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Everything posted by Highlander160

  1. This is a nice one. A really good 63 Roadster with a slightly warmed up 350 installed. Just out of a few years slumber, she's still a good looking car. As seen in the pictures below, black vinyl hard top included, has factory side pipes, 4 spd,. rare power windows that work beautifully. Has a white convertible top, 160 MPH speedometer, woodgrain steering wheel, very nice to near perfect chrome and bright work. Was originally Sebring Silver with a red interior, now Ice Blue and black interior. There's one small area on the body showing through the finish on the right front fender, but past that there's no excuses or apologies. Clean frame too (not rusted or rotten) as well as a very presentable engine compartment, and we're also including a car cover. I'm selling this for a friend but I have the car for easy viewing. If you want a specific picture of something let me know. With the heat and my busy work schedule I might need a day or so but I'll accommodate anyone the best and soonest I can. Priced right and below market according to my research so it may not last long at $38,500. As always sincere and realistic offers will be considered. It's not a fire sale from our end but I'd understand if you feel pressed to get it. Thanks for looking in, and you can reach me here with a P.M., or:highlander809@gmail.comText or voicemail also welcome at 734 637 1421
  2. Well there's one HUGE reason I'd pick the black vs the maroon, OVERDRIVE. The fact it's black and is being sold by Tom is just icing on the cake. Good luck in your choice, a 41 coupe is among my favorite Packard styles.
  3. I meant my question in the best possible context, interesting vintage car conversation. Rare, totally on it's own definition doesn't have to mean uber valuable. I'd imagine the most rare of 1968 Pontiac GTOs would be a chrome front bumper, rubber floor mat, 3 spd stick shift and 2bbl carb. All were on the list, but really who gives a fat rat's hiney? Slow, not pretty, very hard to distinguish from the Plain Jane tempest or LeMans. I think C2 3 spd stick Corvettes are rare too, but again, who cares? Getting back to the big Buick in the topic, 586 is a fairly good number for a car of that ilk. Not a Packard, not a Cadillac 12 or 16, but surely majestic and impressive in a lot full of "bread n butter" models of any make. Even if there's 3 of them in circulation, or at least known to be, it's probably a fair thought to even double that number left and we just haven't seen them yet. Although with 'net communication and the generation shift we're seeing lately (my PC way of describing our elders passing on) you'd think something closer than in any recent time before could be figured out. I like the car, really like it to be totally honest. No shame in my game though, I can't spring for it.
  4. I'd ask the membership, of the 586 produced is there also a list by body type? Does GM offer that info like they do for Cadillac?
  5. Hmm, not sure how to take this or answer it. I guess that 1st the term "dumpster diving" is more colloquial than literal. As to walking by a part at Hershey near the trash on Sat and seeing that it's something you or a friend needs, hey I'm not so proud or holy that I'll leave because it was tossed in the trash. Conversely, I once had a guy who was just released from prison start preaching to me that I didn't know what it was like to have to eat from garbage cans. I was 15, he was 63. Used to showing respect for my elders I started to say something a bit polite but immediately switched to my "drunken sailor" language, informing him that he's right and I never will. Use you imagination as to the words I used growing up in a family of construction workers and race car enthusiasts. Then there's this "thing" that just chaps my hiney about the perception of our precious children today. They're our offspring, not some miracle or the 2nd coming or some prize to held up like a soccer trophy. I was 14 when I painted my 1st complete vehicle. At 13 I could use filler and spray primer. At 12 I could work a cutting torch. All during those formative years I also shoveled concrete, hauled bricks and cinder blocks, mixed mortar, helped build homes by hauling wood and even nailing down floors. There's more but it would take too long to list it, but it's safe to say that my Dear Ol Dad would have been tossed in jail for the things I was taught and allowed to do if it were today. That's a sad commentary on our society as far as I'm concerned. It's just as sad that many of our schools consider skilled trades as "alternative career path" jobs, as if some 1/2 wit could "only" be a plumber, carpenter, electrician, brick mason, welder/fabricator. All skills that today net close to and over 6 figures annually vs leaving all that college education with a 6 figure debt and the ability to make less than $50K/year (not all college courses but too many). My kid? Usable part on the ground or in the trash can? "Yo! Son! Grab that (fill in the blank)!" The look on his face of getting a score on any free part is worth more than anything you could imagine. Is this harsh? Unrealistic? Not when one considers the age of some of our most notable musicians over the last 50 years when they made their mark. But closer to our world, Franklin Hershey (Murphy Coachbuilders) was only 21 when he designed and coordinated the build of the car shown here. And for the record, yes I have indeed found things in the trash that were seriously valuable including some tools I still use decades later. I'm actually sad for those protected from such adventures and experience.
