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Long-time collector of early auto related sheet music.  The graphic images are what appeals to me, and of course there are a lot of car specific songs too. I've periodically come across other collectors, a few looking for specific items like gas and oil related, or Ford/Chevy related.  Everybody has a few interesting items it seems.  I've got a new collector excited now about collecting to a theme - ladies and the automobile.  Who else has some-post some photos to share.


Honeymoon Waltz.jpg

Id rather go walking with the man I love than to ride in your automobile.jpg

In an Automobile Built for Two.jpg

Off to the fair.jpg


The Lady Chauffeur.jpg

When Isabella Green went Automobiling.JPG

Theres something else Goes with it.jpg

Edited by Terry Bond (see edit history)
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Terry a few years ago I stopped by your flea market space at Hershey to purchase several auto related items of sheet music on set up day.  After visiting with you i wandered down a couple of spots and stopped to talk to a gentleman selling misc advertising.  After  talking for a few minutes I asked "what do you have under the table".  He replied "what males you think I have anything under the table?"  My reply was "everyone has something of value under their table."  Pam and I collected Art Glass all over the world prior to 9/11 and quality dealers always had something they were holding back to show to a preferred customer.  He related he was a fireman somewhere in Main.  An old fire station in his town had been abandoned for over 40 years and was to be demolished,  On a whim he went up in the attic and found 4 posters with multiple fire scenes advertising a fire school in 1916.  They were 24 by 36 in and upon inspection they were stone lithography consisting of 6 stones (colors).  I  asked him to set a price which he did.  I tried to buy all four but he insisted on keeping one so i bought three.  Unfortunately I lost the photos in a hard drive failure several years ago so I can't post them.  I sold one on ebay for 3K and still have the other two in my storage facility.  Slated to go to the AACA when Covid 19 gets me.  Terry you are the collector we all look up too.  Keep posting !!!

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I sure do remember you starting your music collection at Hershey.  Hopefully we'll be back again next year to keep on collecting.  Those posters sound fabulous and when you get around to taking photos be sure to send me an email or post here for everyone to enjoy.  I'll keep posting stuff as long as it's being enjoyed and stirring up interest in collecting.  It has been very enjoyable over the years, especially when I was active duty USN.  It kept me involved with antique cars even when I was stationed in places where I couldn't really do much.


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Here are a few more favorites ( I've got a lot of favorites if you've not already noticed!).

The Auto Race by Hawley.jpg

In My Mercer racing car.jpg

Love story of the Packard and the Ford.jpg

Motor Galop by Kiefert.JPG

Six Cylinder Kid, the by Hawkins and Paris.JPG

Take me out for a joy ride.jpg

At the Tango Ball.jpg

Automobile races 1900.jpg

El Testofon.jpg

Git a Horse.jpg

Give me a spin in your Mitchell Bill.jpg

I Love my Horse and Wagon by Oh You Buick Car.jpg

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I do have a number of them framed, lining the walls on the stairs going up to my office.  Wish I had more wall space though.   I have seen some T shirts made with sheet music images, but no signs (yet).  I guess it's only a matter of time until someone starts making them.


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  • 5 months later...
On 11/25/2020 at 7:49 PM, Buick Regal GS said:

rescued this from the thrash at work anybody see one of these? i dont have a record player so dont know what it sounds like

buick record.jpg


Is that a record, or a video disk.  I think video disk. 


I was calling on Buick dealers in the '80's and I do not remember selling any audio records, but... Buick & GM had dealers buy video disk players which was a modern at the time like an over size CD in today's terminology. 


Looking at the side 1 & side 2, I would say that it is a video disk.  Customer would come in to look at a car and the salesman could Que up the disk for that model and let the customer watch all the information on the car. 

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Despite this looking like just a advertising sheet for Checker cabs it is really a piece of sheet music. inside are four pages of lyrics and music notes " No mat ter where you go - Call a Check-er, A Check-er Cab, Cab" It seems to be a product of the Checker Cab Co. in conjunction with radio station WOR of New York City ( which for years was a major radio station when those actually had live broadcasts and live commentators) the back page of the sheet music has profile color photos of four of their cabs that were in use and state " Always look for the Checker Border to identify genuine Checker Cabs - except those operated by Yellow Taxi Corporation"  Yellow cabs built their own cabs as well and in the 1920s had screw on hubcaps that said in raised letters 'Yellow '.


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  • 1 year later...

Well, I've heard the adage "all good things in time" but never would have believed I'd have found this piece of sheet music!  Been searching for nearly 20 years!  Years ago one showed up for sale in an auction but I was outbid.  It's dated 1898 and is in amazing condition. It was pretty high on my "most wanted" list so am thrilled to add it to the collection.



Runaway Motor Car (The) 1898.jpg

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  • 6 months later...

Well, the collection continues to grow.  I was contacted a while back by a sheet music collector who was helping to break up a very large and old collection.  His interest fortunately was not automotive, so I was given the chance to obtain a number of items I did not have - including some early pieces I'd never seen before.  Here are a few goodies that I've recently added.  There are two Ford related pieces here that have been on my "want list" a long time, as well as a super nice Pontiac piece.  I knew of it, and had watched a copy slip through my grasp at an auction, but this one is really pristine.  It's almost like a piece of automotive literature.  I really enjoy this stuff, just wish I could play the piano and carry a tune!



BUY New Addition.jpeg

BUY New Additi0on 5.jpeg

BUY New Addition 4.jpeg

BUY New Addition 3.jpeg

BUY New Addition 2.jpeg

BUY New Addition 6.jpeg

Its the High Wave ofo the Tide - It's a Ford.jpg

It's a Pontiac.jpg

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Great artwork on so many pieces. This piece, of course, is my favorite. While the artwork is not very colorful, I love the title, and especially the car, as it is like the Packard my dad bought in 1974 and left to me and my brothers. The artist used an original Packard factory photo and flipped it. Note the exhaust coming out the left side of the car instead of the right. I found two of these pieces of sheet music about two years ago, immediately after discovering they even existed. Have not seen another one come up since. What makes it especially interesting to me is that the original owner of our car took it to Switzerland, and the scene on the cover of this piece looks as though it depicts the Alps.


