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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. Just a whistle stop tour this time unfortunately, had a spare night in DC so we rented a car, drove to Gettysburg and will drive up to Lancaster (girlfriend wants to buy a blanket made by the Amish) before returning to DC The rental Camry I’ve got is awful, totally gutless and a really indecisive gearbox but it gets from a to b
  2. Driving up to Gettysburg today most of the trees outside of DC we’re looking pretty empty, still quite a few nice ones along Washington memorial drive though
  3. The Victorian dealer had already changed by 1926 to Lanes
  4. No car in this one (my cad is a lonnnng way away from here) but taken yesterday when I walked the entire mall. Lots of nice fall colours in DC still
  5. What upgrades have you done to the electrical system?
  6. You need a jack or something under it as it’s really really heavy. Ours had lots of crud between gearbox so we had to use two pinch bars to pull it off squarely
  7. Those handles look very similar to the ones on my 22 cad which has a fisher body on it so possibly generic
  8. why wouldn't you just buy a real one for less money? https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/dealer/duesenberg/a/1990976.html?refer=blog
  9. Yep, we had that 'fun' experience - brand new one had issues put the 90 year old Delco one from a spare distributor back on and it runs perfectly.
  10. fairs enough, what about in a scenario where it was say less than a year? e.g some car dealerships here are still flogging last years cars for less popular models - if there was some 'upgrade' they put on the car to help sell it would that be the same? Not that any of my cars are ever going to judgement worthy
  11. Is it not inconceivable that some of the cars if they'd been sitting on a lot that a dealer may have added them?
  12. Could you try it yourself? http://www.caswellplating.com/electroplating-anodizing/brass-plating-kits.html
  13. Great find, even though I don't own a Franklin it's interesting to see the different designs
  14. The buick may have a similar setup to my cad which actually is designed so you can put them in from the bottom, it basically has a taper at the bottom of the bore to compress the rings for you as you push it up. I'm guessing they did that because ring compressors hadn't been invented yet. They go in really easily when the rings are the correct size (and shower you in bits of piston ring if they're not)
  15. Do you have any AC C75 or champion w14 to suit a 1912 Cadillac?
  16. Thanks for the advice, we're staying at the knickerbocker which seemed like a reasonable "active" area from a safety point of view
  17. We like all types of food! But I think we will have to go out of our way to try some of the cuisines in Chicago. We'll be getting our fix of BBQ and Tex-Mex down south How far North are they? I've heard driving in Chicago is awful so I'm not sure if I want to rent a car there? Udvar-Hazy is excellent, after this trip the only shuttle I won't have seen is the Endeavour The animals or the politicians Will there be restaurants open for Thanksgiving or should I get on and book something now? We're thinking of staying at The George in DC as we're getting Amtrak Alcea from NYC
  18. I've actually been fortunate enough to go to the states about a dozen times or so in the last 10 years but my girlfriend has only been once before, so it'll be a good trip (asides from the whole 15 hour flight from Australia... I've got off that flight before on to a connecting flight sitting next to someone complaining about jetlag from a 2 hour flight) We definitely have a few museums in mind for DC but we're also looking to rent a car for a few days and go for a drive, as there is so much to do within a short drive of DC. I went to Gettysberg on one of my earlier trips and that was fascinating so I might take her up that way as well. I might have to rent myself a Cadillac :-) I love the food you can get in the U.S, so much variety - though I am a sucker for some good BBQ down south.
  19. That looks really cool, I think there is probably enough there to keep the g/f interested as well! I probably should have also put in my original post that my main interests in cars is from 1910-1930
  20. Hi guys, I've got a holiday to the states coming up in November and was wondering if there are any car places I should try and check out that are nearby to where we're going Dallas 1 day San Antonio 2 days Chicago 3 days (sadly I don't think I can make it out to the Gilmore car museum) Orlando 4 days New York 3 days Washington 7 days (planning some road trips) Dallas Will be in DC for Thanksgiving, any suggestions for what to do
  21. My 1922 Cadillac has a combination speedo/clock and supposedly it has been rebuilt in the 5 years prior to my purchase of the car. I can't get the clock to work to save myself and I'm not sure if I'm just not doing something right - the manual just says that it's not user servicable (I assume because the odo is in it) and that it functions like a "typical clock" but doesn't tell you how that is. There is a knob that spins (with a clicking sound either way) and it pulls in and out but I can't "start" it for the life of me. Wondering if it needs something similar to my marine chronometer where you have to flick it to start
  22. It's one of those things where 'it depends' if you've got something rare, unique and desirable (generally cars that were that when they were new as well) they seem to still be fetching strong money but the more garden variety stuff they aren't commanding big money.
  23. My 22 doesn't have any fisher data tags on it, all the info has been chiselled into one of the floor boards including body style
  24. Cadillac still has all the original build sheets for their cars, so you can see that the car originally had and what dealership it was delivered to
  25. Holden also had a unique version that I believe came out earlier than the U.S as well
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