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Any Interest in Old Wiring Diagrams?


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I have at least 100 or more pages from the American Automobile Digest like the one shown below.  With just a few exceptions, each piece of paper contains two wiring diagrams, one on each side of the page.  Sometimes the diagrams are both for the same manufacturer and sometimes it's for another manufacturer's model.  The years covered in my collection range from late 1922 to 1928.


So the question is, given the somewhat simple wiring of early cars, is there any need / demand for this information?  I'm looking to move these on to a new owner if there is an interest in them.  I would appreciate your inputs on their value to the hobby.






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'24 and '27 Cadillac for me , please. Or perhaps better yet , AACA library. That way everyone would have access to digital or hard copy as needed. The backside of the diagrams would then not be wasted , and AACA would continue to grow as a research facility. Should we who would like a copy/copies right now ante up a portion of fair purchase price , and receive what we need , while making the entirety a donation for all ? I volunteer my percentage to the project. What do you all say ? I think it would be a bit of a waste to dismantle and scatter this collection.   - Carl

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Yes, I'm sure there is interest.


Check with the library and see if they already have copies for research. If not, time for a charitable donation or like Carl and Robert say, group donation.

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Good idea , Frank to check with the library. I think that the value of having over 200 wiring diagrams of the period in one place for immediate access is obvious. These diagrams are like those in my manuals , but easier to scan for enlargement , there being no binding to damage. Many , if not most or all of us , have made electrical mods/additions to our old cars. Having a work sheet to update as per current (did I just stumble into a pun ?) , wiring status for the record , seems smart. Reminds me of when I worked in aviation electronics at Boeing , and later Pacific Airmotive in Burbank , CA back in the aerospace boom in the '60s. One of our engineers at PAC , had pre-WW2 B-17 experience. When I was a kid , and some of you guys even more so , when we were kids , there were lucid old folk who had first hand personal memories of Abraham Lincoln ! Are any of you fortunate to have had a conversation with our then esteemed seniors ? If Lincoln had been blessed with great longevity , he would have had the opportunity to ride in a very early automobile. Some of us had the pleasure in our automotive adventures , to have seen that unique stretch of coastal Antebellum mansions that stood between Pass Christian MS , and Gulfport. All , save two , were wiped out by Katrina. I stayed with Aunt Louise in New Orleans for a while after you could start getting around after the hurricane. We cruised all over the entire damaged area. One of the survivors was a huge stone house , well set back at the Western extreme of that Gulf Coast neighborhood. The other was Jeff Davis' house. Damaged severely , with outbuildings totally destroyed , it was the only other house which still stood , still recognizable , as opposed to a mere slab and iron gate. It had served until no one was left to occupy it , as an old soldier's home for Confederate Veterans. I remember when that last Civil War Vet died in the 50s. I hope he got to ride in a Cadillac Ante-posthumously. I hope all of you get to fly with Collings in the P-51 , and/or the B-24 , and or B-17. If you have to detour during your cruising to do so : DO IT ! Our friend Roy Lassen (Classicaccessories.org) , flew B-17s. Ask him. Our hobby lets us live history more than most.


Now for charitable donation : Count me in for my percentage. Charity , beginning at home as it should often be , I think those of us AACA members , myself included , who can contribute to make TerryB whole , should step up and do so. Terry having been badly injured and disabled , would like , and should receive fair value. Some of this would move at a faster rate individually , some slower , some a generation or 2 down the line if ever. Let's keep this all together and accessible , and see if we can make this a win , win , win for all involved. Who among us is most familiar with the library ?  - Carl

Edited by C Carl (see edit history)
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Thank you all for your inputs!  I like the idea of contributing the diagrams to the library for all to have easy access to them.  Also, if that works out there is NO NEED to offer any monetary compensation to me.  The ability to help out a hobby I have enjoyed for all of my adult life is more than enough compensation for me.  I greatly appreciate your concern for my disability and recovery status.  The time I spend here is some of the best therapy I could hope to find.  I wish we could all get together for a big Cars and Coffee gathering someday!



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TerryB I for one would like to at least allow you to get your investment back.  Have you contacted the library yet, if not I would be happy too.  They are inline to receive my extensive library when I canno longer use it.  I know the kids will just send it to the landfill.

Bob Smits

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Dr. Bob , I am with you 100%. Also , did you get the pics and info I emailed you about the '48 Cad engine w/clutch ? I have the opportunity to drive to the area where I saw the Duesenberg Aero V16 , etc. , so I will include a recon run. As you may remember , I was not able to recognize it by Google Earth.  Oh , and I did email this conversation to AACA , general , with a heads-up. I think we need to know if they already have these diagrams in such a handy form , all in the same place.   - Carl.    408-621-8261

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My investment in these is negligible as I acquired them years ago in a bunch of stuff I got at a public sale of all types of early literature and books.  I will be contacting the library soon.

 I had been working on another project for the senior services day program I attend and presented to them today a pictorial view of South Korea and of Tesla autos thanks to info my son gathered during his recent trip there for work.  I also did a brief show on antique auto pics from real b&w photos from the 1910s to 1940s.  The folks really enjoyed those photos as you might imagine as they remember many of the cars as their daily drivers.  Sometimes we have more to offer for the wellbeing of others than we realize at times.




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