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Buick Bugle options

Barney Eaton

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I posted the note below on another item and it may be missed by many BCA members........ read my thoughts and please express your opinion.

What is your opinion?

The Bugle is generated electronically (like everything else today)... is sent to the printer, who does his job, then it is mailed (at increasing cost) and we eventually get it.

I for one like a hard copy to read.... sometimes it puts me to sleep at night, so I read the same article several times. Anyway, there may be others that would get along just fine with an electronic copy.

I feel that in particular, our foreign members might like to get both. As noted in some post, the members in Australia wait 6-8 weeks for their Bugle. If they are looking for parts, they are probably sold by the time the Bugle arrives. An electronic version would greatly improve their search for Buick parts.

The BCA Board has talked about Bugle options and I would be willing to propose to the Board that we "try" some options.

My thoughts......... (1) we experiment by giving the foreign members the option of getting an electronic Bugle. I do not know if this would be in addition to the hard copy, but that could be a second option.

Once we get a feel for how this serves our members, we could proceed to the rest of the membership.

One big concern........ If a large number of members choose to receive ONLY an electronic Bugle, then the number of Bugles printed goes down and the price of each copy goes UP.

We COULD have three Bugle options..........

(1) Electronic only ........ with an adjusted price.

(2) Hard copy only ........ with no change in price.

(3) Both Electronic and Hard copy .... with a slight increse in price to cover the cost of someone maintaining the email database.

If you are reading this, it means you are online and might be interested in an electronic Bugle, however we know there are some percentage of BCA members that do not own a computer and they are probably going to want the hard copy.

Lets have your opinion so myself and the rest of the BCA Board has a feel for what the members want.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Edited by Barney Eaton (see edit history)
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I just found this, so I'm not trying to be first OR to set the tone -- in any manner, period.

I'd rather have "hard copy", personally. That way, I get one each month and don't forget about the BCA's being around. I'd rather be concerned with possible glitches in USPS delivery than Internet Provider glitches which might send it somewhere else OR some sysop somewhere deciding that my particular group of email partners was causing issues and blocking all email coming to and from my address block when the electronic copy might be sent.

It would seem that before we get too much deeper in the choices, the degree of price adjustment for electronic delivery would need to be speculated on. Some might want it for that fact alone, but just how much might they really be saving? Also, said adjustments would not need to further jeopardize the BCA's finances from membership dues.

I also realize that MY dues, getting a hard copy, might increase if priting volume decreases below certain levels. As dues increases are part of what the electronic delivery magazine is all about, seems like this might set up more issues with dues increases in the future -- NOT GOOD. This might also be intrepreted as another way to drive existing members, who might not agree with having to get their magazine electronically to "go do something else". Therefore, the price/volume printed issue would require intense scrutiny to NOT further increase the price of the magazine for those without computers or who desire to receive their magazine as "hard copy".

Personally, I perceive this inquiry, as well-intentioned as it might be, to be a little premature until volume printed/pricing issues can also be discussed such that more accurate information might be received from members. I'm sure there will be many who will jump at the chance to get their magazine via electronic delivery, expecting a significant price decrease in their dues for doing so, but if THEY cause MY dues to increase, or the dues of those without a computer (whom we CANNOT forget about!), then that puts us right back into the "dues increase, again?" situation--NO PROGRESS.


Willis Bell 20811

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Guest wildcat465

Barney, I have to say that even though I get our chapter newsletter electronically, I prefer a hard Bugle copy.

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Thanks for thinking of your International members.

I believe the solution is simple.

1. All members continue to receive the hard copy of the Bugle.

2. Membership fees remain the same for all to cover item 1.

3. An additional ( optional ) electronic version can also be sent to those who want it for an additional fee.

So the only answer I'm looking for is how much extra will it cost me to have the early electronic version sent to me.

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

I prefer the hard copy. I dont get a whole lot of time on the computer and when I do it usually ticks me off (Dropping me or freezing up or a whole list of other little stunts that it pulls). So the hard copy works for me. The only question I have is if the number of bugles that the BCA has to mail out every month goes down, how does that translate into the price per bugle going up? Your printing fewer issues , your mailing fewer issues out . Your spending less on ink and paper........ and the price goes up?

