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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. We'll see how that works out for me Barney...just got the 40' by 60' shop completed (finally...overhead door installer took his time) and all that is in there right now is the '88 Reatta. It sure looks empty...of course, I do have stuff I can put in there, so the empty look won't last long.
  2. Send in the vikings with a song...!
  3. It meant the TVs, computers, gaming consoles, and perhaps even stoves that would have sat idle during the day were up and running.... A lot of the business side stuff doesn't get shut down overnight.
  4. I had very limited choices to what was available physically for space and accessible with the trailer...it is what it is. It's not like there were floors in there anyway. My pretty little red Rivi Airhead....
  5. Bugger! Parts car...from the driveway (off photo to the left), all you can see is antenna. Could be fun digging it out in the spring since we are WET.
  6. Older than Brian, younger than John :rolleyes: You're only as old as you feel, so I ought to be retired. My list is effectively in my signature...I think I've got that up to date, aside from parts cars. I have only sold one car...1974 Javelin AMX with 401 4-spd...I sold it to have the funds to buy the Wildcat...SheWhoMustBeObeyed then came along and said old cars are OK so long as the next one is a convertible, so when the Invicta was for sale locally, it got added to the stable...since then my disease has gotten progressively worse. When one spends considerably more than one's annual salary on a new toy box for the toys, one has to wonder.
  7. "A huge, mysterious object that is not part of your universe" - I love it. The other day I started reading Red's latest book...pretty hilarious.
  8. MrEarl wears plaid...you might wanna be careful about how Buick Gardens looks or some folks will start to think you might be Red Green....
  9. Nice. If I remember correctly, Alan in Cedar Rapids has one of these.
  10. It wasn't up before the snow flew...sigh....
  11. I took this photo this afternoon. Who'll be the first to recognize it? As of Friday, we have surpassed our average snowfall for a winter. Sigh.
  12. One thing to keep in mind...in December I had posted on the Buick General forum after a friend sent me an e-mail. Apparently our '52 Buick Roadmaster was for sale in the Charlotte area. They had grabbed a photo of the car from my personal web site. It made me angry, particularly since they just had to grab a photo with my wife in it. One of the guys on the forum phoned him up, chatted about the car he didn't own, and after a while toying with him, let the guy have it...it didn't seem to faze the guy though...either has a similar car with no photos, or is too stupid to realize that folks were on to him. It is just proof that scam sales appear on the Internet on a regular basis.
  13. Cool. Thanks. I don't know why I didn't immediately think of the sunroof. That said, when things warm up and we get doing something on the car, we'll be playing with seat adjustment. When I first got in, I had ski goggles over my toque on top of my head and I couldn't set my head straight up...of course, that was before any playing with the seat. If nothing else, it will just take some getting used to. Perhaps, if her hair is hitting the roof and getting frizzy from static, Suzanne will let me use the car...for those of you who have met me, you know I don't have tall hair. It is good to know what the general experience is. Thanks again.
  14. Miguelito’s Little Green Car - The ongoing international adventures of Miguelito’s little green car.
  15. Last weekend Suzanne and I both sat in the car. Granted, we were a bit bundled up as it is winter up here. Both of us had issues in terms of head room and we're both only about 5'8" to 5'9". We did play with the seats (not the 16 way) and things got better, but still almost feel like hitting our heads. I don't like a leaned way back driving position, but if I put the seat back up more, my head hits the roof. Have others experienced this? Are we just missing something in terms of seat adjustment? There's a lot of winter yet, so I'm not in a huge rush. We did put the seats down, back, and tilted the seat back back. Perhaps it will just take some getting used to. Since Marck is trying to tempt me with storage, are the convertibles worse with the top up? I think that is typically the case with the bows and such. Thanks.
  16. Oh...Marck...do you say these things strictly to tempt me?
  17. Looking good Pete. I've always said restoration only takes time and money. With sufficient quantities of one, the requirement for the other can be reduced, but not eliminated.
  18. Dave, Old-Tank is correct...if you have any further questions on judging, please feel free to ask away. The cars are individually judged against how they would have left the factory, not against each other. You may have something of a valid point though in terms of judging the class. In my mind, it covers such significant change in Buick design that perhaps getting a judging team together with sufficient expertise to cover such a broad class may be difficult. That said, I don't know how many entries typically exist in the class, nor how easy / difficult it is to get judges comfortable with the class.
  19. ROFLMAO I don't really have any glamour shots...yet. I do believe I have the first shot I took of the car here out in the snow. Then one from last weekend under some cover. One shot I would love to have (and honestly someone may have sent me one...but not that I remember) would be one of my then 13 year old daughter judging Reattas in Colorado Springs. She did learn a lot and wanted a Reatta after that...of course now she is getting close to being able to get a driver's license :eek: As for snow, we aren't in as tough shape as some others, but as of today we have surpassed our average winter snowfall. On top of the saturated ground, we'll have flooding come spring.
  20. It's been a long time, but shortly after buying it, I put a battery in the '61 Invicta to see how much of the stuff worked (car is still patiently awaiting restoration). I had the garage door open above it and I stopped putting the antenna up when it hit the garage door at about 7' high. Of course, that is just an AM radio. It's a shame there isn't much music on AM any more for when we warm up the tubes in the old cars.
  21. Gotta be a Gremlin X with the 304 V8 The other AMC I really would consider adding to the Buick stable would be the Hornet SC/360...of course a SC/Rambler or Rebel Machine would be tempting. My first "old" car was a '74 Javelin AMX with 401 4 speed.
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