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Do you drive your vintage car to the store?

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4 hours ago, dibarlaw said:

So far this week we have driven our 1925 Buick to church, to brunch, grocery store, to drop off our KIA for service work, to a car show meeting, yesterday to vote, visit to an aquaintance with a 1929 Model A project then to have my wife pick up the KIA. All only by Tuesday night. 

DSC00743.JPG.0bb2efaf4904ef7ca02687cb9e81b466.JPG Hopefully we will drive it to Gettysburg Friday for the AACA Spring meet.


Sounds like it runs more errands than the Kia!  Will be looking for you at Gettysburg.

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 I didn't read every post here but I think that while no one will be stopped by a policeman, if you get into a serious accident your insurance company WILL use any reason NOT TO PAY any damages, even for ones death.

 This could cost you your house and income for 20 years!

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When I first insured with hagerty I told them the car is stored in a secure garage on my property… but if there is no salt on the roads and I have somewhere to be… it’s getting driven. They were fine with that. 


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Not to the store (that would be a interesting trip) but on Friday we did have the 1928 Lombard Model T dump truck out and about on the museum campus to assist with some clean-up and work on the grounds. It's become a very useful beast. (I use that word out of respect).




With the dirty work done and with a well earned overnight rest (and another helping of fuel - it really likes fuel)  it performed flawless during yesterdays museum event - our first of the season. 


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I have two collector cars     when ever I dive  them I think of the worst     we live in a different world than the original owners    long time ago my antique insurance Co made a comment about ways of  their getting out of payment if a accident would happen   one of the situations they mentioned as questionable is using your car for shopping  !!!    JUST THINK OF THE WORST

Plymouth C.JPG

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