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Everything posted by mercer09

  1. Seriously, I like it - may be updated but original looked pretty primitive eggzactly why I like antique cars. If I wtd a new car.............................................
  2. Eggzactly ! question is- who brings home the bacon?
  3. The Car Which Shall Not Be Mentioned. we all have had least one of those.........................!
  4. too bad it didnt stay original looks "updated".........
  5. agreed- engine number........if it wasnt swapped out for a diff year.
  6. hat same inflation has spilled over into the old car market too; but not so much into wages I think. avg family income on the early 70s in the USA was around 53k today it is 57k and yes, houses and cars have quadrupled and in some cases, even more............. of course, wages are also regional, though possibly less so today, as many have migrated south.
  7. Are they dead bodies or just dead presidents? 250 yr old Quaker meeting hall................ could be a president or two!
  8. dynaflow transmission..........? that aint a thing. I have dead bodies in my basement- just never told the wife!
  9. Will that Tudor body accept a 1939 or 1940 DELUXE nose? If so there may be hope for finding a buyer. Bob that certainly wouldnt be worth the trouble........... most rod guys like the standards over the deluxe.
  10. being Allentown area- I would certainly look for a garage rental from a little old lady from Pasadena.......... I would wager it could be had for 75. a month, which many will dispute, but Allentown is kind of out a bit.......... an A can fit in a very small garage.
  11. Thrifty sounds better than cheap! cheapo airlines.................what could go wrong????????????
  12. Jack, I watch those jeepsters sell and not sell on ebay- the price range varies wildly! 5k-15k depending on condition and peoples moods for the month. That vehicle IS NOT an easy sale.
  13. it is definitely home made, but similar body styles were built in 1931 as Ford was trying to compete with the likes of Chevrolet and other models. Ford put out a vast array of Model A body styles near the end. also, ford sold just chassis to commercial body builders, so most anything was possible.
  14. sounds like the plate in the distributor is shorting......... as Pete says
  15. Mark, not even close to the high side. you stole it and obviously are having a lot of fun with it. the whole PA mkt is down, because the 80 yr old guys arent around any more. Ask Ed. He sold a lovely coupe at Hershey last fall in the mid 20's. It was a great bargain.
  16. I wish I'd known that when dealing with the Pennsylvania DVM... they had obviously never heard of it. easy method-in PA they use tag agencies and the trick is finding the right one- not dealing with dmv.
  17. when I first read the heading, I said that Keiser is a babe magnet! I mean car magnet..................! (always finding the cars when out and about) then I got a good chuckle. My buddy came out to NJ last yr from CO and called me a hoarder............ I was taken aback for a moment, then I realized, he is absolutely right!!!!!!!!!!
  18. so Supercargirl only wants to list the Ferraris and Maseratis? yes I am kidding.............. dont blame you. 10% wouldnt be worth anyones time, as Mike so aptly pointed out.
  19. by anemic, I wasnt necessarily referring to speed- looks as well..............
  20. How about the 55 - 57 Thunderbird? Might be more practical than any of the cars on your list. More room than the Corvette or Jaguar, easier and cheaper to service and repair than the imports, with V8 power. if you dont mind "cornering" in a bath tub!
  21. He had a SWC also I have an SWC..........................title. Guy died in the car racing it! title has police report stapled to the back.
  22. sure, but you do realize it will eventually rust again anyway?
  23. so much for the hired help.................................
  24. it would be best if some of these old posts were erased, pertaining to parts for sale...............
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