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mea culpa

Leif in Calif

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As the author of one of the dreaded EV posts, I feel I should apologize to the group. I'm pretty new here and thought it would be an appropriate topic for thoughtful discussion. Obviously it wasn't and I'm sorry.

Lesson learned.     

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No need to apologize, Leif!  I'm sure many of us have posted things we reflect about later...  Just yesterday I apologized to a fellow forum member about a certain color combination on some cars; however, my post was not directed at him or his particular car.  


I also appreciate all the for sale/not mine posts!  I just wish they were closer to me in the mid-Atlantic.

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1 hour ago, alsancle said:

Look at the bright side, you almost got rid of Ed for us. Now we’re gonna have to try a different way.

Ha!  Well, old chipped coins were considered no good, so you know what they say about bad pennies, they keep turning up!


I don’t think a small vacation from the Forum is a bad thing.  I’ve been on it a while, at one time most posts were of interest to me, now I have to search for same.  Something off putting (to me, personal opinion, no offense meant and all that jazz) about computer controlled cars and electronics, for example, when talking “antique” cars.


Oh, that bad penny is a good friend of mine, as he is to many on this Forum, he’ll turn back up…..

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