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personal car project web sites

Guest JT

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I, too, like to see other people's restoration efforts. Click on the link for my '41 Century (below, in signature) and then click on the LINKS link on the left-hand side of the screen. I have about 20 high-quality sites there that I visit often for inspriation.

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Guest Indiana_Truck

I love to see other projects because it helps me get motivated on mine. I never dreamed it would be 25 years just looking for the parts I needed to restore this truck but here I am still working on it and still never heard it run. Maybe this year.....


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Guest imported_MrEarl

This guy, Robert Budd has one of the most impressive, interesting and informative "restoration" sites I've seen. He is really dedicated not only to the restoration of his 56 Buick and telling everybody about it but also to sharing all his accumulated liteature, manuals and such. This guy must spend days scaning and downloading this stuff and all for the sake of unselfishly helping fellow Buick owners. He has even begun a Forum exclusively for the 1956 Buick. If you visit his site, why not post a note of appreciation of his work to him. He deserves it!!

Budds Buick Site

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Here's a way for everyone to document their restoration project at no cost. Go to www.blogger.com, a free service offered by Google, and create your own blog (an online journal you can post information to that is shared with other web users). You can easily add pictures, links to other sites, etc.

I've started one to post the restoration work I'm doing on my cabriolet. See it at http://1936pontiac.blogspot.com/ -- and start your own. Wish someone else had done this before I started my project.

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Guest EMF-Owner

I have been maintaining a site for the E-M-F Automobile for several years now which includes a high level log and detailed logs as I work on different parts of the car. People seem to enjoy it and the feedback does keep me motivated.

My biggest problem is finding time to work on the car so I have things to post! I need to change that.

Anyway, feel free to check out the E-M-F Homepage at the link below.

The E-M-F Homepage @ dreamwater.org/emfauto

Happy Motoring!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't have time (have to go to bed) to look through all these sites, but I've recently started on my first car. Its a 1968 Firebird Convertible, but I'm not planning on going original on it, at least not yet (and I get the feeling that what I'm doing is in the minority here). I'm a recent college graduate and still clawing my way out of debt, I'm still trying to figure out how I can get the car in roadworthy condition without going broke....

Anyway, I wanted to say that I'd like to get other people's classic project cars instead of just the Firebird on my site. I'd want one or two people to post their cars on a trial run to see how it would work out. At minimum, you'd be able to run your own gallery and have a forum section that you could moderate.

Anyway, my site is www.projectfirebird.com and anyone that wants to participate in joining the site should drop me an email at webmaster@projectfirebird.com

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There are several free sites available from places, I used to have one at tripod.com and one at geocities.com. I'm not certain if they still do free hosting, but those kinds of sites are limited to only a few megabytes of space and not much bandwidth (which means if you get more than 10 visitors a day your site will be taken down often)

You can also check with your ISP, many of them give you 10, 20, or 50 MB of space for a webpage "free" with your monthly fees. Often you can upgrade to a better package.

The next step up is something like powweb.com or dreamhost.com. I get 2 GB of file space and 5GB of bandwith per day. My site has been online for 2 months now and my highest bandwidth day has been about 200 MB, so I have a LOT of growth potential to go. These cost a bit of money though, I'm with powweb and got in on a special deal, its costing me about $8 a month. They had another special here recently though where you could get a package deal for $5 a month. When you use a site like powweb or dreamhost you can pick your URL, such as www.1937hd45.com smile.gif

To WRITE a webpage though, either search for html tutorials or use Front Page Express (I think its free from Microsoft and may already be installed on your PC.... dunno for sure though). OR if you go to www.powweb.com and search a bit, you'll find their "Easy Site Builder" that makes a site skeleton for you, but you may have to register first.

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Here's my web site I made in 1995 for my 1955 Buick Wagon resto and added my Buick page, then a Cadillacs Page and finally 1956-57 Continental Mark II page.

Let me know what you guys think and If you have a restoration site I can add a link. I can't believe 10 years have almost past.

Steve's Classic Cars

Also email me with comments or your web address steveclassic@earthlink.net

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Guest imported_Dwight V.

You don't need to know HTML or any of that jazz if you're willing to use a site like Homestead (and pay for it). To me, it's affordable and unlike Geocities and Tripod your viewers won't be annoyed by pop-up ads.

Mine is here, created completely by drop & drag software they give you:

Mongrel Motorsports


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  • 2 weeks later...

nice site but late sixties "mopars" don't do anything for me, however I noticed in your intro a "flash" of a <span style="font-weight: bold">[color:\\"blue\\"] PEUGEOT 403 SEDAN</span>

now <span style="font-weight: bold">THAT</span> was C smile.gifsmile.gifL!!!

Where do you go to excercise them? only place I can think of is the FDR at night - maybe! grin.gifblush.gif

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