  6. Pretty serious car with great "street cred" being Italian/American. A little research would net some answers. http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2011/04/07/hemmings-find-of-the-day-1969-intermeccaninca-italia/ There's lots more to be found.
  7. I'd bet a cup of coffee it was clipped. It may take some disassembling of select areas to detect, but there were some really good "clippers" back in the day. Remove the "A" pillar trim, should be easy enough to do. Follow the floor from below, look for the meeting joint of the front (cowl/windshield/tunnel) section of the body to the rear. Along the rocker panels inside (should be easy, "X" frame car, right?) there's a lap joint as well. If there's unmolested Rivieras to compare you'll find everything you're looking for. As a GS it would have been worth saving back in the day, even at perhaps 10yrs old or more. It could also have been done by an independent "fixer" in his own gig after hours, content to mix n match what was easy or affordable availability. Having no clock to punch or boss checking his shirt size, the work could be stellar whether it was right or wrong. Is it kool? Sure, might be a real GS. Is it worth a bunch? Maybe not as much as the real thing, not even close, because some liberties were taken during preservation. I happen to be a 43+ year expert in many phases of restoration, fabrication, and even product development. I've seen some really nice cars that were simply as wrong as can be from a technical perspective only. The missing data tag as posted above is a tell. Personally I prefer the 65 in every way over the 63-4. Cleaner, "faster" looking, headlight clam shells, etc. I don't see it as having all the "best of" styling features offered on those as I prefer the lights in the bumper and the side scoops gone. Surely I'm not alone in that regard. Good luck in your archaeology of this car and embrace the challenge of sorting it out. And just for the record, none of this response, candid as it may seem, is meant to denigrate you or what you have. These things pop up all the time and like Matt said above, many of these old cars have the seasoning of a "chequered past" and sometimes there's no telling what someone did.
  8. Well I'm really late to this party I see. 34 Packard? Who the he** wants one of those ? Sarcasm of course. I've done a dozen of em, many from the ground up. Some items I read in this topic were fairly clear and right, some seemed a bit off, but overall you seem to have lived a nice year plus with what I consider the high water mark of nearly all Classic Cars. I see you'll be selling it so there's not much I can offer you in assistance, but I don't think you'll have much trouble finding an owner. Of course it's no Ford or Chevy so don't expect an audience in 5 or 6 figures of interest, but they do have a loyal following. Here's a couple pictures of some of latest just to enjoy. I also noticed yours had the rather rare "Butt Walnut" woodgrain. Most are Burled Carpathian Elm with American Walnut trim. Nice car 'Riv...
  9. Looks like I'm a bit late for the Royale party, but I'm a fan for sure. I stand shamelessly guilty for the refinish of the 2 tone purple car from the Detroit area. The customer wanted the all silver finish and dark red leather and pin stripes. With polite and professional input the charcoal grey leather and stripe was chosen over the red. For decades I've taken a little heat for the use of silver on depression-era classic cars. It was indeed available and the formula exists in old paint books. Ditzler (now PPG) called the color "Steel Dust Iridescent", a very bright silver in it's original form. The poly in those days was ground as fine as possible giving an almost pearl effect when applied properly. Not many silver paints today can match that look. There is 1 that can and that's my "go to" color for anything silver from that time. The comments at shows ranged from ...was never available..." to "...got it right...". I guess one needs to read about finsihes and colors to make good choices. Frankly I felt it came out stunning. We went body-off, rechromed some things, fixed a few oil leaks, but overall it was a fine restoration to begin with. I think the color makes the car. I also think it really shows Mr Notrhrop's wind tunnel efforts the best. In the pictures you can see how the poly in the paint highlights the tucked under fender edges and rounded body shapes. The black top provides a sharp contrast to the windshield frame, further accenting how low the top assembly is compared to ther classic era cars with similar coachwork. At the tail end, the graceful curves were kept uncluttered by eliminating the gratuitous trunk rack. Having seen others minus that appendage I don't think it was a mistake. Enjoy these pictures from Amelia Island 2008. It's all I have of it finished. From the FWIW dept, I also woodgrained this car back in the late 80s or early 90s. That same finish is still there. I'll be happy to share in any comments or questions that I can.
