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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Some very cool stuff. You are asking a very loaded question. Without knowing you, your tastes, and preferences, it is hard. Sticking with just the Buicks, there is a wide choice of '39s. Personally, if I was after one of them, I'd chase the coupe. It is seen considerably less than the four door sedans. I'm a bit partial to the '41s too - I like the 2 tone green colour combination, although it is missing a piece from the front bright work (I have a spare that would probably work). Of course, the 2 door sedanette is even sexier. I would also personally be tempted by some of the trucks - military or possibly the Diamond T tow truck. With a brief description and a few photos though, it is hard to determine which cars might actually be better...my comments are based primarily on body style rather than an attempt to determine condition...pretty pictures are easier on the eyes than text....
  2. The premium delivery option for the Bugle...in case I wasn't clear...according to Mike that's why you were posting about the Bugle and nobody else had received it. Of course, that still doesn't explain to me why you get yours all the way over on the left coast before anyone else in between....
  3. I forget whether they are wheel bolts or studs / nuts, but I twisted at least one off the '61 Invicta turning the wrong way...sigh.
  4. A bit off topic, but I got a photo of every vehicle in the parade and had put together a Powerpoint presentation of it. I should really re-do it since I had resized the photos a bit on the small side.
  5. You may be right Bob...ROFLMAO
  6. The BCA Office sends it out when they receive the Bugle via the normal US Post - that way, the international members get it in a similar time frame as members in the USA. Of course, that doesn't stop folks like Centurion, who has the premium mail option, from getting the Bugle before the rest of us, and posting about it, making the rest of us think it is late....
  7. So, Apple doesn't pay well enough to be able to afford razor blades? Cool that you got it going. I don't get any sound though...it would have been neat to get Willie's commentary on all that.
  8. We used to drive a loaner Aztec and were quite pleased with it overall...of course, I like odd stuff.
  9. I think of Switzerland when I hear Lucerne...and it seems to me it may be a variety of lettuce....
  10. Is there anyone you don't know Brian? No doubt it would be a great car, but I really need to do something with the projects I already have rather than accumulating more.
  11. Or Katy or Austin or...do all places in Texas need to be given human names? :cool:
  12. That cartoonish version is sacrilegious. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/anwy2MPT5RE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. 2007 values...appraisal is always a reasonable idea.
  14. That little 46R could be a nice car...when floors need replacing though, it can be the start of more. Keep watching Lamar...perhaps the price will come down enough for it to become a Buick Garden flower.
  15. Well, I guess I'll bid to try to keep you out of trouble with the Sweet One.
  16. All the data I've seen has shown either a Carter AFB or Rochester 4GC for the '66 401 and Rochester 4MC for the 425. What application got the Quadrajet?
  17. Thriller

    1963 Riv

    I don't know about you Rob, but I brought too many things across the border when the loonie was worth 65 - 70 cents to be rubbing anything in.
  18. Pete, I thought you were from up nawth...cold and Texas just don't go together...;) At least if you are having issues with temperature, it probably helps y'all to understand why I need to get small restoration projects out of the garage and into the house by October / November if I want to make any progress Good to see it taking shape.
  19. Chicago or Denver...either way a stop and plane change complicates and delays things. The Centre of the Universe isn't the only international airport in the country at least....
  20. Hmm...no direct flights between Winnipeg and Austin...sigh.
  21. Metro Moulded Parts (Twin Cities) and Steele Rubber are the two most common makers of rubber parts. SoffSeal is another, but they tend to have a smaller offering. I have never looked to see how much either has that would be that modern though. Good luck.
  22. Stuart - does that make you a hot-head? There's no snow on the ground. I couldn't think of wearing a fur hat in the sort of weather in the photo. That said, I do wear a toque more than most folks, but that has something to do with having nearly no hair on my head.
  23. Nice. I wouldn't mind having that, but it's probably too far away for a relatively inexpensive car.
  24. Thanks for posting that Leroy because I of course forgot. With the possibility of William and Kate visiting Canada after their wedding, that could pose an opportunity for you.
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