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Everything posted by bhambulldog

  1. As we discussed on the other thread, The 300 is closer kin to the second generation V8. Rather than the nailhead. The original poster would do well to keep all this one thread, For the later V8: #1 is on the left Nailhead #1 is on the right, as you rightly said And of course the straight eight, the foremost cylinder is #1. And that holds true for V motors. The foremost cylinder is #1
  2. My Prayers for John, his family, and caregivers.
  3. i know that the '55 sales literature to be inaccurate. '78 maybe as well It might be a one of one
  4. If you don't have a manual, Try Ebay for a paper copy. Also there are DVD copies. I got a DVD shop manual from Rock Auto
  5. That's where I'm at. Minor stuff, I'm OK. Anything major, or safety related (brakes), I rely on a professional. The shop I use has a sign 'No Outside Parts. We supply all parts necessary." Thankfully, they have told me they'll happily work on my Roadmaster. If, I supply the parts. It's a good deal.
  6. 300 is closer kin to the 350 and 455, than to Nailhead Nailhead's #1 is on the right because the right bank is forward ​of the left 300's left bank is forward. #1 is left
  7. Prosthetic limbs, hands and fingers included. Saw it in the newspaper last week
  8. That's right. The 310 refers to the torque rating 300 cubic inches is the engine size. Welcome to the forum and to old Buicks. You're getting the best advice here. Be patient and take one thing at a time. Good luck to you, You're off to a good start.
  9. When properly rebuilt, the dial action shocks perform as well
  10. I was chasing my tail on the brake lights when I realized that on my car the ignition switch has top be on for the brake lights to work
  11. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/xPIKtWTv7Fs?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
  12. Ironically , in the photo is also a Jeep (behind the steam car)
  13. Very nicely done Good Luck with your sale !
  14. Interesting. You're saying replica but, there are many original touches The dashboard and controls look like they're from an original 'A'. Including the choke/mixture knob on the right, the starter pedal, and the spark advance and throttle on the steering column
  15. Automobiles do not increase in value. The rise in prices is due to the DECREASE in the value of the dollar.
  16. Pinehurst green looks looks very close I would try a '55 chart
  17. For better traction in snow, it's good to throw one in the trunk...
  18. sorry, that was the wrong link. Try this; http://s953.photobucket.com/user/bhambulldog/library/1955%20Buick%20Paint%20Interior%20Trim%20choices?sort=3&page=1
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