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looks like a chain around the front hub but it goes nowhere towards the motor and if it did how do you steer without it falling off? AI missed that important part.

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I don't know about some of you wonderful people here, but I am getting a bit tired of people that think playing games is more important than historic research?

Part of me sees what appears to be an early photo, and wants to know all about it! I see this and wonder if it might be one of the elusive giant "clock spring" automobiles that were actually tried a couple times? I ran into a mention of one about ten years ago when researching my 1900ish gasoline carriage project. At that time google was finding lots of early publications about early experimental automobiles. But there were no photos known of it, and it didn't relate to my project so I didn't print out a copy for me to keep.


But I am fascinated about early experimental efforts at building some sort of automobile, and wonder "maybe" to myself. So I look closer. It doesn't look right. Some of the blending of images is well done? But not that well done. The shadows are wrong. The heavy back of the thing isn't compressing the rear tire down at all! The front tire with much less weight on it flattens a bit. Several details surrounding the front wheel make no sense? Especially the lack of visible spokes (could be wire spokes in front but with that big whatever in the way in the middle?)? Besides, the focus on the man and "thing" doesn't appear to match the focus on the side of the building.  Other brackets appear to be in the way of anything working? Like steering?


IF it is/was a real thing? I want to know where what who and when! If not? Someone needs to grow up a bit.

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Photo has been making the rounds on Facebook for some time. Photo is made up. Lots of photoshop and even some crafty artwork.  Background images have been added in and lots of stuff on the vehicle is just cut and paste. Once enlarged, the details are pretty obviously faked.


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So many things wrong with this. The chain would not fall off because the front wheel has a rod to keep it straight, the rear seat has a quick release to ether turn it or remove it  plus there is no place for the rider's feet.

This looks like some of the Fat Earther's photos of the Ice Dams at the edge of the planet.

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