  10. I'd like to throw the Avalanche truck in there too. Body by LEGO along with a few other models. And that recent era of Cadillac's mid-size car where they bragged about their "folded paper design". Some of those belong right next to the trophy they give to all the kids on a team regardless of accomplishments. Sometimes I believe that those who decide such stuff, regardless of the manufacturer, intend to prove that they can make anyone buy anything. Scion anyone? How about those Honda SUVs with the different colored parts on the outside? Then those other Asian imports with white roofs, black fenders, colored body, what the heck were they smoking? All in all there were several 1942 models that were lucky to see such limited production. At least by 46-47 they figured some of it out, and not just "The General".
  11. It's easy to see the added value from a dealer purchase. All dealers? Fu..uh, heck no! But the ones that have been at it for a long time, live the life beyond their showroom floors, actually have a realistic passion for the game, where's the "cost" or lack of value? I'll say it again that NONE OF THIS is a TV show. Some Texas redneck makes $100K? Some mid west dealers ALWAYS find a diamond at the bottom of a barrel of feces? I've seldom to never struck "gold" in my efforts to put new ***** in the seats of cars I've consigned or bought/sold. I've always been happy with what came of it and never lost much more than casual time. In my case the effort can net work in the shop and always results in a positive and memorable experience for both. I see folks at Hershey that I sold something to decades ago. Never once did I get a "...you're the ****** that sold me a...", more like, "Hey man, good to see you again." Value added all around. You can't buy that for any price, you can't (in today's vernacular) jock that from someone else's efforts or time in the game. It's earned. It's respect and trust. Anyone who thinks trust and respect aren't real values in the "hobby" that so many enjoy, then all I can say (again in today's vernacular) "hater's gonna hate." Generally we're all better than that aren't we? This topic should be no different.
  12. The description of collector dealers' cash flow, chicken one day and feathers the next. In my experience Matt has it right. Q U A L I T Y. Quality sells itself and requires very little effort other than exposure. I've bought, sold and consigned many times over the last few decades. For me it's an aside to what I do (restoration) and being active within is where you find both buyers and sellers. Too many sales means you're not doing the shop work required, spending too much time chasing the next deal. To do it full time? Go back and read Matt Harwood's post. Nothing in this life is a friggen TV show. Anything to do with collector cars is hard work and requires a discipline akin to martial arts. No, not that you need to be able to drop kick someone that becomes a bad experience (and I'd have liked to once or twice!), it's more like maintaining a clear focus on what you're doing. You can make a nice living doing any level of it full time if you have the will to do what it takes. Anyone that has a passion for any kind of car can learn from and perhaps finance their "affliction" by dealing in like items/cars. Like Matt also said, there's enough for everybody in this little sandbox we all play in. And trust me, this stuff is a very small world and good news travels at the speed of sound. However, bad news travels at the speed of light. If the young'un that wants to do this is disciplined he'll make it. Specializing isn't a bad way to go either, especially when growing the biz. Sell the cars you know best and grow from there.
  13. We have a 4.07 gear with a 16 bolt pattern on the ring gear. This fits the Super 8 and 12 from 33-4-5-6. We need a 12 bolt set that fits 33-4-5-6 eight cylinder cars. Our specific need is for a 34 1101. If someone has a 12 bolt set and needs a 16, lets trade. If there's a 12 bolt set we can purchase we'll do that too and sell this one. It's a new gear set, just wrong for our car. We'd also be interested in a complete Super 8 rear axle assembly if there's one within a day's drive of Motown. I know this is a longshot but we gotta try, right? Thanks in advance for any leads/info.
  14. Kendall racing oil is a straight grade variant if that's also what you seek. Sold as "Nitro 40" or Nitro 50" it's a great alternative to old engines seeking straight grades and different additive packages. While I may get lambasted for this, it's a freaking Ford 4 cyl engine! It'll run on anything and live through volumes of abuse, NEVER needs hardened valve inserts, and frankly doesn't even need zinc (ZDDP) in the oil. Visit www.fordbarn.com and scam around on the Model A pages regarding oils and ZDDP. An eye opener to be sure, and 'ol Henry was very proud of his metallurgy knowledge. Most Ford owners are too. Good luck and don't over think it. Also, shameless plug here, I have a 1933 1 bbl manifold in above average condition. It does have the update done to the rear that some want and some don't. PM me here or email me at highlander809@gmail.com if you might want it.
