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My wife's early Christmas Present...

Peter Gariepy

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Good job!!! Now all you need is a green one for you and you can tell people they are the special His & Hers Neiman-Marcus Christmas gifts. (Bill Davis pulls that one on people at Hershey when he parks his green Rolls beside the red one a friend of his owns. It gets a lot of stares or laughs.)

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.....Peter, now for the million dollar question.....

Where are you going to store it??

- last I knew you didn't have a lot of storage space.

- Now if you do it smart, she'll let you build an additional storage building for it, and while you're building it, you make sure that the building is big enough for two cars so you can get another car. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

- When my father ordered the shop, I remember him going into the house and telling my mom that he ordered a barn. When she asked how big it was, he said, "it's a small one, it's only 50x100." My mom not understanding sizes said okay and reality never hit her until my dad and I started standing the steel up. Needless to say, by then it was too late, and after looking back, my dad was right, it is small.

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