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Customized Reatta in this month's Buick Bugle


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I know Ron and wondered why he did not remove the section of the bra/mask from the hood before the picture was taken. It is a nice looking Reatta........and by simply changing the wheels you can change the appearance of the car.

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I read the article (and looked at the pictures):

It is a nice looking and well preserved car for sure. The wheels are a bit different, based on my personal taste maybe a bit too flashy, but they do look nice.

The one thing I noticed (and I hate to be critical) is the dreaded pin-stripe fade. Since the car is modified (albeit lightly) I assume he is not going for "survivor" awards. With that in mind, it might be good to have the pin-stripes redone as they detract slightly from the otherwise clean appearance of the vehicle. Just my opinion, and no offense is intended.

On a somewhat related question, when the Bugle did the Reatta issue last year, I seem to remember a blurb that there were other [Reatta] articles that couldn't be fit at the time. Are there any plans to publish the ones that got away in the foreseeable future?

I realize that the magazine has to cater to all Buick enthusiasts, and there are a century of models to cover now, but us Reatta junkies would like another "hit" (or two or three).

Just asking, if anyone here happens to know.


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They should have used your car. You have made upgrades that I would want to see. Or maybe D-a-n-i-e-l's for what he did

In my initial post 2 things going on;

1] To see if anyone would be so interested as to join the Reatta club to get an edition

2] A little sarcasm as installing different wheels and a stereo is not "customizing" IMHO.

Making the Reatta upgrades like a supercharger and addressing the brakes, changing out the Teves, making dash modifications to install a GPS or a computer, that is what I wanted to see.

It was still nice to see another article showing the Reatta.

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so how do i get 'the bugle'?

The Buick Bugle is the monthly magazine published by the Buick Club of America. When you join the club you are sent a copy every month. To join the Buick CLub of America go to the web site www.buickclub.org you can join on line with a credit card. When you get that done then join the Reatta Division by mail. You can access the Reatta site at www.reatta.org The Bugle is an outstanding magazine and it has lots of good information on all models of Buicks

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I don't want to make excuses, but if you send me a Reatta article, like Jon, all I can do is forward it to Pete Phillips, the Bugle editor. He make the decisions on what articles to use and what years of Buick to feature.

Jon make me seem like the bad guy that has not running his article.

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Geez Barney, As the "Technical Advisor" I would think they would consult you for articles on Modified Reatta's. I have seen Jon's car and it is very nice. Tastefully done with very high quality. No wonder the BCA is membership numbers are in the tank. There is no communication among the officers. Why is this even considered a modified Buick? The Wheels? It even made the cover. If I spent the kind of coin some of the members at the Nats did on their "modified" Buicks I would be outraged the BCA would put emphasis on a Reatta with ugly wheels. Those other modified guys have an eye for style and the skills to pull it off. No, modified cars are not for everyone. This Reatta featured as a "modified Buick" is an embarassment to the BCA and an insult to every BCA modified division member.

Edited by Vincent Vega
spelling (see edit history)
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i can't see 50 dollars to get a magazine and invites to gatherings that will never be near me.....sorry
I feel pretty much the same way even though there was a BCA Regional meet near where I live this past weekend. It was never mentioned here on this Reatta forum as far as I know. Most of the other meets are announced here and talked about for a week before they take place. Maybe they were embarrassed to announce they were coming to Tennessee. I decided not to go because I'm not a BCA member and I really didn't feel welcomed.

PS, I wish there was a Reatta Club for Reatta owners that was not dependent on the BCA. I would join that.

Edited by Ronnie (see edit history)
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Ronnie with all of your talents and knowledge I would hope that you would join the BCA and the Reatta Division and come to some of our meets. Anyone with that much information would be more than welcome. We sit around at the national meets talking about our cars and sharing information. You do that on your web site and I for one have benefited from it. The money it takes to join the BCA and the Reatta Division is a small price to pay for what you get. I would bet that most of us spend more on dinner one evening than we spend on our car period.

If everyone on this group would look at the expense of the BCA then everyone would realize that the biggest cost is the expense of the Bugle.

I think that we use the cost of membership to get in the way of a good time. I like to go to NASCAR Races and I can tell you that I have more fun at the Nationals than the races.

Look at it this way, the cost of the Reatta Division is only $60.00 per year and it comes with a membership to the Buick Club Of America, the Buick Bugle, the Great Reatta newsletter, and a lot of good times.


