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1923 Dodge Bros. Ricardo head


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Hello Fellow Dodge Bros. nuts,

I have finally had good enough weather to dig out this Ricardo head as found in my attached digital images. It is my hope that a few of you guys have had experience with this head and can tell me what to expect as I install it on my 1923 Dodge Bros. touring project. I wish my body was a better one! I await your responses.


Alan IMGP4218.jpg

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I've never seen one of theose, looks to be cast iron? I'm thinking maybe a higher compression ratio than standard? I was hoping for an overhead conversion like a Morten and Brett. That would still be a cool item to use. MAybe someone has experiance with one. HAve you done a google to see what comes up? Now that I look at the picture closer I see the date is Nov. '23. You can't use that on a car built before it was made, better send it to me for my '24.

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I took your advice and did a Google search. I hadn't even thought of that novel idea. One good article suggesting that maybe a bit more compression but the combustion chamber configuration is what the Ricardo head is all about. Any other comments?


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not much info on 1920's mods, but when my motor came back from the expert builder the pistons poke out the top of the block about 3mm, not sure if this is how they came or a way of boosting compression. you can change the cam grind and the carby. i fitted a holden stromberg down draught carby to my car, gives a bit more go and get an air cleaner with electric fuel pump. and gets rid of a carby that would always pour petrol out.

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Guest imouttahere

When I restored my car in the mid '80s, the late Jim Mallars (a West Coast DB guru) told me the Roof 16 OHV cylinder head was the hot ticket. I never did find a Roof head, but I found a brochure about it. You can see the brochure here (~600 KB .jpg):


The pictures show the intake and exhaust arrangement that they used.

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Guest imouttahere

Maybe the problem arose because you tried to print after you right-clicked on the image?? Try saving the image to disc first, and then examine it under MS Picture Viewer to see if it is complete. If it's complete, it should print under programs such as Microsoft Paint or Irfanview (free download, highly-recommended). If you still have problems printing it, I can send you a separate .jpg of each page.

And yes, Jim Mallars did refer me to a fellow who had a Roof head he wanted to sell, but it lacked the intake sheet metal, so I didn't buy it because I wasn't confident that I would be able to duplicate the intake. Now I wish I had bought it. I've never seen another.

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I think it is safe to say 90% of the speed equipment made in the 1920's was for Model T Fords. I'm a Ford guy and I've collected T speed equipment literature for 40 years, seeing anything for a Dodge is RARE. My guess is that the DB overheads were for the pre 1927 blocks. Roof & Laurel are one and the same even though they put out these seperate flyers in 1923. Most of the speed equipment makers used the same illustrations in their catalogs, and I think there was a lot of parts swapping between them. A Roof and Laurel head sitting side by side would be the same. Was the Morton & Brett DB head the same or different?



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Yes, I would like to place my order for (3 ea) of these 400W head assemblies also. Don't know if I can wait until Hersey. Just ship out tomorrow! I have three projects waiting in line!

Realistically, I would be happy to share costs if someone would loan a head, as a pattern, to have a run of these heads manufactured, maybe those guys at Riley would look at the project??? It would be a nice addition to the 12 volt cars but what a great addition to the Fast 4 engines. Definitely a Ford killer...hahahaha


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, Brian, from OZ, sent me a few requested pictures of a down draft carb. and custom intake built to fit the 12 volt Dodge Bros. Brian was also gracious enough to allow me to post the pictures here. I do this posting to give everyone an idea of carburetor possibilities for our cars, should we not enjoy the original intake setup. Please post your comments as well as ideas of a decent and available down draft carb. available here in the USA. Has anyone had experience installing a side draft SU on one of our 12 volt Dodge Bros.?


Alan Dewsnup



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This is a few quotes from Brian explaining what he did and used.

Hi Alan

ok to put on the web site. I could not work out how to do it. model number is BX UV2 off a Holden somewhere about 1965 so i'm told. has a base hole of 33mm the first one had 37mm. which i found too big. Although the carby fitted the manifold i made a smaller one. I had pushed a long spring into it to create some turbulance to assist vapourizing the fuel, without much success.The second one is shorter as it is narrower diameter tube. A bit of heat on it would make a huge difference. No trouble starting half a crank and shes off. idles about 450 or so. A bit puffy out the back but i am still making ajustments. The fuel pump and filter is under the car, i cut the pipe along the chassis and used rubber hose with joiners. Had to change to neg earth to do this.The carby does have a pump. It needs that sqwirt to rev, This carby also has an ajustable idle mixture screw as well as the ajustable main jet. You maybe able to find a ford carby to do the same. Will keep you informed of my progress. See attached pics of carby. The carby is a stromberg down draught off an old aussie Holden of about 2.6ltrs, I saw one fitted at a swap meet and spoke to the owner. I changed the main jet to an ajustable, and made the manifold from a piece of bent 11/2inch exhaust pipe made some ends and welded them on, works good. have since made smaller one.

have a look and i can give more info if needed.

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I had a friend that had a ROOF head on his 1921 Dodge Roadster. The engine was fresh and all broke in and ready for the road. 30 days later he was going up a long climb and desided to pass his friend 1930 Packard. Well just after passing the Packard the crank blew out the bottom of his new engine.

Yes It will vastly increase the power and rip your engine block and crank appart.

You are farther ahead to stick with the Richardo head. That is what my friend did and after loosing his engine.

found a Richardo and built a new engine and left the rest on the shelf.

If you have a extra Richardo I'm interested. Maybe I can duplicate it.

Well enough of my dreaming.



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  • 2 months later...

I have been running a Plymouth PB powered roadster at Bonneville and El Mirage. lately I have been looking at a '26 Dodge Bros engine that was given to me. The drip oiling to the crankshaft seems a little iffy. What did they do to the old race cars? My PB went 113.75 mph with a flathead I made and 135 mph with a '57 Ford V8 head. My email is V4GR@rcn.com

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I have just completed the Holden carby conversion similar to Brian from Oz on my '23 tourer. I cannot believe the difference in performance it has made. It actually accelerates up hills that it used to struggle with and has made driving my Dodge a much more pleasant experience all round. I might add it is a lot safer being able to keep up with the flow of traffic as well.

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