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Everything posted by jackofalltrades70

  1. hehe. But he listed it as a 47.........................That'd look kewl on my RM Convertible..........................wouldn't it??? hahahahahaha Matt
  2. Saw this on ebay and wondered if anyone else had seen one like this? 1947 BUICK ROADMASTER FRONT BUMPER GRILLE | eBay Matt
  3. You haven't mentioned a fuel filter anywhere in your post. Spitting and sputtering usually is related to lack of fuel. Matt
  4. I believe it should be somewhere on the lower firewall on the drivers side? Matt
  5. Do you hear a click when you turn the key even? Might want to check/clean and tighten your battery posts and your ground. Also check the main wire feeding the starter as it might be loose or very corroded. Matt
  6. I saw it....................and heck, it's still in Russia! But, he asked and I found one. Just helpin' out! Matt
  7. Not mine. Just saw this and looked up this thread. Good luck. Matt Other Makes : ZiS 110 Other Makes : ZiS 110 | eBay
  8. I have for sale the frame rails to a 2 door Roadmaster seat. Comes with the chrome adjusting handle. $30.00 o.b.o. plus shipping cost. Matt:)
  9. ST (66) is the year. 44467 is 4(Buick) , 44 (Skylark Custom) and 67 (2 door convertible) TR 182 is the trim # for the interior material. 04C (as stated before is the build date of April and the c denotes the week. BAL is Baltimore, MD I think and 1602 is the car # as it rolled off the line. K6 is the paint and I don't know what it is either. I have done the best I can and am open to corrections as I'm no professional at this. Matt
  10. 4 bufords, Glad you are feeling better also. Heck, before you know it, you'll be workin' on the cars without a worry in the world again! Matt
  11. I would have been there, but work schedule is preventing it, as it does every year since I've been a member and will forever unless the dates are changed. Our facility goes into shutdown the first week of July and I am in charge of the shutdown. Have to be here the week before to prepare.......I was really trying to go for a day or so this year, but to no avail......Matt
  12. I didn't know my wife had anything listed..........................hehe:D
  13. How about a general search for 30's,40's,50's parts, instead of vehicle specific? Broad searches always open up more possibilities. Matt
  14. Pretty neat! Now that, my friends, is sheetmetal work! Matt
  15. If that's how they come out when installed..................you can keep all them NOS furbishes over there.........
  16. I have a feeling I'll be stalled again after this burst of energy, but at least there is some forward progress. My girl comes home after a month in Poland this weekend <!-- google_ad_section_end --> __________________ <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) --> You call that stalled? You're gonna be busy! Matt
  17. Well, back home from 5 days in the hospital......Diverticulitis (I think that's how it's spelled) Nasty stuff and I don't recommend it to anyone! I bought a radio on ebay for parts and it made it to the house. Worked on a piece of stainless tonight for about an hour or so. Might work on some seats stuff tomorrow. If I get anywhere, I'll take some pictures. Matt:D
  18. Adam, Nice work my friend! Why is it that the doors seem to rust out in the front and rear on the curve? My 47 is the same way.:mad: Can't wait to see pictures of the trunk lid starting back together. Matt
  19. Once again......Thanks to everye for your thoughts. I got to come home yesterday afternoon and what a relief. Cannot go back to work until Monday. Dr. wants me to take it easy and eat lite the rest of the week. Nice to be back home. Actually got to sit in the garage for an hour today and work on a piece of stainless. Missed my girl. :DMatt
  20. Guys, it worries me to think that since some of the other stuff might be "missing" or incorrect, that the "under the paint" stuff might not be so beautiful either. Sad to think that this individual either BELIEVES that they have done a 95% restore job or that they are trying to convince some poor sucker that it is that way. Hopefully, before purchasing the car, a buyer would visit this chat board to ask some questions, or investigate even another 57 car to see how "correct" the car is. In his pictures, it looks like the 2000+ vintage Volkwagon got the same red paint! And I stand behind my "under the paint statement if you look at the rear view. The left side gap is way off from the bumper related to the other side. Matt`
  21. Guys, why beat your heads against the pontiac? It's not the cars fault......................
  22. Got mine here in PA yesterday! Nice articles. The 56X article was very interesting. I really enjoyed Pete's article on the hydraulic pump. Informative to say the least for some that might not understand them. If my truck was paid off......................then there would be a new Buick in the drive and the Honda would be no more......Matt
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