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Everything posted by stealthbob

  1. All I can say is that how many 1954 BUick convertibles you see in good driver condition that are original....now add in that its a Skylark???? Can you say unicorn? To someone who wants to restore it think low...for someone who wants to preserve it think freaking high cause they aint making any more original skylarks with a dammed continental kit that are in driver quality shape. My suggestion is to be patient and market this car UNTOUCHED (not even cleaned) and see what offers come in...my bet somebody out there will pay very well for this. Nice find....look forward to your arrival at the 54B site.
  2. I hope Bob doesn't mind me posting his pic but this is my favorite of him....looking like he just stole something.
  3. Speaking of "Shame"......is this THE MrEarl taking what Old Tank describes as the new and improved 1954 Buick out for a test ride? Hmmmm....looks like he really likes it guys, I mean look at the sheer joy on his face. (Should have paid me off for this pic bud....hehehe) Ok to be fair he did slap up his gang sign after he was caught....
  4. He is a big idea guy with crazy talent and dedication to the Buick brand...he is also very generous of his abilities and time, unfortunately more generous than most will ever know about.
  5. Thanks Roberta...I was leaning more to questions #1 and #2 which would require comment from those involved in the voting. I have read the Charter and will keep it handy for future questions.
  6. Can I have some iced cream with my pie? Smilies work great Lamar....
  7. Great questions....maybe I will engage my leaders directly and ask them. or It would sure be nice to get some open feedback, ANY feed back from our ELECTED BOD.......crickets.
  8. How about mention your setup like browser and os to help diagnose the issue. No issues here...fast as ever with Firefox 13.01/win7, current versions including flash
  9. Bob aka "Cod" Coker....Badest Man Alive! <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EZ8GsJ9DBIQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. I have had Flash issues but updated that...make sure your browsers are the most current and you have the most current flash.
  11. Simple...make it mandatory for people who post in the "BCA business" thread be a member and to add their BCA# in their posts. "Member's only" could also work with the new software being utalized, it just takes someone to administer the database of members. For the record, I am somewhat tech savvy and could help with any logistics required to implement and maintain a "Members Only" section. Just offering to help if I can....
  12. Its hard for me to do because its different for all browsers... Try this: How to delete cookies I'm not saying that it will work but its a first place to start.
  13. The fact that you personally took an interest and the time to routinely contact Lamar and myself about the 54 numbers for Charlotte while also actively interacting on the Enclave and many other Buick forums said it all for me...the rest when you add it up equals a hell of a job. Class act!
  14. No change here... Try deleting your cookies for aaca.org
  15. That's fine, I can respect that....I'm not saying that every discussion involving a BOD member requires to be published but this still leaves the rest of us(me) with questions. I guess I'm just thirsty for anything from these individuals (my leadership), be it an open comment or a stand on an issue. We want to encourage participation in the process right? Well forcing the membership to each email the BOD members individually rather than just have BOD members openly comment is just silly....especially when we have the perfect medium for the exchange of information right at hand. I apologize if I am belaboring this topic more than what may be required....I will step back and see where this goes.
  16. That is sort of the rub for me...why not openly comment on the current affairs? Open comments are held to account when decisions are made, why this secrecy and back channel communication? It only leads to what we have currently...and that is mistrust of the process. I honestly believe that ALL BOD members are altruistic to the betterment of the club but where there are shadows there are questions. Thanks to Rick and Pete for posting....in the other thread. I would like to hear from the other leaders on what they think of the process and where they want to take the club to improve this situation.
  17. Well said Lamar, I don't know where Bob finds the energy to share his collection with the rest of us....it must be some o'l nailhead running inside of him. I so glad I got the opportunity to finally meet him. Thanks Bob!
  18. I have to say I am very disappointed in my picture taking...I missed many very nice cars, including some of the "Must haves" like Bob's cars. I did get one of me and Lady Landau though. I guess I was so taken with all the eye candy that I was Buick Drunk. In all I learned a lot about how a National is done and will be better prepared for South Bend.
  19. I was one who was too lazy to vote but it goes further...I had no clue of the issues or even the candidates and I hate to randomly vote for someone. Still no excuse as it is imperative for members to be informed and involved. I can say that I will be both from now on. That all being said, I think the way to start the improvement is to try open up the discussion on club issues in it's own subforum. Yes that sounds like having a dreaded "Political" forum but properly moderated and enforced to only club business should help to keep the noise down. The tone of NO POLITICAL TALK discourages some to speak up on club issues even here on the boards...myself included. With this subforum we could all see where potential BOD members stand on all the issues that arise. First argument to come up is that not everybody comes to the forums...well that may be true but that shouldn't eliminate the exchange of ideas for the many of us more active members that do come here. Also many more come and "Lurk" than post, its a perfect medium for this type of information exchange. For starters we could have "stickies" for the list BOD members and contacts, another for the charter ect ect, posting important dates for votes or other requirements for membership participation. The main reason for me that a new separate subforum would help is that it would contain a record of positions for whoever may be up for BOD, a simple search of the individual and that subform around voting time and you could read all about him/her where they stand without having to filter out all the other car talk. Handled correctly I see a great improvement in club involvement and participation in it's direction.
  20. Already answered in the other thread that you started... http://forums.aaca.org/f115/2013-nationals-south-bend-331641.html
  21. They did not come with a "Build Sheet", that was on the invoice given to the first owner which would also have the selling dealer info. Also there were no "Window Stickers" in 53. Someone should be able to find you an estimated build date based off of the Vin#. Hopefully you get the original invoice with the documents, that will tell all.
  22. Yep...he is surely a great Buick Man not to mention a wonderful custodian for these special Buick's. How was the fit behind that Landau wheel?
  23. Steve, I have your choice from the exchange. I will mail it out this week.
  24. I changed the title a bit.... Awesome time guys, I certainly see myself going to more. From meeting most of you to getting to see all the great Buick's and most importantly spending some good times with my dad.....it was an epic trip. Its what you make it and it was made great. See you all next year.
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