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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. When do you bring the Packard home Rob? It can also act as your old car drive whilst the Buick is being freshened up. Voice of Reason...pfffft I shouldn't talk much...She Who Must Be Obeyed has recently been making noises about my buying habits...but Love, I have this nice big shop building now to store things away in....
  2. So, was that Master Earl going for a ride down the lane in the back of the Landau? I've seen photos of Jordan before, but haven't looked recently enough to recollect whether or not that is him. The tall fellow chatting with Robert E. looks familiar, but I can't put a name on him...guess I'm just old. Neat stuff. Definitely better weather for a car show down there than up here. I may get to drive an old car by Easter, but there's no guarantees.
  3. A Standard series Country Club Coupe (4 passenger) would be a Model 26S - in the Master series it is 54C. For '29, there is a data plate on the firewall which has the model number. The original price of the 26S was $1275, it had a shipping weight of 3300 lbs, and 13,211 were produced. It has a 114.5" wheelbase. There's a local fellow who collects motorcycles...I know he has a Harley sidecar and a few others. Years ago, there was an older fellow east of Saskatoon who collected Indians - he had quite a few.
  4. Welcome Will. Is that a Standard or Master series car? It's always a good idea to show off some photos in the Me and My Buick Forum...we likes pictures...;)
  5. My diesel pickup is 55 front, 80 rear. The dealer set the rears at 55. When I checked I was a bit ticked...the service advisor, who we have a good relationship with, said most folks find with 80 psi, it rides to much like a truck. My response was that it is a blasted truck, and not a wimpy one at that. When I put a Buick in the enclosed hauler, I am pulling over 9000 lbs. It's listed as medium duty, but is relatively heavy duty in the world of consumer pickups. Why would anyone buy a diesel pickup, then reduce your load / towing abilities (far and away the primary reason for having a diesel) so that it doesn't "ride like a truck"? [/vent mode]
  6. Thriller

    Reatta Values

    Markets are fickle and so are buyers. There are a lot of factors. How a car is presented / marketed is very important. Stepping away from the Reatta, today I noticed a listing on Kijiji - don't recall what it was for, but a price of $7500 without a single photo. If there were a particular model I was drooling over, then it would be different, but if a seller can't be bothered to arrange to get a photo online, well I don't generally have time for them. I found my Reatta on Kijiji. Two thousand for a high mileage '88 that has tranny issues is probably high. Then again, it was in my back yard. I wasn't looking for a Reatta...heck I may not get to enjoy it as the wife seems to think of it as hers already. MrEarl on these forums likes to look at prices for what doesn't need to be done to a car. I think that is a wise way of looking at it. I want to find a Buick truck from the teens. Hen's teeth come to mind, but there are two for sale right now. First take a look at this 1913. I believe this sale was in 2009 for $28k at auction (so the buyer paid closer to 30 covering the buyer's fee and such). Well, there is a 1914 in Hawaii for sale missing some parts, with some incorrect repaint...looking for around $20k...and it is in Hawaii with the associated shipping cost. There is a 1915 for sale that showed up on the Brass Buicks list. The initial message was simply looking to sell the 1915 truck...one friend got a photo and price...$30k. This is a very original, very complete truck, but if nothing else the paint is tired. From chatting with someone who knows the truck, the single photo that was provided was taken at the previous owner's place, so is of unknown vintage. I have sent the seller a couple of e-mails without a response. I guess I'll find a truck at a more reasonable price at some point when a seller actually wants to sell it. Spring is springing and many folks are listing cars, and many are listing at prices that seem to be extreme, but if there are buyers willing to pay the price and a deal is done, who are we to say it is too much, unless we are merely lamenting that we can't afford it?
  7. On the off chance it helps, the shipping weight of the '68 Electra 225 Custom (series 48400) was 4285 lbs.
  8. Spring? When? Most of the snow is gone here now, but we still have a fair amount, which of course means everything is still wet...maybe next weekend (16/17) I could have a Buick out.
  9. It was linked here for a while, but the link eventually stopped working...for a while, I had it on a tab here, so every day when I started Firefox it would spin up....
  10. Welcome Redcrow. That's quite the family heirloom.
  11. It's also given some pause for thought on my '61 Invicta once it gets done...I wonder what the look on Suzanne's face will be when I tell her it should do 120 mph without extreme difficulty....
  12. Brunello for me...from the stock of home brewed...Valpolicello is in the works at the moment...should be ready to bottle around Easter.
  13. I was tempted the other day when I saw a SC engine and tranny for sale locally...the year may have been mentioned, but I don't recall what it was. That was approaching the price paid for the Reatta though....
  14. Very nice Scott. I'm no expert, but I would think your price is very reasonable. If I had the money handy (and the wife's permission), I'd be jumping on this. As for which car you are selling, it is your decision and it means someone else gets into a pre-war Buick. Now, if those lottery numbers come through....
  15. Here's the pimped 401 in the '61 Invicta. Unfortunately, we still have wet and snow here, so it is too early for some of us to celebrate a Nailhead day. Alternatively, I could possibly raise a glass to toast the vertical valve engine configuration. I could also peruse photos and literature about them....
  16. There's another video floating around featuring MrEarl and that song.... <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pNRlcjz3acU?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. Labour Day Craziness...I'm sure we could locate Al. He isn't hard to find...unless perhaps y'all spend Saturday night in Steinbach...speaking of Bible Belt.
  18. Um, isn't that a normal car buying experience?
  19. I like Pi. Oh yeah, I like pie too...as evidenced by my general shape...of round.
  20. Well, you can, but if he don't agree, someone'll be turning blue in the face. Having my good buddy Al Kohol along usually helps....
  21. Would that possibly have anything to do with you not quite getting to 30 yet? :eek:
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