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Everything posted by bhambulldog

  1. I'll measure mine when I get home this afternoon. If, the 40-60 is shorter, it still might do the task.... Sent from my BlackBerry 9370 using Tapatalk
  2. I don't know about the box...... Radio originally is wired to play with the switch off..... Don't crank the engine with the radio playing however.... It can damage the radio. (i answered this question on your other thread before I saw this thread....) Edit: That sounds like post '55 technology...(?)... My radio has worked flawlessly since we've had the car. So, I've never delved into the wiring of it....
  3. The radio is wired to play with the ignition switch off as well. But that does NOT mean it is okay to crank the car with the radio playing.....
  4. Very Nice !!! That is Beautiful !!! When my Buick is doing 50 the speedometer reads 70 !! Mine shows about 30% - 35% faster than the actual speed. My odometer is correct however.....
  5. Yes. A lot of to dismantle. Then, a lot of work to sell. whether by shipping or hauling around to swap meets. In the meantime the money is tied up waiting for a buyer......
  6. I went from a Rochester to a Carter on mine. Mainly from an availability issue. I like the Carter fine. I get the same mpg with the Carter as I did Rochester. A tad better than 9-12 mpg combined. .... 12-15 is what I get...
  7. The bids look about right considering the damage to the car. Buy it now is too much. Parting it out would give more than $3500. But, there IS a lot of work in parting one out....
  8. The dash is burned a LOT. The windshield is melted through. Smoke damage to the entire interior. The paint on the hood has been burned off. Looks like an engine compartment fire.
  9. I don't like the flavor of whiskey. However, I do like the flavour of whisky
  10. 1955 Owner's Manual 1955 Buick Owners Manual [TABLE=width: 100%] <tbody>[TR] [TD=width: 50%]Identical keys operate all the locks on your <nobr>Buick</nobr>. Remove the "Knock-out" number and keep it in a safe place, to be used if your keys are lost or mislaid and duplicates are required. To lock the ignition, turn the key to "lock"; to shut off the ignition but still leave it operative with the key removed, turn the key to "off". The car may then be operated yet the privacy of the glove and trunk compartments retained.[/TD] [TD=width: 50%][/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE] Lock the Ignition and the doors of your car when leaving it unattended. Over 75% of the vehicles stolen have been left either with the key in the ignition lock or unlocked.
  11. I would guess that it's for a 401 or 425..... But, the ad doesn't say .......
  12. It's a very nice car. I would be interested..... if I had the room and the money... I have a question for you; Where did you get a replacement gas tank? Good luck with your sale...:cool:
  13. I don't know about '53 '55 had one key for all locks.
  14. Rostram's all original car was in the same magazine. That photo's of that car should have been the guide for what an original looks (looked) like. As Eric said, Mine has a lot of interior chrome and engine chrome that was added. After nearly 60 years many modifications have been made on cars. With so many cars that are out there that are not correct. Many people are dependent on publications like the Bugle as a guide to authenticity. My comments weren't meant to snipe at your effort. But to point out errors that I noticed.
  15. Of course you're right! Here on the site is a model 68 with the smaller hubcaps; http://forums.aaca.org/f115/1955-buick-century-model-68-question-317682.html
  16. There is just a hint of the smaller hub caps "Accessory Group M" 55 Buick Accessory Group "M" Includes electric clock, full wheel covers, automatic trunk light, rear license plate frame. [TABLE=class: options, width: 1] <tbody>[TR=class: odd] [TD=bgcolor: #FCF6CF]<input type="CHECKBOX" name="optionM" id="optionM">[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #FCF6CF]Factory[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #FCF6CF]Accessory Group[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #FCF6CF]$40.00[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #FCF6CF]Includes electric clock, full wheel covers, automatic trunk light, rear <nobr>license plate frame</nobr>.[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #FCF6CF]m[/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE]
  17. No Eric, I think for those, hubcaps is correct. As, those don't cover the wheel. When in place, there'll be a ring of the wheel showing between the hubcap and the trim ring. These hubcaps are rare for the '55 Buicks. This is the first I've seen of hubcaps on a '55. Before today, I've only seen the hubcaps in the sales brochures. Before today, I wondered if any '55 actually came from the factory with hubcaps rather than wheel covers....
  18. Very Nice!! I like the color, too!! That would look great with red wheels , especially with hubcaps and trim rings. The pin striping on the spare wheel is very interesting... I like it...
  19. Something else on the same article; on pp 14 & 15 A photo appears from a spring '55 sales brochure. The caption in the issue describes the four cars "1955 Buick Models from top (clockwise): Century, Super,Special, Roadmaster" The cars that actually appear in the photo are, from the top (clockwise) Century63, Century66R, Special46C, Super56R. A Roadmaster does not appear in the photo
  20. No. Many 1954 A/C jobs were modified by removing the plexiglas ducts from the headliner ducts. The result was a much more efficient operation. For 1955, the headliner ducts and headliner registers were eliminated. For one reason or another the sales brochures did not show this change. When I read that, I had the same thoughts. Mine leaks a very small amount. Just a drop or two. Such a small leak, I've not had to add any trans fluid since I had the trans rebuilt ten years ago.... I have an original tire, 2-1/2" WW I noticed this , too. The center of mine was black 43 years ago when Dad got the car. The article on the original Roadmaster in the same issue , shows a black center. I don't recall seeing that painted black.... I don't have a strong recollection... My car does not have that type of handle... Mine were undercoated prior to 1970. And , are, now... I would say the undercoating is original. I agree... I shook my head with disappointment as I read the article. The photos of the original Roadmaster in the same issue should have been used as the guide for originality.Willie, I sadly agree with you...
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