Just my 2cents:D:D:D

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The reasons that Modified ‘Buicks” are not included in a lot of newsletters and such, is the most if not all of the officers and board members of the BCA, Reatta club, and local BCA chapters are purist’s. To them a modified “Buick” is a travesty on the “Buick” name. They are not going to back down without a fight. To change anything on a stock “Buick” is to desecrate it. We even have some in the Reatta club that would never change anything on their cars because “It’s not stock”. Frankly, I’m surprised that that “Reatta” with the non-stock wheels got on the front cover of the “Bugle” They have gone to extremes with this thought. Come on , the wrong color valve caps a point deduction for each one? But you can have a different transmission and only get a 4 point deduction. It sure is not fair. Even the Modified division of the “Buick” club is struggling. The purist’s in the BCA have total control. Now I ask you. Is there going to be a modified class for Reatta’s at the National show in IOWA? It is the only reason I did not attend the last three National shows.

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Heh - I've heard of concours events where the top entries were so close that the judges had to resort to things like checking tire pressures, fluid levels, and light bulbs. Not sure about the BCA, but a lot of concours events have several categories from "wash 'n shine" (for daily drivers), to "at least as good as it came from the factory".

I would really enjoy seeing a well-sorted/well-integrated S/C Reatta. Whether it is in the show or not.

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Guest 68vwdubb

Is this true?

"Look at it this way, the cost of the Reatta Division is only $60.00 per year and it comes with a membership to the Buick Club Of America, the Buick Bugle, the Great Reatta newsletter, and a lot of good times" quoted by Booreatta.

If it is, why would he earlier state to join the BCA online and then the Reatta division through mail? I guess I am confused on how to go about this to get the most bang for my buck. I am mainly after the Bugle subscription, but I think that is at least 25-30 a year alone, right?

What's my best plan of action? Thanks in advance.

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My last post was only my attempt at humor. Someone said that they couldnt see spending 50 bucks to join the club just to get the Magazine. My point was you could join the BCA on line for 50 and the Reatta division by mail for 10. I would like to see everybody join both clubs. We all think the Reatta is special or we would not waste our time on this forum. You have to join the BCA to belong to the Reatta club and that is what some people dont understand. Some want a Reatta mod division and some dont want to join the BCA. People do the math.

If we had a separate Reatta modified division, how many members could we possibly have. 50 cars would be a good guess. How would you have a meet with all of the cars all over the country. How much would it cost for insurance etc. Look at the benefits that the BCA provides for us.

The Reatta club is the most active part of the BCA and we are growing and will continue to grow as more people have an interest in our cars. The largest expense of the BCA is the cost of the Buick Bugle and it is worth the price.

I think that all of us members are working to make sure that we have a club in the future. If you can see the future it looks like the American cars will shrink and the Hondas of the world will grow. Thats what people can afford right now. We need to get everybody with a Reatta to join the BCA and the Reatta club if we are going to have a good car club in the next 10 years or so. Some one made a statement in this forum that the BCA is just a bunch of purists. What do you think we will become in the future, and the foreign guys will say the same thing about us. The Reatta group is growing because thats what a lot of folks can afford right now, its a no brainer. I would love to have a Skylark Conv but cant afford one, but if I had the money then things would be different.

There are people on this forum that spend a lot of time trying to make the Reatta club better. They are not perfect but they are still working to make it better. Some of the articles they have written have been published and some have not. The only way to make things better is to join and go to the National meets. Run for an office in the BCA or the Reatta Division and work to make a difference. The only place that changes can be made is at the yearly meeting at the National.

The yearly dues to some of you are not worth the money but you have to make the decision. I belong to several car clubs including the Mustang and Falcon clubs and to me the BCA and the Reatta Div are much more fun. Its your club make it better.

This is not intended to hurt any ones feelings. I think we have a great club and I will continue to work to make it better. I for one apprecitate the free Knowledge that we get from Barney and Padgett and some of the other guys who supply parts to us and these guys for the most part are members. The list goes on and on and everybody trys to contribute the best way they know how. We should be thanking them. Lets start supporting those who help. There are several of you out there that are very knowledgable so please join and share your knowledge. Thanks to everyone who works to make a difference

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Having been a member of the BCA, CBCA,The Reatta division and, the BMD. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-FONT]

I still won't go to a National where there is no class for my car, other than the general modified class. <o:p></o:p>

The National that was held in Detroit, MI .was supposed to have a class for the Modified Reatta's but at the last minute the Board of the BCA canceled it, saying it would interfere with the other classes. This really makes me want to participate in the National's or the local club. <o:p></o:p>

The last "Buick" show I went to was the Chicagoland Buick club ran, or should I say controlled. The guy that ran it won THREE classes. Fair right? If you bring enough friends, you win.<o:p></o:p>

At one point I tried to get involved in the CBCA (Chicagoland Buick Club). It was like trying to pull teeth. No one wanted to change anything. Any mention of change and reasons to NOT change were lined up. Changes must come from the top not from the peons. The leaders must make changes the little guys want or maybe the leader won’t be leaders any more.

