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Everything posted by 60FlatTop

  1. I had factory exhaust on my Riviera for the first 30 years I owned it. The best tips I found were made for '57 Chevies and had an S curve to them. They placed the outlet just past the edge of the bumper. They would work on a '65. If you can't find those a Jaguar XJ6 might do it. Bernie
  2. I have some vague memory of the crankshaft bolt washer being a one time use item. Am I getting that mixed up with something else? Bernie
  3. A father and son were standing on a hill overlooking the Rhine River. Below two coal barges were passing each other, one headed north, one headed south. The father said "Son, I would like to tell you about the value of knowledge." Could have been widgets instead of coal.
  4. A lot of people think I bought this piece of geezer bait last year just 'cause I getting old. Actually, I am planning to use it to build a berm across the front yard to slow down the Millennian's heading for the curb with my stuff before my body reaches room temperature. Bernie
  5. A few months ago I gave this 1995 Cutler roll top to a friend who was the only person whom really showed an interest in owning it and using it. I had full provenance from new on the desk. A lot of old stuff is like that.
  6. Half of the United States is getting ready to put old cars away for the winter, not a good time to sell. There is a big difference between "Where am I going to store it." and "Where am I going to drive it." The price is pretty subjective and there is a lot of competition for those dollars. Don't consider the market as much as the impact of it being gone. There is a range in there between tears running down our cheeks and the relief of "not having to spend another nickel on that thing." One of the best determinants is to think of what you would trade it for. If you needed a new roof on the garage would you trade it for that? If someone had a big Snap On roll around, would you take ? That process has worked well for me over the years both buying and selling. A few times my answer has been "I'll pay for that or what do you figure one of those will cost you? It kind of makes me think of the guy with the rust white Corvair who "wanted an offer". Sitting on the back step with the garage door open I asked the owner "Is there something you would nice that you would consider trading the car for?" He said "Yes, I'd like to take my family to Disneyland." I replied "Buddy, you are already in Disneyland and don't know it. See you around." That's the funny story to introduce the concept. A pragmatic and modest assessment will get you into a good price range, although you might have to wait for spring. Be real and don't set your sights so high you scare off the serious buyers. Bernie
  7. Ebay and the internet are part of a communication revolution. They have been a few communication revolutions over the last couple of thousand years. Each was quite significant. Bernie
  8. I always liked that Roadmaster script. They used it quite a few years, didn't they......... or did they.
  9. I bought a couple of rebuilt boxes from Lares when I was servicing collector cars in the 1990's. It was relatively inexpensive and got the job done fast. I never had much luck just changing the seal. They always leaked after. I think the perpetual oil in the steering shaft keeps and abrasive layer of dirt in the sealing surface so more than the seal needs repair. And the owners always noticed a better feel to the steering with a new box. You have the steering box out now. Put a nice fresh rebuilt in. You won't regret it. Bernie
  10. Things aren't looking too good at the phone booth either. She's fast.
  11. If it is not broke don't fix it. If it is broke fix it. If you think there is an easy way out that is not just fixing it think about how many times a story similar to this has played out on an old car.
  12. Christmas is a few weeks away and some of us older guys are being passed along collections or parts of collections from friend's estates. A friend of mine, since I was about 12, died this year. He was a collector of mass produced "collector" items, the Hess trucks, all types of diecast 1:18 cars, and things the market has been flooded with for a couple of decades now. I bought a few to help him out, but they are not good sellers on the typical Ebay and Craigslist venue. I had about 50 of them that we just dropped of with a local charity. I had to search pretty hard to find one that gave me some confidence that the toys would actually go into the hands of at least a few children on Christmas morning. It seems like a lot of charities are just donation mills that want a credit card number or put items in their annual giant junk sale. I was looking for a little warmer seasonal spirit attached to the toys so I screened a few. If you have a hoard of those toys, getting them into the hands of real children might be the best thing to do. Do a little checking and find a good place. Mine went to The House of Mercy in Rochester, NY. They said they worked with the poorest of the poor. I believe it. Bernie
  13. Every once in a while I pick up a Murphy's Law part and set it on a shelf, not that often, though. I guess I learned early that the whole parts car concept thing was connected to pre-computer days. Today I see those hoards of parts and ask "How much for everything in the garage? It will be gone by Saturday afternoon." I am smiling now, remembering the widow who thought my offer was her cost for me to clean out the garage. Was she happy! Oh, somewhere around 1980 I stopped including the manuals and spare parts with cars I had for sale. I realized it only tended to confuse the buyer. So when I do have extra parts I don't say anything and sell them separately. That may not sound like the right thing to do, but, like so many other things in life, my answer is "It is not you, it is those whom came before you that made me do this." Bernie
