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Is it just me,

Guest Grant Magrath

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Guest Grant Magrath

or has forum activity slowed down a bit since the revamp? Or are all you northern hemisphere folk just out enjoying your summer rides?



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Guest Grant Magrath

It does take a bit of getting used to. But to the guys enjoying their cars in the northern summer, how about a few pictures so us southern folk can enjoy them too?



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I sure wish they would make a change to allow us to attaches files and folders and not just pictures.
The set up here is the same as other forums that use this software. Its good once you get used to it. The old software was clumsy in several ways (e.g. adding images)
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Sadly, I don't log in as often after the facelift. I can't say why, I don't find the new format objectionable, but I don't look forward to it anymore. I kind of do it out out of obligation anymore and just skim stuff that I would have ordinarily read. I don't look forward to it, and I don't have a good reason. That makes me very sad. I love this place and you guys are the best car guys on the planet. Maybe there's something subliminal going on...

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Guest locoincolo


I've been busy trying to get my distillery going. Lots of buildout and lots of complete sideways interrupts.

Rechromed the vent window frames and the vent window divider. Repainted the inside part of the divider to match

the rest of the babyshit brown the PO put on... but I'm too slow and cheap to woodgrain the baby right now. Should have the pass window

installed and all the fuzzy bits replaced by tomorrow evening. Then I can do the driver door pretty quickly.

Sadly, I have no interior door panels, nor do I have much clue how the panels apparently wrap all the way around the upper door around the window - underneath the garnish molding (sorry, moulding).

Good news is that I'm ordering grain for the first whisky wash and the buildout is getting complete.

Other good news is that it rained a bit, helped with the fires and allowed me to work on our local (private) gravel roads.

Now - about the new software... there's new software?



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Guest Grant Magrath

Hi Craig!

I thought you'd be a bit tied up with the distillery. Great to here you're keeping things going on the 38! There should be plenty of reference pics to use on the net. Plenty of guys here that can help as well. We've just sold our 38. Wasn't getting the love it deserved, but it's gone to a VERY good home. The upholstry wasn't overly authentic in it, so not ideal for reference. But I do believe they had fabric covered pressboard nailed around the garnish moldings where you could only see the edge more or less, just to give it a finished look. My 39 Chevy was the same. Hampton Coach may be able to help. They do complete interior kits.

Please do not adjust your spelling! It's an American forum, and I speak American. But sometimes Danny and I enjoy a conversation in Antipodean!

Been keeping an eye on the fires in CO. Not good. The Aussies know all about them. And floods. We mostly deal in earthquakes on this side of the ditch.

Good luck with it all Craig!



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Hi Grant,

I noticed a drop off in posts too. There has also been a drop off in particpation in an International truck forum I visit.

You statistics guys could tell if this is just a summer thing that happens every June-July or if it is really different.

I am unpatiently waiting for my chrome pieces to come back from Tri-City Plating. They said six weeks and that will be up next friday. When I get the radiator surround back I can mount the radiator and have a rolling chassis to cruise around the neighborhood.

I just finished rebuilding the hydraulic brake system on my 1936 International pickup. Amazingly, now when you step on the brake pedal--it stops!


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Guest Grant Magrath

Well it's good to see everyone's been busy and enjoying themselves. Keep the pictures coming! Especially project updates!



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Guest Rob McDonald

GRANT, I like the new Forum operation, especially the way it loads photos. It doesn't leave you hanging, wondering if the file size was too big or if the entire World Wide Web has crashed while you're waiting.

I had a car project lined up for the summer but it fell through - it's complicated. To make room, I moved my Roady into my neighbour's garage - first time the car has been outside in six years. Looked mighty fine out in the alley, although not under its own power. My two sons and a pal of theirs did the pushing. These guys weren't even born when I had the car painted. Yes, I am a very slow restorer.

Here's proof that summer did come to northern parts of the northern hemisphere.





Edited by Rob McDonald
Apologies for appearing in Pre-War - hey, '57 was pre- the Vietnam War. (see edit history)
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Guest locoincolo

You know, if I didn't spend so much time hanging out at happy hour shooting the BS I'd have finished my passenger door glass tonight.

Honestly, it took a couple trips to the HW store to round up appropriate, if incorrect, screws to install the bailey molding (hehehe moulding) and the

fuzzy bits inside the garnish molding. I got stumped a bit by the screws previously used on the outside fuzzy .. do you call it beltline molding?... strip.

A little spritz of some PB'laster and I'm done for the night. Have to try to find a short right angle screwdriver to pull those stupid screws.

But TOMORROW I should have the passenger door glass installed.

I'm getting antzy to drive her again, so maybe I can bring her up (100') to my shop and weld a door crack tomorrow. We just put a coat of Mag Chloride on our gravel road, and another mile away we have fresh tar, so I'm not going to drive much for a week or two anyway.


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Guest Grant Magrath

Looking great Larry! Good to see you've been sharing the love with the Vette! I just sold an old 76 body and parts to make room since my Vette's more or less done.

Craig, I'd call that stuff sweeper strip. Normally a screw or two, and a bunch of clips that grab the strip. I can't describe the clips very well other than to say they push in to the door, and are sort of U shaped with little serrated teeth angled back to grab the fuzzy. I think they used them in 38. Keep up the great work!



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Hosted a VMCCA Nickel Tour (1915 - 1927) for the week of June 10th here in Fenton, MI about 15 miles South of Flint. Great time but lots of work. 22 cars. 588 miles total. Two Buicks out of the 22, my 23-45 and a big seven passenger job from I think 1916 (don't have my Tour file with me). Both ran well. We only lost a little Chevy that showed up sounding 'sour' and didn't get any better after the second day, so he put it in the trailer and rode in the back seat with others.

Since that week, it has been hot (for this area) with many days over 90F and little or no rain. 101F forecast for today. Tough to come home from work and then wrench is a garage that is over 100F. But have taken several other couples out for an evening ride in our Buick when the temps have been in the 80s. Lots of fun to run down the side country lanes with the halogen 6V bulbs doing well enough to attract some bugs so the bats run along with you and dip down into the headlight stream for a late dinner, all to the delight of the passengers. Riding along at 25 mph (you can out-run your headlamps very easily) in an open car in the dark with a flock (is there some other term for a grouping of bats?) bats just over your head is something only a few of us have experienced.

I have had several calls this summer with Buick questions from gentlemen I have never met and I always enjoy those calls. Hope I helped, they never seem to call back (Ha!). I always figure they are too busy enjoying their Buick than now runs so well. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

And we should start a new thread for next year's (2013) BCA National Meet PWD After Tour in Indiana.

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Guest Tim Romans

Hi Grant,

I wish I was enjoying my ride more. However, I'm still having some difficulty in getting the 41' to run right. I checked my plugs like you reccommended and checked the gap in the points. We got her to idle perfectly, but still losing power at certain angles of throttle. To make a long story short, a buddy of mine and I pulled the front carb and whoever rebuilt it last painted the INSIDE :mad: So paint was peeling throught the carb and doubtless gumming everything up. So now, I'm actually going to try my hand at rebuilding both carbs. We all have to learn sometime, right? Let's hope it goes well.....



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