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Ben Bruce aka First Born

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Everything posted by Ben Bruce aka First Born

  1. John is correct on the one on the left. The car the folks are standing next is Packard, '50s era. On the right is a '55 Buick. Ben
  2. Beautiful day in the Ozarks. Drove George to my brothers for dinner. The drive and dinner and visit were delightful. Ben
  3. You guys are wild!! Must be something to do with the south of the equator thing?? Ben.
  4. WE all have much to be thankful for. Especially for all the friends here. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Ben
  5. Chris, you surely have come a long way. And learned a lot. And had FUN, FUN! I , and for sure others went through the same self doubt when our toy first arrived, some in worse shape than Mighty FAST. but , as you, we hung in there and can now say " I DID IT!" I look forward to the next year with you and your special car. Ben
  6. SO, the leather was just shrunken? Who would a thunk.? Glad it is working now. Ben
  7. RO, I don't know what the car is, but removing the pan will be the best. Seems what you are planning will get costly. Plus, there is probably a pickup screen on the pump suction that "flushing" will not clean. Tell you what, you drop the pan and document the process, and I will do the one I have been dragging my feet on. Bet both will be way ahead. Ben
  8. Anderson, if I understand correctly, only the front carb is working at idle and slower speeds. So if the front valve is working and the back is not, you should be ok. Ben
  9. Paul, of course there is value ! It is a BUICK. Post away. Ben
  10. Thanks, Wayne. Would be nice for someone to do the same trip today and run the videos side by side. Noticed the smog. Ben
  11. Did that all the time back in the '50s. Thought EVERYBODY did. Ben
  12. Robert, I agree with Mike. In fact the amount of "overspray" varied. No two the same. So who is to say=======. Ben
  13. Good job, and I am glad to see his shop floor looks like mine. Can't keep the darn thing clean. Ben
  14. As if ANYONE would know the difference! And how could anyone, including yourself, KNOW which one came on that car? Ben
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