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Everything posted by jackofalltrades70

  1. Kevin Actually, I have no seat back and am in the process of having a foam cushion made for it until I can aquire my springs. I actually have a set, just haven't picked them up. I have a template that is oretty darn close and cut out my pieces using that. Only had to trim once. Now I have to lay out the mounting holes
  2. Had Scouts tonight and caught the last hour of music practice with the wind ensemble. Worked on the car yesterday and was able to cut the plywood for the rear seat back where is supports against the convertible tub. Doesn't look too shabby, but now the job of transferring holes to bolt it all down is at hand! Matt
  3. If it is removed by "pushin it through", you should be able to center punch the pin again after it is back together.
  4. More time in the garage tonight. Installed some more chromed irons on the convertible too. Had to run for more fasteners. I also found these in a box that I had been safekeeping.
  5. As I work away on the '47, my goal is to drive it to the meet. Hope to caravan down with some fine folk from New York. 'Bout the time they get 'round my place, they will need to stretch their legs anyways!
  6. Welcome, Might I suggest you start a thread on your car in the "Me and My Buick" section? We love to watch,comment and drool over others projects and there is a lot of informative people that would comment and keep you motivated. Matt
  7. A whole day in the garage except for a couple hours here and there. The drivers door is complete with vent window frame and window. Also set the main door glass in it's frame and installed it in the door. Door panels fit nicely, just have to finish attaching and still need to final sand and buff the door trim that runs along top of the door panel. Also managed to mount the convertible top back on it's feet. Bolted the header back on and installed the top mechanism. I will install the rest of the chromed irons in the car. I now have the garage clean enough that I work in socks when in the car on the new carpeting. Started putting the rear bumper together around 7 and got too tired to finish. And so it goes....
  8. Wow is it cold! Been working all morning on the car. Pictures later on. Taking a break.
  9. Will say that I have to agree that there should be somewhere for all of the Chapters and Regions to display their banners. Were it not for the individuals, Chapters and Regions, there would be no need for Allentown 2016........ There is still time to figure something out........ Matt
  10. Well, then maybe "not so dumb" is the correct phrase? Hehe
  11. I use mine on my 56' here in Pa on the front. Covers one of my Whitaker Buick plates
  12. I was able to roll the car out of the garage today. Finally was able to install the fuel pump. Started installing the passenger side trim down the fender and door pontoons. As the car is coming together, I asked my wife what we should name her. The name "La Trujis" was chosen. My wife has always disliked the car, but now is falling in love with it.
  13. Jealous of you guys. I was only able to roll the 47' out of the garage and roll it back in.
  14. By the time I get things done, the day is gone. Takes awhile to assemble and go get more fasteners, etc. progress is progress!
  15. Nope. Still too much on my plate trying to finish the 47'
  16. Been looking for a wagon sort of project for the retirement years....
  17. Nice looking car, but that is pretty steep for a reserve with the damage it has. Under the dash looks to be cooked by looks of the radio. And the fire was pretty hot.
  18. I think the mint green convertible is a car that was found in Mexico and brought back here and restored. Car was at Knoebels amusement park on display last year.
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