Im a little confused by this.


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I'm with Stuart on this one.

Keep the hardcopy coming but add the option of electronic issues for those that want them.

Many clubs (cars and others, small and large) do this now and have for some time.

Some clubs also have a password that is published each month in the magazine.

That gives the member access for the next month to information on the club website that is not available to the public.....perhaps that could be a way to make the adverts available at the same time for everyone in the club throughout the world ................the adverts could be updated at around the same time that the Bugle gets to it first recipients in the USA.

My two cents worth:)

Edited by buick840 (see edit history)
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The only question I have is if the number of bugles that the BCA has to mail out every month goes down, how does that translate into the price per bugle going up? Your printing fewer issues , your mailing fewer issues out . Your spending less on ink and paper........ and the price goes up?

Im a little confused by this.


If add revenues are based on the delivered count then for sure they would drop...also I'm sure there are volume incentives as it pertains to pricing for the production of the magazine itself.

I think the main concern for going digital is the water downed effect of membership dues and the inevitable proliferation of copies.

I don't see any buisness model that includes a "digital only" choice working....that would offer a discounted membership and that is obviously a backwards move. The one option that may work is one that offers a digital option for an additional fee to only those who already have a full membership. This will only work however, if it can be secured from open "sharing". This should be able to increase revenues while adding an extra service. This will also not mess with the folks who just want their Bugle in the mail and no extra fees.

The best way to "secure" the digital version is to have a credential based access to a website with the bugle(s) there for viewing. Delivering PDF copies via email is just not a good idea...you can imagine all the uploaded copies that will ensue. People tend to not give out their credentials for site access so that, for the most part, takes care of the security.

I think this could be a way to generate additional funds while enhancing the value of a membership. Personally I would throw in $10 more to have this...how many members would it take to join to pay to administer it and break even? There was a price breakdown I think in the first thread about this a year ago but I can't find it.

I think the conversation needs to move to financial feasibility, let's see if this concept has merit on those grounds first.

Edited by stealthbob (see edit history)
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Dan - it is the economy of scale of the printer. Effectively, for bigger runs, the printer / publisher tends to charge less per issue, so reducing the number of issues significantly could lead to the printer renegotiating the per issue cost, or, potentially dropping the club once their contract comes up for renewal. The setup cost for each issue remains the same as there is a certain amount of overhead involved in putting it together.

I hope that clears up some of the confusion, in a general fashion. I know there are others here who are in the printing business, and some more closely involved with the Bugle, who may be able to state it more eloquently than I.

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Dan...... Derek explained it pretty well.

For printing the monthly Bugle, there are some "fixed" cost that do not change with volumn.

The editors, and layout peoples salary. At the printer, there is a "fixed" cost to set up to run.

This cost the same for 10 copies or 10,000. Go back to the Board minutes over the last few years and the actual cost comparisons are there.

So when we reduce copies, the amount we "save" is small, by the same token if we had more BCA members and needed more copies of the Bugle.... those additional copies are pretty cheap. For those reasons, the club is cheaper to run with more members and a BIG reason for the dues increase was the loss of members.

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I just noticed that Hemmings offers a digital (electronic) subscription... Hemmings Motor News: Subscribe to Hemmings

Using this example, they get $32.00 a year for the Motor News and are offering the digital version for $12.00...... no mention of the option for both.

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I just noticed that Hemmings offers a digital (electronic) subscription... Hemmings Motor News: Subscribe to Hemmings

Using this example, they get $32.00 a year for the Motor News and are offering the digital version for $12.00...... no mention of the option for both.

They also supported the launch of the digital subscription by giving 1 digital issue to everyone currently subscribed.

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Digital is not for everyone. I just tried to find clincher tires for my 12 Buick on the new digital Coker Tire site and it was a real pain in the tush.. (and I am somewhat proficient on my computer).

Now just think about our older BCA members trying to enjoy the Bugle in digital format....

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