Edited by 63viking (see edit history)
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I have never gone to a national BCA event, only once spent an hour at a local event (where I left the Reatta parked across the street), generally leaf through the Bugle and chuck it, and could care less about points, judging and all that fetishist stuff. I am a member of the BCA and the AACA in order to support this site and the organizations who are paying for it.

IMO, as lovely as the magazines are, they're a complete waste of money and are also the largest expense for both of the organizations. They should put 'em up online as PDFs, including the entire back catalog of issues and be done with it. Not to mention the additional content that could be provided (there's no reason that there couldn't be 100 hi-res full color pictures of any car that's featured cause it wouldn't cost anything extra). This clinging to an antiquated format for nostalgia, mis-perceived prestige, or having something to read in the can are inadequate reasons for these expensive, inefficient, slow and inherently wasteful information delivery devices to continue. Hell, if they discounted membership by even five bucks to forgo the magazines (if there was an online alternative) I for one would definitely go all-E. I can't be the only one, no?

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Hey Jon, I appreciate your position but my question is how many Reattas would join a modified division? How would you ever have a national meet? My point is that there is a Mod division in the BCA, they are quite active and you would have a class for your car. I dont know if you have looked at the mod division but they sure had some first rate cars at the National in Colo Springs. Look at Roy Tipps Bumble Bee Reatta, what a class car. He could enter his car in the Reatta 400 point judging or enter in the mod class. The judging in the mod class lets you pick the mods that you want the judge to look at. ie if you have done a lot of body mods that is all that the judges can look at and the same goes with the motor etc. Take another look at the classes and contact the modified division, they have some real class cars. I dont know what those cars are worth but It is a bunch. I dont think that you will ever see a mod class for just Reattas, any more than you will see a class for mod Skylarks. If it is modifed it is what it is. I am sure that the mod class will grow in the future, but the competition will get real stiff. I would think that you could also run for an office, it seems that they have a hard time to get people to step up, thats how change happens and the majority still rules

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I am a member of the Buick modified division. What I was talking about is the National that was held in Detroit when they claimed to be having classes for all Reatta's and then canceled them because the BCA didn't want to have them. And by the way, how many modified Reatta's do you think are out there. I think, quite a few.

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Guest steveskyhawk

In this case i agree wholeheartedly with Jon. There is more to life than grey valve stem caps, dry rotted tires, and Delco batteries. I'd really lie to see his supercharged Reatta.

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Guest F14CRAZY
I would really enjoy seeing a well-sorted/well-integrated S/C Reatta. Whether it is in the show or not.

The Reatta GS will see the light of day

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Some thoughts:

First, the Reatta featured in the Bugle was what I would call lightly modified. It had a stationary antenna (not power retractable) non-stock wheels and a LeBra. If you are going to judge a car and your choice is to enter either concourse class or modified, clearly this one is modified - but not by much.

Heck, my car is modified as it is not stock, even though the changes aren't radical. The highlights:

-Car is repainted (original color).

-Chrome wheels off 2002 LeSabre (With custom chrome centers with "R" Reatta emblem)

-Body color side moldings in repaint (were black originally)

-Reatta side and rear script emblems have had their outline redone in red, rather than black.

-New carpet (right color, but nap is not the "plush" stuff the factory used)

-Car Motorsports mats with R sunburst logo

- Stock radio removed, upgraded with Alpine head Unit. Planning install Pioneer NAV system in place of the Alpine when time permits.

-Intake manifold, strut cross braces, radiator support and lettering on plastic intake beauty covering all repainted from black to red to dress up the engine bay.

-Optima red top battery (no Delco here thank you)

-Wagner truevision headlamps

No major mechanical changes have been made, such as engine or transmission upgrades. First, these are not in my budget, and second I am happy with the power vs. fuel economy I get with the stock power train. The car is in very good mechanical condition (all engine gaskets/hoses are new withing the last year, newer suspension, brakes, body bushings/mounts, much wiring split loom replaced due to heat rot etc.). If I were to enter it in a BCA sanctioned event for judging, I would have to be in the modified class as I am already too far from stock with what I have done. Heck, I have chrome valve stems and caps. How many points off is that?

I guess my point in all of this is that I kind of get the feeling that modd'ed cars are seen as second-class by the powers that be. This is not unique to BCA; car collector clubs just seem to place so much emphasis on bone stock original condition whether restored or not. I can understand the obsession that drives people to place so much value on this, but it leaves those of us who have decided that we want to do it our way feeling a bit snubbed at times.

Then again, the opinions I value are the complete stranger who approaches me in a parking lot or rolls down their window at a red light and complements me on the car. Auto show judges see lots of nice cars and probably get somewhat immune to how impressive these show cars can be. After a while, they can only look at the cars for how to nick a few points off, rather than appreciate the car for what is it, and the work involved in getting it that way.