  15. I turned down a shot on some show BS. I asked around, wondered what was in it for participants, etc. The replies I got were enlightening. The one I remember most was the producer's use of what was called "Frankenbites". Whether or not it was correct, the gig is that they edit things to sound like what they want it to be vs the real deal. If I were to say "...and so n so is a complete a** hole..." they can edit it to say one of my friends or comrades on the show was the one I was speaking of. Reality? I got your reality "right here"! What's really sad, and not to get too political, it seems all the public figures that we elect to be our advocates use the business model of a friggen reality show vs actually earning the position. I see it from the White House on down, but hey maybe that's just my observation. A neon single fingered salute to most all of em. Although I gotta say, having my own history of real street racing (did I just say that?) I sort of enjoy "Street Outlaws". Not as real as what we did but the cars are so freakin fast these days we'd never survive. At least it's "organized" to a degree. Your results may vary, tax n title extra, blah, blah, blah...
  16. DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner. Distributor mount more or less confirms it.
  17. All that chrome prep is the $$$$. Strip, drill, acid copper, low temp silver solder where drilled, metal finish, final copper/nickel/chrome. I try to do my own whenever possible, but even the stripping process is different for aluminum and diecast. Wrong process, the parts disappear like magic...!
  18. Matt nailed it. Some cars never had matching numbers. I had someone tell me a 34 Packard had all matching numbers once. I asked "Which ones?" and got a stumbling response. Some early Packards had very close numbers, some as far off as 800 (engine, frame, front axle, rear axle, trans, steering box). He's also right that it's born of the muscle car rise in interest and value. You, however, are talking about a mass produced commodity from 1947. There's one thing that does indeed increase the subject car's value, that being the body style. What some refer to as a "short door" coupe, the roof line is just about as sexy as an early V8 can get without a canvas top. QUALITY has more effect on the long term value of this car than anything. Front spring shackles and a set of wheels make it look like a coveted hot rod for a Saturday afternoon's effort. Bolt on period accessories, done well with restraint (not too much of any ONE thing), again can add value. It's a car that YOU can build YOUR way and never worry about the dollars too much. Almost always in demand and an easy sell. My vote would be slightly hopped up stock with a stance and some wheels. Your results may vary, tax n title extra, void where prohibited...
  19. So back in the 1950s this guy chopped a Deuce coupe, added a Chrysler HEMI, painted it Buick Titian Red, fitted the trans with Zephyr gears and added a V8 quickchange rear axle. Inside he chromed the moldings and had a black pleated vinyl interior stiched up, all of it detailed with miscellaneous chroming and special finishes here n there. A show stopper everywhere it went and fast too. Last year someone finds it and cleans it all up with a bit of airbrushed touch up, some nip-tuck to the interior, lots of chrome polish and car wax. Once again, a show stopper everywhere it goes wearing all but the tires and hoses it was born with. What is it? A misfit from days gone by or a true HOT ROD survivor from the glory days of the past?
  20. I'll end my comments with 2 facts. I never said ALL were sharp and educated, and as obvious as the sunrise and sunset there's exceptions to any rule or venue. Also, those who I've dealt with over decades were all very sharp and knowledgeable about what they wanted and what to pay. Over n out...
  21. As to going from one auction house to another, apparently someone spotted a car worth more and gambled that it would attract a higher paying bidder elsewhere. If you really know a lot about a lot of different cars/eras, and if you have the money to invest/risk, it can be done every year. It can be done going from one Mecum sale to another in the same year. A 69-71 Cobra Jet Mustang has a tier 1 value of $55-60K. You spot one at a less than popular sale and find out that it's the real deal, never rusted or properly restored, has good street cred in the form of Marti reports and documentation, the hammer price is $31K. Even after commission and transport as well as entry fees you're all in at $40K and you're confident that going into a hornet's nest of principals there must be 2-3 guys who see it as you do. I guess it's really criminal to market that car to the right venue and make a few bucks, right? That's the difference in what you see and what I see, and the difference in the approach. Not once in my scenario did words come out that evoked ANY disrespect to that market, that sale. If anyone were to go into it thinking "...some rich azzhole will buy it there..." it would show. It would result in a no sale or a loss, and in my opinion it would be deserved. Perspective is important, and "...doing nothing..." isn't always true either. A weekend of detailing can mean 5 figures of profit, or is profit one of those dirty words too?
  22. I'll be doing an 1104 Sport Phaeton soon. Packard offered the 5P phaeton, 5P Sport Phaeton (dual cowl) and the 7P Touring on all of the available chassis combinations except the 1100 an 1103 (short WB 5P sedans, 8 and Su8). We have all new spring assist tubes and hinges and have to build the missing cowl. Not an uncommon occurrence, once the sport phaetons became used cars several folks ditched the second cowl for easier use. I'm sure many cowls were left in garages and eventually scrapped. Yes, the 1104 is the real deal with special center vent doors, a unique front seat back sheet metal panel, and of course the 761 body type stamped in the wood and on the cowl tag. Should be a fun project.
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