  14. After over 60 years each in the car hobby and car shows, a friend of mine and I have come to the conclusion that the ONLY sense MOST people are confident in is touch. They can look. They can listen. They can hear. They can taste. But one thing you can bet on every time. They aren't satisfied it is real until they touch it. I can predict that ain't gonna change. Bernie
  15. Budget Car Rentals in the US can rent you a new Camaro convertible with the ability to cross the US-Canadian border. Your idea of an old car is nice, but nice doesn't always follow the dream. And take the Lewiston Bridge when you cross. I am the same age as you and have similar thoughts up really neat things to do. My memory is good enough so they don't last long. About 30 years ago my Wife stayed home and took care of our two. She also did daycare for four others. One brisk Winter, picture perfect day she decided on a Walt Disney style adventure to the grocery store two blocks away with all the kids, walking in the crisp, crunchy snow, and bundled up. Just like a page from a storybook. I drove home from work that afternoon in fairly heavy snow and there, on the sidewalk on Main Street, were all seven of them huddled together and crying. I couldn't tell what was tears and what was melted snow. They all scrambled into my car like I had just saved them from Loki. Sniffling and crying, she told me about the great adventure gone wrong. Not bad to think about that story before you go off touring two foreign countries in a 30 year old car you borrowed. I am in a little canal town called Brockport just before you get to Niagara Falls. Stop in with the Camaro, I can take you to a great rural American spot for lunch. 585-797-7421 Bernie
  16. Around 1900 many people said it was impossible for the human body to orient and react to control a vehicle traveling at speeds greater than 15 MPH. Others have spent over 100 years to prove them right. Bernie
  17. Good luck, sincerely, but the Devil just ran a thought through my head; "and what kind of mechanical wizardry is going to happen after the balancer is off?" Just kidding. Bernie
  18. Just to chime in on another option not mentioned, ten or twelve years ago I bought a car sized storage tents for a couple of hundred bucks. I set it up on one side of my yard and parked my Riviera away for the winter. We got a blizzard and the snow overloaded the tent. It collapsed on the car without damaging it, but the weather warmed before I could clear things up. Then we got a thaw. The material was waterproof all right and a big sag of water filled tent covered the left front. Then it froze. I had a solid block of ice molded to the front of the car. And that didn't thaw until Spring. And they say old men are fussy about things and get grumpy. It ain't age. It's experience. Bernie
  19. I like the press in feet from Snap On best. I have had a few of the commercial cast stands and didn't like them. All I want to do it get it to set level and be able to open the throttle plates easily. The real point is, do it yourself and buy some tools. Now that everyone has seen the Ebay set and given their critique I will order set and probably use them in pretty short order. Thanks for bringing the topic up. I wouldn't have found them otherwise. Oh, cutting a piece of plywood? I only have mechanic's tools. But I did get a picture of my official carburetor work table. I have been using it since the late 1980's. It folds up and stores against the wall, is just the right height, and has a neat sunken section to keep check balls and all those scurrying parts under control. I've done a lot of work on that little table. Bernie
  20. Here is a company local to me that has been very helpful with rubber products over the years. They probably have a source for laminated or solid stock that you can make a proper replacement with. http://www.websealinc.com/ Bernie
  21. I'm still smiling about this. And the vocabulary word for today is "urea". No! Not your Rhea. Sometimes a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Bernie
  22. Look at some sort of indoor storage. It might cost you $100 a month, but what is the car worth. Car covers shift with the wind and even a small amount of dirt on the car or in the fabric can rub through the paint during a few months of breezes. Years ago a friend of mine parked his car, covered and raised on jack stands, for the winter. When he uncovered it all the body line edges were bright shiny bare metal. I posted a picture of my Riviera being washed in the garage on New Years Day about 15 years ago. Actually, I haven't washed one of my good cars in about 10 years. Using a hose, like rain water, fills every nook, cranny, and cavity with water that takes a long time to dry out. I have to drive in the rain sometimes but I avoid it along with soaking wash events. I just came in for a few minutes. I was in the garage trying to figure how to juggle things around and which car to take to a storage unit for a month or so while I do some work on my tractor. Cars dissolve in water. In 2005 I started using a storage unit provider and have been renting at least one unit every month since. He charges $110 and I just call and ask what unit is open. I have used it for my stuff and friend's. The down side is that I always have a spot for a bargain. I am pretty sure I am ahead just in the protection for the cars. Bernie
  23. You have to earn about $38,000 before taxes to have a $28,000 toy. I'm checking the want ads for solar tech installer jobs. Perry White says Clark didn't get the whole story. Bernie USN BT3, cars garaged.
  24. I have a set of Snap On legs that push in and are held with a detent button like a socket extension. These were on Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Carburetor-Stand-Offs-/120992278652?hash=item1c2bb3a87c:m:mAzLl-c9laWeBdLBP_xcqQw&item=120992278652&vxp=mtr I was going to buy a set but then the auction wouldn't be there for you to see so I'll wait a couple days. This kind of stuff really makes things easy. I have a small folding Singer sewing machine table that I use for carbs. It has a rectangular recess to set the machine in. It is convenient to work in and keeps parts from rolling away and hiding. Bernie
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