Look at dog shows and all the pomp and circumstance, and full-frontal arrogance these people exhibit in judging animals that left to their own devices would eat garbage and crap in the yard. But they trained it to walk just right and coiffed it's fur. Bottom line, professional judging of any hobby is always dominated by the aristocratic elements of the club. These are the people with the money and the power to set the agenda and meet the judging requirements that they themselves have set. I believe there is an expression, the cream always floats to the top. I say let them do their thing, and I'll do mine; no hard feelings on my part.

Bottom line - when a regular person - especially one who drives a car 10-15 times more expensive than mine (BMW, Mercedes, Jag, etc.) tells me I drive a beautiful car it means much more to me than an award from some judging authority who measures the electrolyte in the battery. When I get props from people who have much pricier (and presumably) refined taste than I have, I know I did something right. This is where true pride in ownership, and the payoff for all the busted knuckles and profane outbursts it took to get the car decent really come from.


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Guest F14CRAZY
What's with the GS Phil. I already have the GSX.

I got thinking that maybe "T-type" would be more appropriate for the Reatta's era.

Actually, I had rambled to Brian about how "GS" would have the powertrain mods, "GSX" would be the full Reatta-supercar package.

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- Stock radio removed, upgraded with Alpine head Unit. Planning install Pioneer NAV system in place of the Alpine when time permits.

Can you post a pic of this? I've been thinking of doing the same thing. I'd also like to remove (and sell, if anyone wants it) the cassette player. I haven't owned a cassette in over 15 years.

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Can you post a pic of this? I've been thinking of doing the same thing. I'd also like to remove (and sell, if anyone wants it) the cassette player. I haven't owned a cassette in over 15 years.
Please take note that his signature line says he has a '91 model which has a radio that is entirely different from your '89 model.
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In this case i agree wholeheartedly with Jon. There is more to life than grey valve stem caps, dry rotted tires, and Delco batteries. I'd really lie to see his supercharged Reatta.

You'd LOVE Jon's S/C Reatta, Steve! Well worth making a trip to Flat-land (illinoise) for, and you could drive about an hour from Jon's Toddlin' Town and be in the great snow-white north, in southern Cheezeland, (Wisconsin- America's ORIGINAL Dairyland), where Reattae run free and play in my pasture.

I have a couple customs started, one is 80% done, and a Herd of Reattae - slated for further projects, and parts.

There's even an NOS 3.8 Supercharger here, waitin' for my to find the final part, (a round tuit!), to get it installed. I've been forced by the economy to go back to flippin' cars, 3-4 per month, and lost time for my passion - Reattae & Customs. As a one-man-show, there are'nt enough hours, nor days, hands, etc. to do both, for now.


What am I gonna do with 100's of grey valve stem caps, if everyone goes Mod?

I already got a "Never-Start" battery, to replace the beautiful Delco I had for the Nats in Flint, (as it gave up the ghost at the tender age of two years). The Delco left me stranded on the show field, asking for a jump-start. I kept the old Delco, just in case!

Nonetheless, BCA has'nt been judging, nor issuing awards, or trophies for the last few shows I've attended - so purity has'nt been an issue - even at the Nats. I even left Black Beauty's auxillary HORNS in place for Flint - watch for her on the videos of the 100 years of GM cars parade, every camera focused upon her horns as I drove in the procession towards downtown, under my sun-brella in the heat of the noonday sun.

IMHO, a Reatta-Mod class should be within the BCA/Reatta division, if at all, not a general BCA division. Judged by Reatta division, on thier own scale/guidelines, not the 400-point BCA system. Judging may need to be a People's choice" format, (or Reatta owners' choice), since no 2 customs share identity, beyond thier Reatta platform. And, maybe a "Traveling trophy" which resides with each year's winner, 'till the next show - where it gets passed to the new winner, like the Stanley cup. Such a trophy could be made from a brick taken from the Craft Centre, to symbolize the humble origins of every Reatta, and Reatta Mod.

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Guest steveskyhawk

I went to my my first show a few weeks ago and enterred my 91 convertible. It was one of those BOP shows sponsored by the Orange County (CA) chapter of the BCA. What fun. The only judging was peer judging and my favorite cars won more often than not. Nobody cared what color your valve stems were. I sure would like to see the voting tally.

Something interesting happened at the show. I brought my wife who is usually indifferent to cars yet is tolorant of me and my 6 Reatta (plus others) car collection. I think she was impressed with the attention "our" convertible got. She kept pointing out that people were taking pictures of it and shouldn't we stay close to "our" car. Less than a week after the show she was searching the web to see if anybody posted pictures of the show, specifically "our" car. I think she now looks forward to her Toyota being in for service because she is forced to pick a Reatta to drive to work!

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