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Now this is how to sell a car/ truck

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23 minutes ago, auburnseeker said:

but with minimal or no work, it can be transported."



He is right.  A roll back retriever, cable hooked to a twin J hook rig, up and on in minutes, no need to move the stockade fences either.



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Yeah what do you do with it when you get it to your shop and it won't move other than skid it around.  Yeah wheel dollies.  I mean for the average guy who doesn't have all the extra toys. 

My excavator would sang it around with no problem.  But not everyone has an excavator handy. 

Edited by auburnseeker (see edit history)
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37 minutes ago, auburnseeker said:

I mean for the average guy who doesn't have all the extra toys. 


38 minutes ago, auburnseeker said:

My excavator would sang it around with no problem.  But not everyone has an excavator handy. 


I know, but ;look at the other side of yourself.  You knew what site work you could do, and what was better to farm out.


If a person really wanted that panel, but had little funds to have the retriever haul it home, you'd find the closest one to it, then have the guy yank it up/out, then dump it off in open area, then he hauls it back up tail first, and can get it on your trailer tail for you to help winch it, if its all stuck/flats


at home, just use your head...if you want it bad enough.  It's now home, so rest and think.

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Well this is not nearly of the condition the Dodge in the other thread was in.  I wouldn't have a problem with it being rodded.  I just hate to see anything completely hacked into something that barely resembles what it originally was especially if it never gets finished and the misguided path takes a turn that can't reasonably be returned from.  Like wise with modernizing every aspect of the car being done.  In 10 years those modern hot rods look like a 10 year old used car in styling that no one likes the look of anymore. 

I can't tell you the number of people that are probably regretting neutering 1949-1951 Chevies with Modern rounded headlights.  I have seen one at what seems like a real good price on the local craigslist forever. 

Kind of like the quad square headlights I see frenched in 40's cars done in the 1970's early 80's.   There  is atleast one of those on the local craigslist as well. 

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Those photos will make you look twice.  In the more open looking photo there is the fence,  in the other photos there is no fence but something else really shading the truck,  almost like a tree over it.  There is also a camper in the one photos and not one in the other.  Then the license plate is vertical in one and bent over in the other? 

The dirty laundry on the fence is a nice touch. 

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I'm surprised that nobody has expressed interest in the "former mint condition" 1953 Packard which is parked next to the truck.  I'm sure that it looked like this when it was parked:

Image result for 1953 Packard




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