. I don't mean to sound like a mother, which I am, but be sure to get the rest you need--the Forum will be there when you're up to it.

It's nice to know you are home and on the mend. There's no place like home!



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