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The White carburetor


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Instead of burying this in the White car thread, decided to begin a new topic.


In going through carb literature to sell, I found the following information about the White carburetor:


Apparently White made a two-barrel as well as the single barrel. The concept should be at least similar.


Ed, I am really looking forward to the back to back test.






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On 9/10/2020 at 7:02 PM, trimacar said:

Great stuff, but while complicated, it doesn’t hold a candle to a Matheson three stage carb...Ever fooled with one?

A bit of tongue in cheek mentioning holding a candle to a carb reminded of this old saying that is posted in our shop that was a dealership /gas station from about 1956 until 2010.  While not exactly politically correct the message certainly still has merit


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PC, fooey. I've known enough Native folks to know they have a lot of wisdom, no matter how it's said. Some of these PC folks OTOH don't have sense enough to pour water out of their shoes that got left in the rain.


I've seen hot water chokes, lot of Fords had them, but why would a carb have a hot water jacket around its mixing chamber? Was fuel atomization that iffy in those days?

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"Gasoline" in the 19 teens, atomized about as well as kerosene.


Many early carburetors used some form of heat to help atomized the gasoline.


(1) water-jacketed carburetors

(2) exhaust-jacketed carburetors

(3) hot air taken off the exhaust manifold to intake to the carburetor

(4) an electrical heater in the carburetor bowl to heat the gasoline. (TRUE!)


As far as the Ford water heated chokes, GM used them as well on a few models in the early to mid 1960's. Virtually impossible to find one of these carburetors today that can be rebuilt without fabricating an entire new choke assembly. 



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