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Everything posted by trini

  1. What kind of water jacket.? What car and year ? A picture will help
  2. I never said about a switch under the gas pedal. There was a switch on the linkage on the carburetor that actuated the starter motor . If I remember correctly there was an oil bath filter. Pretty neat. I liked the radio, Sonomatic made by Motorola .
  3. I owned one of those and was able to source parts from the Buick Club Of America. The correct radio is a Sonomatic. It is a nice driving car. Easy steering , no problem on highway speeds
  4. Some things you must pay attention to, the wheel nut on the passenger side and the nut to hold the cradle spring are left hand thread. The exhaust manifold prone to cracks because of design. To start the motor the gas pedal must be pushed to the floor. The engine will not crank unless the clutch pedal is pushed down. Pay attention to the brake master . It is a single cylinder and installed inside the frame , left front. Battery is available from NAPA. The engine is most likely a Fire Ball straight 8. Check out the wires for frayed and leaking insulation
  5. That means you cannot go too far, just shopping around the neighbourhood. So you must have a second gasoline powered car for long distance Travel. What about insurance cost ? Will there be "filling stations along the way ? How long will it take to "charge up" A viable electric car is a looooong way coming.
  6. trini

    Mice repellent

    It all depends on where you live, the critters will be more or less numerous. If there is field mice they will come in when the temperature drops. Small rodents have a penchant for peanut butter . They can smell it from afar. You have to keep watching or listening for the trap to click. Dedicate some time to the cause until they come no more. I removed about 80 squirrels from my neighbourhood using peanut butter and a cage. The exhaust manifold of my 28 DB was full of oak seeds. Behind the back seats and everywhere else. It was sitting in a barn. I would suggest constant vigilance using every method available including the pet cat.
  7. If the seller cleans the head and make sure it is usable, he may be able to call a fair price. The situation as it is now he is not sure of the condition so ,to him , it is easier to entice the gullible. A sleazy way .
  8. Are Mc Laughlin Buicks different from American Buicks? My friend has a 1918 Mc Laughlin Buick . It has an oil can under the bonnet. His 1924 Mc Laughlin , if I remember, has a button pump mounted on the dash to oil the system.
  9. Is the Dodge Brothers Club News still being published ?
  10. Thank you all mates. Cheers.
  11. Gunsmoke and Bloo, you guys are on track, the most likely cause is sticky valve stems. There is a but here . If the engine was running good before it was put to sleep then the timing is fine, but the valves in different position after so many years of in activity will definitely have a negative effect on the valves. I had a problem with a V8 engine on a 67 or so 5 ton Ford box truck. The valve train was noisy because the oil was not coming up the rods. The manager made me drain the engine oil and replace it with transmission oil and run the engine for ten minutes. The oil started to come up the rods one by one. Run the engine for 30 minutes, drain and refill with regular truck engine oil. BACK YARD tricks works. carburetor cleaner and even voporust helps to remove carbon
  12. Carb King , thank you very much . Yes, there is a fine hole in the plug. But the coil spring is black and week . Do you sell the better kits ? I would like to get one. To keep your contact private may be you would like to PM me instead. Thank you.
  13. Bob ,thank you mate. Have a nice day. All the other fellows are so helpful. Than you for your help.
  14. Terry B You are right ,I am a product of Old England .Born bred and and buttered, and transplanted in Canada. I still sometimes refer to the hood as "bonnet" and the trunk as boot. I was a little taken back to learn when setting up my computer "US English" Canadian English or English English" I came here fifty years ago as an auto mechanic. I had to learn the North American terminology in auto mechanics
  15. trini

    Battery polarity

    Bloo is on target. Get an old socket and install a #53 bulb in it with two leads.. attach one lead to the battery wire (disconnect from battery) and the other lead to the battery post. That is in series. If there is a drain the lamp will glow. Isolate one component at a time until the lamp goes off. That circuit is the culprit. One Precaution. Working on a problem, tired and sweaty, does not help. Leave the stupid thing alone and come back at it next day. What have been bothering you for hours , you will be able to fix in a few minutes. It works for me.
  16. I am trying to get a 1953 Buick Radio "Selectomatic" with 9 pin valves , 12 Be6,12 ba6 12AU7 OZ4. The tag said 12 volts . Model 981323. The question is WHEN WAS 12 VOLTS INTRODUCED AND WHAT WAS THE POLARITY IN Application ? Negative ground or positive ground ?. The tag does not say.
  17. car king ,It is a pleasure to read "your articles. I had a similar problem with my Carter BB1 in my 28 DB 6. ^nice idle and no power on acceleration, or complete shut down when the pedal is pushed.. I think I found the problem, I am not sure yet until I fire it up again in spring. Looking at the carburetor from the bowl end, on the right there is a pin the size of a 3/16 drill (?) that is spring loaded (on the throttle body portion). The spring is locked in place with a small brass plug. Remove the plug and out comes a tiny coil spring .Above the coil spring is a small steel ball. The spring could be rusted/broken or the ball could be rusted. When functioning properly that pin . when pushed down should spring back up. I do know what it is called but I think that is some kind of pump.
  18. I join the ranks and say thank you veterands
  19. There are a few scammers registered on this blog and from time to time offer for sale things members looking to buy or sell
  20. This is a Nigerian scam. They have been around 1980.
  21. trini

    Battery polarity

  22. The one with the handle looks like from a horse drawn buggy. I would like to see a picture of the horse buggy bell. DING DONG.
  23. That is about the size of the battery on my 28 D B .
  24. INTERESTING discussion. Now for you John Byrd. The old Rochester carbs on the 28 and maybe other cars had bad pot metal that deteriorated / cracked over tine. They were indexed "UX" according to my owners manual. A blogger on this forum sent one, "a garden shed find to fit my 28 DB, but it was all cracked. He was an honest to goodness gentleman. Charged me for shipping only. IF YOU ARE OUT THERE COULD WE RENEW AQUAINTANCES ? Meyers early dodge sent it out to Australia and had it recast in aluminium. Great job. But I did not know how to hook up the rods. The butterfly shaft were pulling against the block. That is why I am using the Carter B B 1. I also had a UX 3 In very good condition . I shipped them to Australia to a friend. He may still have them.
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