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Problems posting pics, need your help


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I and I know one other have had problems posting pictures. It seems to happen rather erratically and in my case it doesn't seem to be related to size. I have been able successfully post jpeg 3.7mb but not 2mb. I originally thought it was limited to cell phone usage but have now had problems via computer. I am not ruling out user error as I am not the brightest bulb on the tree so if anyone knows what I may be doing wrong, tell it. 


Otherwise please do some test uploads here on this thread and tell your results. I'll start.

ok, 6 out of 8 loaded successfully A 3.1 loaded but a 1.7 did not. 







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All images uploaded with my phone, 2 I tried to upload twice and they failed...




Tried to email them (full size, 4.9MB total) to my PC, and upload them from there.  No dice.




Emailed them again, but downsized them ("large," 1.5MB for the pair), and here they are:



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1 hour ago, MrEarl said:

Thanks for your help Matt. So does that really show us anything of value.?


Well, since all of those photos were Oldsmobile related, I consider them high value!


All of the color images were taken with the same camera phone.  There should have been no appreciable difference between the uploadability of those photos, but for some reason, the site management didn't like the first two until they were reprocessed.


The first thing I'd do is ask the boss-man what a -200 error is.  It's probably something really helpful like 'General Error' but we won't know unless we ask.  If the management would like me to email the unmolested rejected files to them so they can explain why their software doesn't like them, I'd be glad to do so. 



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I have never clicked "Insert other media"


For below:

From my IPhone 6 

Browsing on phone.


Pic 1 - Cut and paste from a website



Click to choose files.


Pic 2- Clicked "Photo Library"

Pic 3 - "Take Picture"




Woodrow Middleton belted 4 bombs in the Final Round of the HR Derby at the Super Series World Series to win the title. Middleton has shown great power all season and continues to make everyone in the organization proud of his accomplishments. 




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Could quite possibly be bandwidth usage or stability of internet connection on a mobile device. Or quite possibly it's the mobile website, where it's doing different things based on smart phone OS? I gave up entirely and now upload everything to facebook, copy the image link and post using "insert other media" on the PC. You can make photos private, though most of my stuff I don't care about sharing. Data plans vary from provider to provider, but if everyone is doing it, then I would wager it's the mobile website, because there isn't an issue uploading from the PC. Was the mobile page updated recently?

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2 minutes ago, Beemon said:

Could quite possibly be bandwidth usage or stability of internet connection on a mobile device. Or quite possibly it's the mobile website, where it's doing different things based on smart phone OS? I gave up entirely and now upload everything to facebook, copy the image link and post using "insert other media" on the PC. You can make photos private, though most of my stuff I don't care about sharing. Data plans vary from provider to provider, but if everyone is doing it, then I would wager it's the mobile website, because there isn't an issue uploading from the PC. Was the mobile page updated recently?


But there is a problem uploading from the PC. I originally thought it was cellphone but tried loading the same pic that wouldn't load from cell from PC and it did the same thing. Let me try again.

yep same thing...upload failed...  I had sent the picture to my pc from my cell in full size

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3 minutes ago, Beemon said:

Could possibly be resolution and image type the cell phone is saving the image as. What are the image types and max resolution the forum will accept?

Yea. as I had no problem loading the above old camera type pictures. I need to check on the max res but all the cell phone pics have been jpeg and know it accepts them.

2 minutes ago, First Born said:


 You talking to ME?  From my cell?  




ROFLMAO   yea, forgot who I was talkin to for a minute there. Dude if you can build a straight eight you can post a dang cell phone picture

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Here's a bit of the EXIF data from the Dr. Olds shot that keeps getting rejected:




I have tried uploading the unprocessed image from my phone, Chrome, and Explorer with no luck.  The forum software calls it a 1.7 mb file:




The photo of my grandma's engine in the back of my truck loads just fine, and the EXIF data shows it's practically identical:




Even though, due to the nature of jpeg compression, the image shows as a larger file at 2.5 mb:


4513 Capture.PNG


Conclusion:  Size, resolution, and source seem to make no difference.  There is something buried in the image file itself that the forum software kicks out.  Is it because I shot one horizontal and one vertical?  Perhaps I'll test that in a few minutes...

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6 minutes ago, MrEarl said:

Wow, thanks for your continued efforts Matt! Personally I'm wondering if it's a bug in the software that could possibly be fixed with a software update, ?


Yep.  I think it's a bug in the forum software.  If it were just iPhones, I'd say there's something about Apple's codec, but the same behavior between a phone camera and a DSLR?  That makes me think that the forum's image handler is improperly rejecting photos tagged as vertical shots.


Any photo I shoot vertically (portrait) and attempt to upload without doing any image processing gets rejected.  These three were rejected, and all I did was crop them and now they work.

FullSizeRender (1).jpg

FullSizeRender (2).jpg


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Probably a forum software incompatibility with certain cameras.  Any time I have a problem posting a picture it is ALWAYS one taken with an iphone  camera.  The same picture resists being edited by some software on my desktop computer.  Other phone cameras or dedicated cameras seldom fail to post.  Mostly an Apple problem!

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TOO MANY GADGETS!!  I take my pictures with a canon powershot something or other. It is a point and shoot about ten plus years old. Download to my windows computer and then post with no changes. Only problem I have is chasing them down on the computer [ windows 7].  They do like to run and hide.



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Just now having that -200 error code pop up while trying to post on my thread a resized picture from the same ACER now 1 year old PC down loaded from my memory card used in my Canon Powershot GLPH160 Camera. 

The resizing seemed to cure this problem before but back again?!??


Another issue? A few times while taking some time to compose a post, it would seem to stop and when hitting Submit Reply would come up as OOPS! Something went wrong. 

I would have to sign in again, finding what I had printed was saved, proceed and hit the Submit Reply button and then it would post.


My system is Windows not Apple if this helps.

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I'll throw this out there for fun.  If I open a rejected image in an EXIF data editor and change the orientation, it flies.


For instance, if I open a rejected (horizontal) PowerShot image at http://www.thexifer.net/index.php I see:




If I change it to None or Horizontal (normal), it will upload.  If I change it to Rotate 90 CW, it will fail.


Likewise, if I take a rejected vertical from a Pentax or iPhone and change it to None or Horizontal (normal), it will upload.


The forum image handler seems to be rejecting images based on EXIF data tags, but if I take a previously acceptable image and change the EXIF tag to Rotate 90 CW, it still uploads.  Perhaps there's an EXIF standards versioning issue here?

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