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That's one of my favorites also West. The Boat-tailed Packard is very well done.  Hard to identify most cars illustrated on them so when you know and can relate to the car-even better.  Here's another one recently acquired- French and I'm pretty sure the car is a De Dion Bouton.  The music is dated 1904.  Hard to imagine it's lasted so long in such nice condition.


Les Peetits Touristes ebay 3-23-23.jpg

Edited by Terry Bond (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

We thought you might enjoy seeing what we did with this very nice original piece of sheet music about 30 years ago.  It is copyrighted 1913.  Had not seen this before we got it and have never seen one like it since.  Picked this up in an antique shop on the Door County Peninsula in Wisconsin in the late 1980's.  I have always loved the colors and that car looks like it's doin' 90 miles an hour just setting there.


Terry and Barbara Wiegand

South Hutchinson, Kansas

AACA Life Members #947918


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Nicely framed sheet music is true artwork and makes a great wall hanger for any car enthusiast. I've got a couple dozen in the stair wall going upstairs in the house and a few more out in the barn. The piece you have is actually quite common. It's one of the most often seen on evil bay. In its time it was a really popular song. 

Keep on collecting. Remember, three = a collection!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Early speed traps!  Sometimes it was a policeman using a pocket watch.  This piece was published in the UK about 1906-8 time frame, after the infamous "red flag" law was repealed.



Motorman (The). UK circa 1907.jpg

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Sheet Music article in Antique Automobile Magazine - For those who've sent me comments about the article I contributed to the current issue of Antique Automobile Magazine - many thanks for the kind words.  I've not received my issue yet but got to see the proof.  there is a team in Hershey that really helped make the article look great that deserves the thanks also..  West Peterson, Matt Hocker, and Jen Wolfe all had a hand in the finished product.  Special thanks to Matt for tying in his great research on the "Merry Oldsmobile" song. I really enjoyed sharing a part of my collection(s).  Hardest part was selecting just a few images. 


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I got my Antique Automobile magazine this afternoon.  All that I can say is WOW! what an article.  As you mentioned in the article, it really would be great to know just how many different auto-related songs there actually were back in those days.  You really did a great job.


Terry Wiegand

South Hutchinson, Kansas

AACALife Member #947918

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  • 4 weeks later...

That's a great piece! looks like it's in fantastic condition too.  Suitable for framing!  


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  • 3 weeks later...
54 minutes ago, Moon Guy said:

Here is one for the Moon Motor Car Company....



Yours? Knew you were looking for one. If you've got it congrats. It's a rare itm. Took me years to find mine. You have fantastic cars too.


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3 hours ago, Moon Guy said:

No, I just have a photo copy. Still looking for the original sheet music for Our New Moon. 

Will keep trying to find one for you.


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  • 6 months later...

I'm thrilled with this recent discovery - another pre 1900 item!   It's from France and was written to honor Gustave Rivas, Director General of the International Automobile Exposition in Paris in 1898.  That event is recognized by many as the first automobile exposition in Paris, and one of the first in Europe.  It was probably available for the first time at that event, then later sold in some shops in Paris.  It's amazing it has survived in such great condition for that length of time.   I'm in the process of revising my collection inventory and taking a closer look at some of the information printed on the music. Lots of history yet to come from these wonderful pieces of the past.


Marche De Chauffeurs 1898.jpg

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A couple of other interesting pieces to enjoy.  These are a bit later but still were printed at a time when people were making fun of the automobile and those crazy motorists.   Enjoy.


Bumpety Bump.jpg

Muzzle the Back Seat Driver.jpg

You Can't Park Here.jpg

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While going through my inventory update project I began to wonder how many had "Chauffeur" in the title.  Here are a few



chauffeur (The) 1906.jpg

Chauffeur sheet music with blue car.jpg

La Chauffesur.jpg

Le Chauffeur De Automobile 1898.jpg

The Chauffeur with red.jpg

The Chauffeur.jpg

The Gay Chauffeur.jpg

The Lady Chauffeur.jpg

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This is an interesting piece from 1904. It's "Dedicated to the Oldsmobile Company." Pictured on the cover is a 1904 French front Oldsmobile.  



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Here is a real neat piece - it's a cross-over item that appeals to a variety of interests, especially those who collect Uncle Sam or patriotic items. 


Keep Your Eye on Uncle Sammy.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Sorting through a few recently acquired and thought I'd post a few pictures of some good ones.







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Here is another new addition to my collection.  It's a Mexican piece.

Ya Donde Vas (where are you going).jpg

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  • 6 months later...

As a Model T Ford enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for Ford stuff from that sera.  Of course there was a lot of sheet music published featuring the Model T and I've got a pretty good selection in my collection.  But, like everything, there are a few that I'd love to find that I'm aware of from looking at other collections.   This one in particular was a "most wanted' item.  Wonderful graphics!  Now, it's in my collection and I was glad to get the chance to acquire it.  It's a thrill when something can finally get crossed off that wanted list.


This one was published in Spain specifically for a Ford dealership. 


I'll have a selection of duplicates available at Hershey this year.  If you collect sheet music (or want to start) drop by and look through what I have.  There are some rare ones that came with a collection recently acquired.   GCC5,6, across from the Giant Center.  If you have any for sale let me know and I'll be sure to look you up there if you provide your space numbers. 


Happy collecting,


ford Once.jpg

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