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Olds 442

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I will be there. Class 36B

Hope the weather is nice for the drive up.

Steve's saying 486 cars.Well thats alot smaller field than I expected.

Rumor has it that there will be alot of Canadian Cars there?

Looking forward to seeing everyone.


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At least I'll kinda know someone there.

We are headed up from around Brookville Pa.

There are two other fellows coming with me.

I have 90 miles to there house then its on to Buffalo

There driving Fords so we may be a little late. lol

We are leaving Thursday morning.

So hope to chat to you after the cleaning is done.


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Oh no.

I have a 70 ss Red/with Black stripes.

So we have a date. ha ha


Theres suppose to be another fellow in our class there from Maryland with a Yenko Camaro.

He said he was going to Hagerstown to but didn't show up.

Doug Yoders with a 66 Chevelle said he was coming.

But both these cars are trailer queens. ha ha

See you there.

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I think 486 is the third largest ever, the first had 495 and the second had 489! Guys, as you know you are in the Elite and there are no HPOF or DPC cars at an AGN. Good luck, in looking over your class you guys have some great competition. 442's, Chevelles and yes there is one Camaro listed. Best of luck and congratulations on just getting there! Now get off the website and make sure your car is ready!

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Ok Steve

I'm just taking a break.Man cleaning here and after that close to 350 miles

or more of driving to do. Then you know that means more cleaning.

But I'll be ready.

It will be at it's best.

It will be as good as its ever going to get.

Without it becoming a trailer queen. ha ha

Only Gary W. won't come if it RAINS with that Yenko Camaro. lol

I just love bugging thoses trailer queens.

Third largest huh.Sounds good.

Everyone will have to be at there best thats for sure.

Well are there alot of Canadian car registered?


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Be happy to Dave.. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />! You had better pay a little less attention to the "big car" cuz you have some serious competition in your class! Did you see the picture of the Model A Duesenberg chassis at the CCCA Meet this year? It made a few magazines.

I know there will be some Canadian cars but not sure what a "lot" means to you. I am excited to see some cars that we may not get a chance to see normally.

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Looks like I'll be meeting Pedro up there as well. I'll be in a old Pete...ok, not so old, but it'll get me there. Maybe they'll let me park by Dave's "airplane"! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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Guest btsave

Coming from South Florida... in fact leaving tomorrow, class 25 with a 1971 MGB Roadster.. First Grand Nationals... hope for a dry trip in!

Bart & Audrey

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Guest John W. Harvey

Cindy and I will be there with our 74 Monte Carlo in 27K ..... trying for a repeat Senior. Our faithful daughter (age 14) will be there too!

Hey Steve......... just curious....... how many in 27K this time?


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Good!! I'll come see you if I need a shave grin.gif

Ron that is the only car I've ever seen that had the factory razor. I'm sure a lot of them have done that, but yours is the first that I've seen. At least I won't be judging you this time.

Steve, how big is this sign??

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Judy and I are leaving Virginia on Thursday. My cover car is at the museum, and although the convertible could go, it's just too hard to trailer and be President too! So, I'll just try to be a good ambassador for AACA, meet as many members as I can, and enjoy those 486 vehicles. Sure hope there's a '39 Buick convertible coupe there, or a nice '56 Buick I can look over before sending mine to the shop the following week. Wayne, this will be your first Grand National, right? It'll be like nothing you've ever seen before. Pedro, keep him out of trouble. Pray for warm weather. Seeya there!

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We are leaving for Buffalo tomorrow. Will be showing a 1931 AA Ford Truck. Will be trailering (open trailer, so we will still have a lot of cleaning to do when we get there)(only because the top speed on the truck is about 25 mph and that is going downhill!) Looking forward to seeing everyone and all the great cars (and trucks). smile.gif

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Hi, Earl...look forward, as usual, to seeing you and Judy.

Unfortunately, Wayne phoned me on my cell today that he is going to cancel out. Has too much paperwork, billing, etc., to do.

Darn it...I was all pumped up to keep him out of trouble, now this. Oh well, I am quite certain there will be more challenges with him.

A good friend, Mike Crown ('66 Mystery Chevelle on the forum) will be there, too. Folks, do yourself a favor and make a point of seeing Mike's Chevelle. Talk about a pristine car, this is it.

Olds 442...will be nice to meet you and have conversation since Hagerstown.

Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Yep, Pedro, Wayne called me tonight and said he couldn't make it. I told him he should do like his and my mutual friend, John, and sell the business and just go to work for somebody else. Unfortunately for me, John was the best mechanic I'd found in years.

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